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Releases: realm/realm-dotnet


16 Sep 14:35
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11.5.0 (2023-09-15)


  • Streamlined some of the error codes reported in SessionException. A few error codes have been combined and some have been deprecated since they are no longer reported by the server. (Issue #3295)


  • Fixed the message of the MissingMemberException being thrown when attempting to access a non-existent property with the dynamic API. (PR #3432)
  • Fixed a Cannot marshal generic Windows Runtime types with a non Windows Runtime type as a generic type argument build error when using .NET Native. (Issue #3434, since 11.4.0)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core x.y.z.


16 Aug 15:47
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11.4.0 (2023-08-16)


  • Added IQueryable.SubscribeAsync API as a shorthand for using SubscriptionSet.Add. It is a syntax sugar that roughly translates to:
    realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
    await realm.Subscriptions.WaitForSynchronization();
    // This can now be expressed as
    await query.SubscribeAsync();
    It offers a parameter to control whether to wait every time for synchronization or just the first time a subscription is added, as well as cancellation token support. (PR #3403)
  • Added an optional cancellationToken argument to Session.WaitForDownloadAsync/WaitForUploadAsync. (PR #3403)
  • Added an optional cancellationToken argument to SubscriptionSet.WaitForSynchronization. (PR #3403)
  • Fixed a rare corruption of files on streaming format (often following compact, convert or copying to a new file). (Core 13.17.1)
  • Trying to search a full-text indexes created as a result of an additive schema change (i.e. applying the differences between the local schema and a synchronized realm's schema) could have resulted in an IllegalOperation error with the error code Column has no fulltext index. (Core 13.17.1)
  • Sync progress for DOWNLOAD messages from server state was updated wrongly. This may have resulted in an extra round-trip to the server. (Core 13.17.1)
  • Added option to use managed WebSockets (System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket) instead of Realm's built-in WebSocket client for Sync traffic. Managed WebSockets offer improved support for proxies and firewalls that require authentication. This feature is currently opt-in and can be enabled by setting AppConfiguration.UseManagedWebSockets to true. Managed WebSockets will become the default in a future version. (PR #3412).
  • Fixed an issue that would make realm.SyncSession garbage collected even when there are subscribers to realm.SyncSession.PropertyChanged.


  • Fixed a race condition between canceling an async write transaction and closing the Realm file, which could result in an ObjectDisposedException : Safe handle has been closed being thrown. (PR #3400)
  • Fixed an issue where in the extremely rare case that an exception is thrown by Realm.RefreshAsync, that exception would have been ignored and false would have been returned. (PR #3400)
  • Fixed the nullability annotation of SubscriptionSet.Find to correctly indicate that null is returned if the subscription doesn't exist in the subscription set. (PR #3403)
  • Fixed an issue where executing Filter queries using remapped properties would only work with the native name rather than the managed one. Now both will work - e.g.:
    partial class MyModel : IRealmObject
      public int Foo { get; set; }
    // Both of these are valid now
    realm.All<MyModel>().Filter("Foo > 5");
    realm.All<MyModel>().Filter("Bar > 5");
    (Issue #3149)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.17.1


26 Jul 17:36
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11.3.0 (2023-07-26)

Breaking Changes

  • AppConfiguration.LocalAppName and AppConfiguration.LocalAppVersion have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. They have never had an effect as the values supplied by the SDK was never sent to the server. (PR #3387)


  • Added App.BaseFilePath, App.BaseUri, and App.Id properties that return the values supplied in AppConfiguration. (PR #3385)
  • Added AppConfiguration.UseAppCache property that controls whether the App instance returned from App.Create should be cached or not. The general recommendation is to not set it (i.e. leave the default value of true), but it can be useful when writing unit tests. (Issue #3382).


