This collection of files will help you to run docker on a vmware fusion guesti vm.
I have created this because boot2docker and friends dont work with vmware fusion (for me)
- ensures /vagrant mount
- maps /data to /vagrant/data/$HOSTNAME/
- persistent docker storeage on mac host disk via /data/docker/$docker-container-name/
- saves network ip address to /data/state/$ifname
- saves list of interfaces to /data/state/interfaces
- accepts environment var APT_CACHER to set apt-cacher:port
- configure docker to listen to network and state file
- vagrant
- docker client
- vmware fusion
Fetch Repo:
git clone
Launch a vmware fusion guest using Vagrant:
BOXNAME=docker1 vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion
Once you finished, the vagrant status should show the box running:
vagrant status
Grab from the output the vagrant provisoning the ip address of the new docker host and export it so we can use it later
echo "x.y.z.s" > ~/.docker-ip
export DOCKER_IP=`cat ~/.docker-ip`
export DOCKER_IP=x.y.z.s
We should then be able to talk to the docker daemon running in the vmware box aka the dockerhost:
docker -H tcp://$DOCKERIP:4243 ps
I like to setup a shell alias like:
alias dockr='docker -H tcp://$DOCKER_IP:4243'
so i can just run
dockr ps
instead of
docker -H tcp://$DOCKER_IP:4243 images
i Pulldown a mongo docker image:
dockr pull dockerfile/mongodb
Start new container running the mongodb:
- as a daemon (-d)
- map docker volume (-v) in vm folder /data/docker/mongodb to container path /data
- map port (-p) 28017 on docker host to 28017 in container
dockr run -d -v /data/docker/mongodb:/data -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 dockerfile/mongodb
This will map the mongodb database path to data/docker1/docker/mongodb
ls -l data/docker1/docker/mongodb
You will be able to connect to the mongo database via address $DOCKER_IP on the ports that were mapped earlier