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File metadata and controls

230 lines (230 loc) · 9.67 KB
  • 'newbie'.
  • 'tell '.
  • ' -h'.
  • 'board' / 'board '.
  • 'note write'.
  • Terminate notes with '@' on a line by itself.
  • 'who'.
  • 'alias' / 'galias'.
  • 'affects'.
  • 'buff'.
  • Skills used for 'buff' must be practiced to at least 50%.
  • 'toggle'.
  • 'autoskill' / 'killskill'.
  • 'battlespam'.
  • 'spam'.
  • 'pets' / 'petcall'.
  • 'help class' / 'help subclass' / 'class target '.
  • 'mudstats'.
  • 'read guide 9'.
  • 'mission'.
  • 'guide'. ' 'recall'.
  • 'waypoint'.
  • 'look in box'.
  • 'lore'.
  • 'areas'.
  • 'where'.
  • 'explored [list]'.
  • 'runto '.
  • 'consider'.
  • 'wimpy'.
  • 'flee'.
  • 'help armor class'.
  • 'showclass ' / 'showskill '.
  • 'help reset restart'.
  • 'get portrait box'.
  • 'scan'.
  • 'look around'.
  • 'score'.
  • 'score exp'.
  • 'train'.
  • 'practice'.
  • 'oscan' vs 'pscan'.
  • "where elder, try compass list.. compass lead if hes there.. sometimes the where command gives a room name which sorta tells you in the concept of a map where it is".
  • 'follow self' to quit following another character.
  • 'compass list'.
  • 'compass lead'.
  • 'help beginners luck'.
  • 'help limit break'.
  • 'list'.
  • 'appraise'.
  • 'buy'.
  • 'inventory'.
  • 'equipment'.
  • 'db'.
  • 'bind '.
  • 'sigil add '.
  • "Well done discovering a hidden exit! There are many hidden locations around the realm that can be discovered by examining your surroundings with the 'look around' command or examining the room description. Our builders enjoy keeping you on your toes, so keep in mind that not all keywords may appear when looking around. You may need to examine one keyword to find that another hidden keyword exists. Luckily, you will be notified when you discover hidden keywords, and once you do, they too will appear on 'look around'. Something that may help you in your explorations is the command 'mudpie hidden'. This command will confirm whether or not there is a hidden exit or keyword in the room. It won't tell you where to look, just that the room requires further examination."
  • 'talk rokjan'.
  • 'mission nearby'.
  • 'mission complete'.
  • 'mission start'.
  • 'mission started'.
  • 'mission list'.
  • 'mission info'.
  • 'mission location'.
  • 'guide 15' for pet info.
  • "Some monsters are aggressive and will attack you on sight, giving them the chance to catch you unawares and get in the first hit. The deter spell is a useful buff that will protect you against these mobs, allowing you to walk by them peacefully (unless they are much higher level than you, in which case they'll ignore deter). If you don't have access to the spell, many players will cast buffs on you via triggers listed in their bio. To check someone's bio, the command is 'bio '."
  • 'guide 1' for what to do with keys.
  • 'keyring'.
  • 'secrets'.
  • "[newbie] Phize: if you runto crafters you can find all the crafting skills there. foraging can be found on the west side near the garden. there is a quest that starts it!"
  • Do 'runto 1.crafters' then head west, then north, then do 'push runes'. ('look around' would have helped me.)
  • There is a waypoint in the secret area of Crafters Forge just mentioned.
  • 'craft inventory'.
  • Weaving requires a loom (can be in your toolkit (which has to be bought)).
  • 'craft help'.
  • 'mine cluster'.
  • 'clear debris'.
  • Give Landryl your pickaxe to repair it.
  • Pickaxe breakage will occur less frequently as one gets better at mining.
  • 'chop tree' / 'push tree' (when the time is right).
  • 'split log'.
  • To tan leather: 'skin ' (with knife), 'preserve skin' (with salt), 'scrape skin', then with a scraped skin, tannin, block of wood and a match in crafting inventory, 'make 1 leather' at Leatherworkers Craft Hall and then 'get leather cauldron'.
  • Kercha says to you, 'You can make them in any order, and I'll teach you the steps. You'll need a match, 3 chunks of coal, 1 block of wood, and of course the ores.'
  • Kercha says to you, 'To make steel, you'll need 2 iron ores. For bronze, you'll need 1 iron and 1 copper ore, and for a bar of brass, you'll need 2 copper ores.'
  • Kercha says to you, 'Use the make command to start the process! Such as 'make 1 steel', 'make 1 bronze', or 'make 1 brass'.'
  • 'light firepit' (with match, at smithy).
  • Then make ingot as described above.
  • 'stoke fire' (until blazing white).
  • 'heat state'.
  • 'skim dross'.
  • 'get all cauldron'.
  • 'craft inventory put ' (or even 'all').
  • 'guide 12' for info on character customization.
  • '(S)' stands for 'safe', '(N)' for neutral.
  • 'guide 2' for info on how to get rid of cursed items.