  • Fixed a Unity Editor crash when the domain is reloaded while a Realm.GetInstanceAsync operation is in progress. (Issue #3344)
  • Fixed the implementation App.Equals and App.GetHashCode to return correct results, particularly when the App instance is cached. (PR #3385)
  • Fixed an issue where building for Android on Unity would fail with "Could not analyze the user's assembly. Object reference not set to an instance of an object". (Issue #3380)
  • A GeoBox is now just a shortcut for the equivilent GeoPolygon. This provides consistent query results and error checking. (Core 13.15.2)
  • Fixed several corner cases (eg. around the poles) where invalid points matched a geoWithin query. (Core 13.15.2)
  • Fixed an error during async open and client reset if properties have been added to the schema. This fix applies to PBS to FLX migration if async open is used. (Core 13.16.1)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.17.0


08 Jul 01:31
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11.2.0 (2023-07-07)


  • Added validation checks to the geospatial type constructors. This means that an exception will now be thrown when constructing an invalid geospatial shape rather than when using it in a query. (PR #3362)
  • Relaxed some validations when invoking IndexOf(null) on a collection of non-nullable types. Previously, this would throw an ArgumentNullException whereas now it will return -1. This is particularly useful for data-binding scenarios where the binding engine might invoke it as IndexOf(SelectedItem) which would throw an exception when SelectedItem is null. (PR #3369)
  • Changed RealmSet.IndexOf implementation to return the actual result rather than throw a NotSupportedException. The order of persisted sets is still non-deterministic, but is stable between write transactions. Again, this is mostly useful for data-binding scenarios where the set is passed as a binding context to a collection control. (PR #3369)


  • Fixed an issue on Unity on Windows when the weaver would trigger excessive terminal windows to open. (Issue #3364
  • Fixed an issue on Unity on CI where weaving would fail with the following error: Could not analyze the user's assembly. Cannot access a closed Stream.. (Issue #3364
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException when weaving classes on Unity in batch mode. (Issue #3363)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.15.0


20 Jun 22:54
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11.1.2 (2023-06-20)


  • Fixed a namespacing issue that would cause Maui Android projects to fail to build due to 'Realm' is a namespace but is used like a type. (Issue #3351)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.15.0


19 Jun 23:59
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11.1.1 (2023-06-19)


  • Fixed a namespacing issue that would cause Unity projects to fail to build due to 'Realm' is a namespace but is used like a type. (Issue #3351)
  • Improved the warning message when adding Realm attributes on a non-persisted property. (Issue #3352)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.15.0.


17 Jun 16:28
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11.1.0 (2023-06-17)


  • Deprecate the Realm.SourceGenerator and Realm.Fody packages. The source generation and weaver assemblies are now contained in the main Realm package. This should be a transparent change for users who only referenced the Realm package, but if you explicitly added a package reference to Realm.SourceGenerator or Realm.Fody, you should remove it. (PR #3319)
  • Automatically handle RealmObject->EmbeddedObject migrations by duplicating objects referenced by multiple parents as well as removing "orphaned" objects. (Issue #2408)
  • New notifiers can now be registered in write transactions until changes have actually been made in the write transaction. This makes it so that new notifications can be registered inside change notifications triggered by beginning a write transaction (unless a previous callback performed writes). (Core 13.10.1)
  • Partition-Based to Flexible Sync Migration for migrating a client app that uses partition based sync to use flexible sync under the hood if the server has been migrated to flexible sync is officially supported with this release. Any clients using an older version of Realm (including the original support released in Core 11.0.0) will receive a "switch to flexible sync" error message when trying to sync with the app. (Core 13.11.0)
  • Support sort/distinct based on values from a dictionary e.g. .Filter("TRUEPREDICATE SORT(meta['age'])"). (Core 13.14.0)
  • Added initial support for geospatial queries on points. (Issue #3299)
    • In this version, only queries of the form "is this point contained in this shape" (equivalent to $geoWithin in MongoDB) are supported.
    • There is no index support right now.
    • There is no dedicated type for persisted geospatial points. Instead, points should be stored as GeoJson-shaped embedded object and queries will use duck-typing to check if the shape contains the object. For convenience, here's an example embedded object that you can use in lieu of a Realm-provided dedicated type:
      public partial class Location : IEmbeddedObject
        // The coordinates and type properties are mandatory but may be private.
        // You can add more fields if necessary - those will be ignored when doing
        // geospatial queries.
        private IList<double> Coordinates { get; } = null!;
        private string Type { get; set; } = "Point";
        public double Latitude => Coordinates.Count > 1 ? Coordinates[1] : throw new Exception($"Invalid coordinate array. Expected at least 2 elements, but got: {Coordinates.Count}");
        public double Longitude => Coordinates.Count > 1 ? Coordinates[0] : throw new Exception($"Invalid coordinate array. Expected at least 2 elements, but got: {Coordinates.Count}");
        public Location(double latitude, double longitude)
          // According to the GeoJson spec, longitude must come first in the
          // coordinates array.
      // Example usage
      public partial class Company : IRealmObject
        public Location Location { get; set; }
    • Three new shape types and one helper point type are added to allow you to check for containment:
      • GeoPoint: a building block for the other shape types - it cannot be used as a property type on your models and is only intended to construct the other shape types. It can be constructed implicitly from a value tuple of latitude and longitude:
        var point = new GeoPoint(latitude: 12.345, longitude: 67.890);
        var point = (12.345, 67.890);
      • GeoCircle: a shape representing a circle on a sphere constructed from a center and radius:
        var circle = new GeoCircle(center: (12.34, 56.78), radius: 10); // radius in radians
        var circle = new GeoCircle((12.34, 56.78), Distance.FromKilometers(10));
      • GeoBox: a shape representing a box on a sphere constructed from its bottom left and top right corners:
        var box = new GeoBox((12.34, 56.78), (15.34, 59.78));
      • GeoPolygon: an arbitrary polygon constructed from an outer ring and optional holes:
        var polygon = new GeoPolygon((10, 10), (20, 20), (0, 20), (10, 10)); // a triangle with no holes
        var outerRing = new GeoPoint[] { (10, 10), (20, 20), (0, 20), (10, 10) };
        var hole1 = new GeoPoint[] { (1, 1), (2, 2), (0, 2), (1, 1) };
        var hole2 = new GeoPoint[] { (5, 5), (6, 6), (4, 6), (5, 5) };
        var polygon = new GeoPolygon(outerRing, hole1, hole2); // A triangle with two smaller triangular holes
    • Querying can be done either via LINQ or RQL:
      var matches = realm.All<Company>().Where(c => QueryMethods.GeoWithin(c.Location, circle));
      var matches = realm.All<Company>().Filter("Location GEOWITHIN $0", circle);
  • Support sort/distinct based on values from a dictionary e.g. realm.All<MyModel>().Filter("TRUEPREDICATE SORT(meta['age'])"). (Core 13.14.0)
  • Fixed a potential crash when opening the realm after failing to download a fresh FLX realm during an automatic client reset. (Core 13.14.0)


