New Features and Improvements 🥳
[build] Remove duplicated phpstan/phpstan from the build, as require by build package in composer.json already (rectorphp/rector-src@51ed7b6 )
AddParamTypeBasedOnPHPUnitDataProviderRector: Check all data providers (#5068 ), Thanks @jlherren !
AddParamTypeBasedOnPHPUnitDataProviderRector: Enhance existing rule to handle PHPUnit 10+ DataProvider Attribute (#4925 ), Thanks @mcampbell508 !
make PhpDocInfo::findByAnnotationClass() public to use in Symfony rules (#5103 )
Bugfixes 🐛
Feature/fix class annotation bad print (#5081 ), Thanks @etshy !
[Performance] Avoid ReflectionProvider check function exists on NameImportingPostRector (#5083 )
InlineConstructorDefaultToPropertyRector Readonly Class (#5085 ), Thanks @beschoenen !
[CodeQuality] Handle crash on variable variable on assign closure on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#5089 )
[NodeTypeResolver] Use isScalar()->yes() usage on StaticTypeAnalyzer and ScalarTypeComparator services (#5099 )
[ProcessAnalyzer] Ensure instanceof Stmt on check infinite loop on not yet has "created_by_rule" attribute (#5100 )
[DX] Rename shouldImportName() to shouldSkipName() on ClassNameImportSkipper (#5107 )
The ReturnTypeFromReturnNewRector must only handle new instances, to avoid leaking to everything (#5115 )
[Php80] Skip when already implements Stringable and has string return type on StringableForToStringRector (#5120 )
Removed and Deprecated 💀
[DX] Remove CurrentFileProvider dependency on ChangedNodeScopeRefresher (#5087 )
[DX] Remove DependencyClassMethodDecorator as not used anymore due to paralel nature (#5094 )
[PostRector] Remove CurrentFileProvider on PostFileProcessor (#5097 )
[Comments] Remove unused copy Node object on CommentRemover (#5103 )
[Performance][AutoImport] Remove just renamed check on ClassNameImportSkipper (#5106 )
Deprecate CountOnNullRector as depends on previous context and require manual adjustment of previous result (#5101 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.