  • [newbie] KitKat Katenka: really depends on what you're into. If you like storylines, there are a ton of missions (some crafting related). hillock hills has an acolyte who can give you quite a few missions that will give you a good overview of activities you can do in the game. questing, expeditions, and junkyards will help you explore and earn experience or qp depending on what you have toggle questexp set to. the areas command (optionally area ) will show you places you can runto and explore
  • Quests (not the same as missions), which can be found (at least) in Hillock Hills from the Questmaster and the guess-the-word game are early ways to farm gold.
  • There is a Guildmaster in Hillock Hills for trains and practices.
  • 'guide 16'.
  • Phoenix downs will protect you from some unpleasant effects of death. (See 'guide 18'.)
  • See 'guide 19' for a detailed currency guide.
  • A second class can be added whenever and there is no disadvantage in starting early. Or maybe not:
  • [newbie] Washaki: it's up to you, but usually i see others adding them when they're fifty or so. i'm a Masochist, and usually weight till i actually legend my first, then add the secondary. i wouldn't recomend it.
  • 'class target '.
  • Matches can be used to light a light source.
  • 'help copytoggle'.
  • Darbyn says to you, 'Alrighty, I'll be happy to bestow my knowledge of gems upon you. You'll need 3 gems of the same condition and type, such as 3 chipped mana gems, a match, and a sulfur deposit. Once you're ready to melt them, say ready.'
  • 'craft inventory gems'.
  • 'toggle sector' to see the type of terrain you're in.
  • 'mine sectors'.
  • Darbyn says to you, 'To melt gems, you'll need 3 of the same condition and type, such as 3 chipped mana gems, a sulfur deposit, and a match. Place the materials in the cauldron and start the process with the syntax 'make gems'.' Darbyn says to you, 'After the process is complete, the next step will be to polish the gem.
  • Polishing a gem will enhance its qualities. You can only polish certain gems, such as gems that boost mana, hitpoints, hp regeneration, or one of the six stats like strength, dexterity, and so on. If your gem is one of those kinds, try your hand at polishing it. Otherwise, return to me with a different gem.'
  • 'craft inventory get perfect garnet'.
  • 'make gems' turns three chipped gems into one flawed gem and three flawed into one perfect.
  • There is no point in polishing any grade of gems but perfect, unless to train basic lapidary.
  • 'mine survey' (one mining is mastered).
  • 'craft inventory get all.flawed lazurite'.
  • 'help vault'.
  • [chat] Rowan: using scry, locate object, step, blink, gate, etc to help guess your phrase is perfectly legit. :D
  • [chat] Rowan: ...if sometimes deadly ;)
  • [chat] Rowan: "guess the phrase" uses names of mobs, objects, locations, etc in the game, so it does become easier as you get more experience in the game.
  • To complete the Darbyn's (first?) lapidary quest, polish a gem in front of him. (Or possibly 'mission complete' will do it.)
  • [Hint]: Place the materials for the level 75 whip in your crafting inventory with the syntax 'craft inventory put all'. Then use the syntax 'craft random' to start crafting a level 75 whip with randomized stats. Once you have begun, using the command 'craft state' will provide helpful tips for each step in the process.
  • 'craft help materials'.
  • 'craft nails 1'.
  • 'help artisans'.
  • Undersea Shipwrecks can be found from HoneyBee Village. Look for Coral Island (east from a bridge IIRC) and head down. 'look around' where needed and then 'pull plant'.
  • One can buy potions of underwater breathing from a vendor on Bamboo Bridge in Hillock Hills.
  • 'craft rod 1'.
  • 'compass' can add points of interest.
  • 'help 2.faux'.
  • Expeditions are more drawn-out quests, akin to campaigns over on Aardwolf.
  • Junkyards are similar except they're extended item quests.
  • Putting items in your crafting inventory means they don't count against weight limits.
  • Suggest turning off 'autoskill update'.
  • Most food items seem to require multiple bites to eat.
  • Put all gold in the bank before heading out to Bandit Camp.
  • HoneyBee Village has a bank.
  • [newbie] KitKat Katenka: If you have the quest points for it and are interested, craftscape is a nice option because you can specify the sector you want, and then you get 70 minutes to mine there with a slightly higher chance to load gems. It's a good option if you're in a level range where there aren't many options for you to get gems at the level you want. desert is pretty rare, for example
  • 'help lye'.
  • The Newbie Tree House is in the western side of Hillock Hills, appropriately up in a tree.
  • 'worth'.
  • Items for mission 'The will to create' are as follows: match, raft, shield, magic strand (can be gotten from gardening or killing bosses within level range)
  • [secrets] Arienda: you can type craft types to see a list of categories then craft armor for example to see the choices
  • 'help mobflags'.
  • Zorryn in Crafter's Forge will assign a mission that makes you a gardener and give you a guide to the same skill.
  • 'garden'.
  • 'craft imbue '.
  • 'craft inventory check '.
  • 'harvest'.
  • 'mults damroll'.