Bugfixes 🐛
[DeadCode] Skip multi no stmts on RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector (#5258 )
[Performance][Renaming] Remove unnecessary array_reverse() on RenameClassRector (#5266 )
[TypeDeclaration] Skip default not array type on StrictArrayParamDimFetchRector (#5259 )
[TypeDeclaration] Skip echo-ed on StrictArrayParamDimFetchRector (#5260 )
[Php71] Skip re-assigned as array on AssignArrayToStringRector (#5261 )
[Php71] Ensure re-assign after definition on AssignArrayToStringRector (#5262 )
[Renaming] Handle Rename no namespace to namespaced class with existing use statements (#5264 )
[Renaming][Performance] Re-structure check namespace only on renamed node got Namespace_ (#5265 )
[Php81] Skip increment/decrement on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#5267 )
[TypeDeclaration] Deprecate TypedPropertyFromStrictGetterMethodReturnTypeRector as depends on missing context and creates invalid code (#5269 )
[AutoImport] Fixing auto import on multiple @\ usage (#5271 )
[Performance][Renaming] Use FullyQualified on RenameClassRector (#5272 )
[AutoImport] Handle complex usage of multiple @\ combined with other doc (#5273 )
[AutoImport] Handle multi @\ usage on multiline description (#5274 )
[Php80] Handle FQCN @\ usage on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#5240 )
[BetterPhpDocParser] Handle nested doctrine annotation with single quote content (#5281 )
[Privatization] Skip method with parent call (#5283 )
[BetterPhpDocParser] Use ORIG_NODE attribute on DoctrineAnnotationDecorator on handle @\ after generic (#5285 )
[Php80] Allow subnamespace from use statements support on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#5287 )
Removed 💀
Remove deprecated Rector rules (#5270 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.