  • Fixed a fatal error (reported to the sync error handler) during client reset (or automatic PBS to FLX migration) if the reset has been triggered during an async open and the schema being applied has added new classes. (Core 13.11.0)
  • Full text search would sometimes find words where the word only matches the beginning of the search token. (Core 13.11.0)
  • We could crash when removing backlinks in cases where forward links did not have a corresponding backlink due to corruption. We now silently ignore this inconsistency in release builds, allowing the app to continue. (Core 13.12.0)
  • IDictionary<string, IRealmObject?> would expose unresolved links rather than mapping them to null. In addition to allowing invalid objects to be read from Dictionaries, this resulted in queries on Dictionaries sometimes having incorrect results. (Core 13.12.0)
  • Access token refresh for websockets was not updating the location metadata. (Core 13.13.0)
  • Using both synchronous and asynchronous transactions on the same thread or scheduler could hit the assertion failure "!realm.is_in_transaction()" if one of the callbacks for an asynchronous transaction happened to be scheduled during a synchronous transaction. (Core 13.13.0)
  • Fixed a potential crash when opening the realm after failing to download a fresh FLX realm during an automatic client reset. (Core 13.14.0)
  • Setting a property containing an embedded object to the same embedded object used to throw an exception with the text Can't link to an embedded object that is already managed. Now it is a no-op instead. (Issue #3262)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.15.0.
  • Overhauled and extended the metrics collection of the SDK to better drive future development effort. (PR #3209)


