A list of tests to be included in future unit tests:
- Front page loads
- Can enter valid data in each field
- Errors show up correctly for invalid data
- Focusing and unfocusing in a formfield without inputting data causes correct tooltip to come up
- Submit button sends request:
- nonexistent zip code gets "Sorry, we didn't recognize..."
- existent zip without region gets "Sorry" with correct county
- zip in inactive region gets "Sorry" with correct county
- zip in active region gets "Thank you" with ID (public id)
- "Thank you" or "Sorry" page shows up as expected
- Email is sent to correct person/people
- language switcher is visible
- changing the language works on the front page
- the language remains consistent from the home page to the sorry and thank you pages.
- tooltips and default text show up in the correct language
- all requests show up (nonexistent zip, existent zip, inactive zip, active zip)
- sort by all options
- search by name
- search by start date
- search by end date
- search by start and end date
- search by all regions
- search by a region
- search by status
- change pagination
For testing in development, you'll need to acquire a twilio phone number. See ../INSTALL.md for detailed instructions.
- can switch language from english to spanish and vice versa
- all SMS's send, in correct order, in any language
- save the provided phone number or the "from" number, as directed
- the correct information is saved in the database
- requester receives correct final response (sorry, or thank you with public id)
- suggested texts:
- active region in english
- active region in spanish
- inactive region in english
- inactive region in spanish
- nonexistent zipcode in english
- nonexistent zipcode in Spanish
- Respond to "help" or "info" texts appropriately
- as the first text received
- in the middle of a request
- at the end of a request
- start a next request without error after completing one
- even after sending an "info" text
- on initial page load, all requests in regions that the user has access to are returned.
- if some regions are checked, then they remain checked after "apply filters" is clicked
- requests are returned only in the checked regions
- when "clear filters" is clicked, all accessible regions are checked and all accessible requests are returned
- if no regions are selected, no requests are returned
- selected filters are maintained in exported file
- all results are exported (not just the first page)
- after export, new filters/sorting can be applied without error
- CSV includes correct ID number (public id) and region
- when you navigate to /kiosk, you see the same page as at /
- all request submission behavior is the same as on the front page (/)
- on both thankyou and sorry pages, you see a countdown which, when it reaches zero, redirects to /kiosk
- the link on the thankyou/sorry pages works to get back to /kiosk