If you are submitting a bug with moment, please create a jsfiddle demonstrating the issue.
To contribute, fork the library and install these npm packages.
npm install jshint uglify-js nodeunit
You can add tests to the files in /test/moment
or add a new test file if you are adding a new feature.
To run the tests, do make test
to run all tests, make test-moment
to test the core library, and make test-lang
to test all the languages.
To check the filesize, you can use make size
To minify all the files, use make moment
to minify moment, make langs
to minify all the lang files, or just make
to minfy everything.
If your code passes the unit tests (including the ones you wrote), submit a pull request.
Moment.js now uses git-flow. If you're not familiar with git-flow, please read up on it, you'll be glad you did.
When submitting new features, please create a new feature branch using git flow feature start <name>
and submit the pull request to the develop
Pull requests for enhancements for features should be submitted to the develop
branch as well.
When submitting a bugfix, please check if there is an existing bugfix branch. If the latest stable version is 1.5.0
, the bugfix branch would be hotfix/1.5.1
. All pull requests for bug fixes should be on a hotfix
branch, unless the bug fix depends on a new feature.
The master
branch should always have the latest stable version. When bugfix or minor releases are needed, the develop/hotfix branch will be merged into master and released.