08 May 21:28
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11.0.0 (2023-05-08)

Breaking changes

  • The error argument in NotificationCallbackDelegate and DictionaryNotificationCallbackDelegate used in *collection*.SubscribeForNotifications has been removed. It has been unused for a long time, since internal changes to the database made it impossible for errors to occur during notification callbacks. (Issue #3014)
  • Removed RealmObjectBase.GetBacklinks - instead RealmObjectBase.DynamicApi.GetBacklinksFromType should be used. (Issue #2391)
  • Removed Realm.DynamicApi.CreateObject(string, object) and replaced it with more specialized overloads:
    • RealmObjectBase.DynamicApi.CreateObject(string) can be used to create an object without a primary key.
    • RealmObjectBase.DynamicApi.CreateObject(string, string/long?/ObjectId?/Guid?) can be used to create an object with a primary key of the corresponding type.
  • The API exposed by Realm.DynamicApi no longer return dynamic, instead opting to return concrete types, such as IRealmObject, IEmbeddedObject, and so on. You can still cast the returned objects to dynamic and go through the dynamic API, but that's generally less performant than using the string-based API, such as IRealmObjectBase.DynamicApi.Get/Set, especially on AOT platforms such as iOS or Unity. (Issue #2391)
  • Removed Realm.WriteAsync(Action<Realm>) in favor of Realm.WriteAsync(Action). The new WriteAsync method introduced in 10.14.0 is more efficient and doesn't require reopening the Realm on a background thread. While not recommended, if you prefer to get the old behavior, you can write an extension method like:
    public static async Task WriteAsync(this Realm realm, Action<Realm> writeAction)
      await Task.Run(() =>
        using var bgRealm = Realm.GetInstance(realm.Config);
        bgRealm.Write(() =>
      await realm.RefreshAsync();
    (PR #3234)
  • Removed InMemoryConfiguration.EncryptionKey. It was never possible to encrypt in-memory Realms and setting that property would have resulted in runtime errors. (PR #3236)
  • Removed SyncConfiguration - use PartitionSyncConfiguration or FlexibleSyncConfiguration instead. (PR #3237)
  • Removed Realm.GetSession - use Realm.SyncSession instead. (PR #3237)
  • Removed DiscardLocalResetHandler - use DiscardUnsyncedChangedHandler instead. (PR #3237)
  • Removed Session.SimulateClientReset extensions. These didn't work with automatic reset handlers and were more confusing than helpful. (PR #3237)
  • Removed AppConfiguration.CustomLogger and AppConfiguration.LogLevel - use Logger.Default and Logger.LogLevel instead. (PR #3238)
  • Removed RealmConfigurationBase.ObjectClasses - use RealmConfigurationBase.Schema instead. (PR #3240)
  • Removed ObjectSchema.IsEmbedded - use ObjectSchema.BaseType instead. (PR #3240)
  • Removed ObjectSchema.Builder.IsEmbedded - use ObjectSchema.Builder.RealmSchemaType instead. (PR #3240)
  • Removed ObjectSchema.Builder(string name, bool isEmbedded = false) - use Builder(string name, ObjectSchemaType schemaType) instead. (PR #3240)
  • Removed RealmSchema.Find - use RealmSchema.TryFindObjectSchema instead. (PR #3240)
  • Removed User.GetPushClient as it has been deprecated in Atlas App Services - see (PR #3241)
  • Removed SyncSession.Error event - use SyncConfigurationBase.OnSessionError when opening a Realm instead. (PR #3241)
  • Removed the parameterless constructor for ManualRecoveryHandler - use the one that takes a callback instead. (PR #3241)
  • RealmValue.AsString will now throw an exception if the value contains null. If you want to get a nullable string, use AsNullableString. (PR #3245)
  • RealmValue.AsData will now throw an exception if the value contains null. If you want to get a nullable byte[], use AsNullableData. (PR #3245)
  • RealmValue.AsRealmObject will now throw an exception if the value contains null. If you want to get a nullable string, use AsNullableRealmObject. (PR #3245)
  • Realm.SyncSession will now throw an error if the Realm is not opened with a PartitionSyncConfiguration or FlexibleSyncConfiguration - before it used to return null. (PR #3245)
  • Realm.Subscriptions will now throw an error if the Realm is not opened with a FlexibleSyncConfiguration - before it used to return null. (PR #3245)
  • Removed PermissionDeniedException as it was no longer possible to get it. (Issue #3272)
  • Removed some obsolete error codes from the ErrorCode enum. All codes removed were obsolete and no longer emitted by the server. (PR 3273)
  • Removed IncompatibleSyncedFileException as it was no longer possible to get it. (Issue #3167)
  • The Realms.Schema.Property API now use IndexType rather than a boolean indicating whether a property is indexed. (Issue #3281)
  • The extension methods in StringExtensions (Like, Contains) are now deprecated. Use the identical ones in QueryMethods instead - e.g. realm.All<Foo>().Where(f => f.Name.Like("Mic*l")) would need to be rewritten like realm.All<Foo>().Where(f => QueryMethods.Like(f.Name, "Mic*l")).


