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Shreshth Tuli edited this page May 14, 2021 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Robot-task-planning wiki! This implementation contains all the models mentioned in the paper for next-action prediction.


In order to effectively perform activities in realistic environments like a home or a factory, robots often require tools. Determining if a tool could be effective in accomplishing a task can be helpful in scoping the search for feasible plans. This work aims at learning such "commonsense" to generalize and adapt to novel settings where one or more known tools are missing with the presence of unseen tools and world scenes. Towards this objective, we crowd-source a data set of humans instructing a robot in a Physics simulator perform tasks involving multi-step object interactions with symbolic state changes. The data set is used to supervise a learner that predicts the use of an object as a tool in a plan achieving the agent’s goal. The model encodes the agent’s environment, including metric and semantic properties, using gated graph convolutions and incorporates goal- conditioned spatial attention to predict the optimal tool to use. Compared to the baseline Tango performs much better in action prediction and plan execution on the generalization dataset on the home and factory domains respectively.

Navigating this wiki

This repository consists of the following wiki pages:

  1. Environment Setup
  2. Working with the simulator
  3. Creating the dataset
  4. Training your own models
  5. Replicating the results in the paper

Directory Structure

Folder/File Utility This is the main file to run the data collection platform. This file starts the web server at the default port 5000 on localhost. It starts an instance of PyBullet on the system and exposes the simulator to the user at the appropriate website. This is the main file used to train and evaluate all the models as mentioned in the paper. This is the main file for the PyBullet simulator. It is responsible for loading the PyBullet simulator, running the appropriate action and sending the appropriate exceptions wherever applicable. It also checks if the goal specified has been completed.
src/GNN/ This file contains the global constant used by the training pipeline like the number of epochs, hidden size used etc.
src/GNN/ This file contains the Dataset class, which can be used to process the dataset in any form as required by the training pipeline.
src/GNN/*models These contain the different PyTorch models that were used for training the system.
src/ This contains the datapoint class. All datapoints found in the dataset are an instance of this class.
jsons/embeddings These contain the files corresponding to fasttext and conceptnet embeddings.
jsons/*_goals These contain the goals which can be completed by the robot in the factory and the home domain.
jsons/*_worlds These contain the different world instances in the home and factory domain.
jsons/*.json These are configuration files for the simulator and the webapp. These define the different actions possible in the simulator, the different objects present in the simulator, states possible, readable form of actions to show on the webapp etc.
models/* This folder contains the stl and urdf files for all models which are loaded by the physics simulator used i.e Pybullet.
templates/* These are the templates that are used by the webapp to load the different tutorial webpages along with the actual data collection platform.
dataset/* These are files corresponding to training, test and generalization datasets.


A dataset of 1500 plans was collected from human teachers in a simulated environment containing a robot. The humans were given a goal, and were tild to provide the robot instructions in order for it to complete the task completely and efficiently. We release the platform used to collect the data. PyBullet was used for the physics simulation of the environment with a Flask back end in order to allow the collectection of data.

We also constructed a novel dataset called the GenTest dataset in order to test the generalization ability of our model. This dataset has also been released and can be found in the dataset/ folder.


We use two evaluation metrics:

  1. Action Prediction Accuracy: This is the fraction of actions predicted by the model, which matched the human demonstrated action a for a given state s.
  2. Plan Execution Accuracy: This is the fraction of estimated plans that are successful, i.e., can be executed by the robot in simulation and attain the intended goal (with an upper bound of 50 actions in the plan).

The results for TANGO, as compared to the baseline along with the individual contribution of each component, are shown below.

The figure below shows that the plans outputted by TANGO are quite close the human demonstrations for the datapoints present in the test set.


BSD-2-Clause. Copyright (c) 2020, Rajas Basal, Shreshth Tuli, Rohan Paul, Mausam All rights reserved.

See License file for more details.

In case of queries, please contact Shreshth Tuli at [email protected]

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