  • Added nullability annotations to the Realm assembly. Now methods returning reference types are correctly annotated to indicate whether the returned value may or may not be null. (Issue #3248)
  • Replacing a value at an index (i.e. myList[1] = someObj) will now correctly raise CollectionChange notifications with the Replace action. (Issue #2854)
  • It is now possible to change the log level at any point of the application's lifetime. (PR #3277)
  • Some log messages have been added to the Core database. Events, such as opening a Realm or committing a transaction will now be logged. (Issue #2910)
  • Added support for Full-Text search (simple term) queries. (Issue #3281)
    • To enable FTS queries on string properties, add the [Indexed(IndexType.FullText)] attribute.
    • To run LINQ queries, use QueryMethods.FullTextSearch: realm.All<Book>().Where(b => QueryMethods.FullTextSearch(b.Description, "fantasy novel")).
    • To run Filter queries, use the TEXT operator: realm.All<Book>().Filter("Description TEXT $0", "fantasy novel").
  • Performance improvement for the following queries (Core 13.8.0):
    • Significant (~75%) improvement when counting (IQueryable.Count()) the number of exact matches (with no other query conditions) on a string/int/UUID/ObjectID property that has an index. This improvement will be especially noticiable if there are a large number of results returned (duplicate values).
    • Significant (~99%) improvement when querying for an exact match on a DateTimeOffset property that has an index.
    • Significant (~99%) improvement when querying for a case insensitive match on a RealmValue property that has an index.
    • Moderate (~25%) improvement when querying for an exact match on a Boolean property that has an index.
    • Small (~5%) improvement when querying for a case insensitive match on a RealmValue property that does not have an index.
    • Moderate (~30%) improvement of equality queries on a non-indexed RealmValue.
  • Enable multiple processes to operate on an encrypted Realm simultaneously. (Core 13.9.0)
  • Improve performance of rolling back write transactions after making changes. If no notifications events are subscribed to, this is now constant time rather than taking time proportional to the number of changes to be rolled back. Rollbacks when there are notifications subscriptions are 10-20% faster. (Core 13.9.4)
  • PBS to FLX Migration for migrating a client app that uses partition based sync to use flexible sync under the hood if the server has been migrated to flexible sync. (Core 13.10.0)


  • Fixed an issue that could cause a The specified table name is already in use exception when creating a new Realm file on multiple threads. (Issue #3302)
  • Fixed a bug that may have resulted in arrays being in different orders on different devices. Some cases of “Invalid prior_size” may be fixed too. (Core 13.7.1)
  • Fixed a crash when querying a RealmValue propert...
Read more


21 Apr 14:21
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10.21.1 (2023-04-21)


  • Fixed a crash that occurs when the server sends a PermissionDenied error. (Issue #3292)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.6.0.


24 Mar 05:19
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10.21.0 (2023-03-24)


  • Added SyncConfiguration.CancelAsyncOperationsOnNonFatalErrors which controls whether async operations (such as Realm.GetInstanceAsync, Session.WaitForUploadAsync and so on) should throw an exception whenever a non-fatal session error occurs. (Issue #3222)
  • Added AppConfiguration.SyncTimeoutOptions which has a handful of properties that control sync timeouts, such as the connection timeout, ping-pong intervals, and others. (Issue #3223)
  • Updated some of the exceptions being thrown by the SDK to align them better with system exceptions and include more information - for example, we'll now throw ArgumentException when invalid arguments are provided rather than RealmException. (Issue #2796)
  • Added a new exception - CompensatingWriteException that contains information about the writes that have been reverted by the server due to permissions. It will be passed to the supplied FlexibleSyncConfiguration.OnSessionError callback similarly to other session errors. (Issue #3258)


  • Changed the way the Realm SDK registers BsonSerializers. Previously, it would indiscriminately register them via BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer, which would conflict if your app was using the MongoDB.Bson package and defined its own serializers for DateTimeOffset, decimal, or Guid. Now, registration happens via BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializationProvider, which means that the default serializers used by the SDK can be overriden by calling BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer at any point before a serializer is instantiated or by calling BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializationProvider after creating an App/opening a Realm. (Issue #3225)
  • Creating subscriptions with queries having unicode parameters causes a server error. (Core 13.6.0)


  • Realm Studio: 13.0.0 or later.


  • Using Core 13.6.0.
  • Cancel existing builds when a new commit is pushed to a PR. (PR #3260)