- This is a development plan for the backend of the mighub project
- The backend is implemented in the meteor framework
- This is in fact the backend for the RefugeeTech Platform
- GET project logo URL using project.links where type == logo
- GET project mainPic URL using projects.links where type = mainPic
- GET project gallery pic URLs usign project.links where type = pic
NOTE: Step0 has been implemented in the ProjectsSchema.links.type schema definition
{label:"Project Pic", value:"mainPic"},
{label:"Project Logo", value:"logo"},
{label:"Picture", value:"pic"}
- Create a new Schema/Collection for Picture Links
- Be able to easily fetch pictures/logos of needed size
- Be able to easily save pictures/logos of needed size with a structured name schema
- Implement the file storage capability using the following packages already installed:
- Get project Home Page URL using project.links where type == home
- Get project Web App URL using project.links where type == webApp
Step0 has been implemented in the ProjectsSchema.links.type schema definition
{label: "Home Page", value:"home"},
{label: "Web App", value:"webApp"}
Previous link type definitions:
//generic link types
{label: "Web", value: "web"},
{label: "Article", value: "article"},
{label: 'Blog', value:"blog"},
{label: "Other", value:"other"},
{label: 'App Store', value:"appStore"},
{label: 'Google Play', value:"googlePlay"},
{label: 'Windows Store', value:"windowsStore"},
//social media types
{label: "Blogger", value: "blogger"},
{label: "Facebook", value: "facebook"},
{label: "Twitter", value: "twitter"},
{label: "Instagram", value: "instagram"},
{label: "Linkedin", value: "linkedin"}
Define endpoints for Tags collection
Define endpoints Categories definitions
Define endpoints to get projects by categories
- Define endpoints to get projects by having all specified categories
- Define endpoints to get projects by having only specified categories
- Define endpoints to get projects by having any specified categories
Define endpoints to get projects by tags
- Define endpoints to get projects by having all specified tags
- Define endpoints to get projects by having only specified tags
- Define endpoints to get projects by having any specified tags
Define endpoint to get all projects sorted under all categories
Define endpoint to get all projects sorted under all tags
Step0 has been implemented and has been described in the file API00.md
{label: "Home Page", value:"home"},
{label: "Web App", value:"webApp"}
- Install users package (to handle api users)
- Install roles package
- Install the restivus api package
- Configure the package
- Test the installation
- Define endpoints to update project
- Add security to API
- Add API Keys capability to API
- Add security to API
- Define endpoints to add comments to project
- Decide if comments should be in a separate collection or within the project //SEPARATE COLLECTION CHOSEN
- If separate collection
- Decide if comments should be embedded with an id in a comments array in project //NOT EMBEDDED CHOSEN
- IF embedded
- Find out how to update the project when a new comment has been created in the comments collection referencing said projects id
- IF embedded
- add 'comments' top folder //COMPLETED
- add comments/collection folder //COMPLETED
- add collection.js file //COMPLETED
- add new mongo collection //COMPLETED
- check out projects/collections/collection.js for reference
- add new schema definition in a new file comments/collections/schema.js //COMPLETED
- field 1: projectId , type = string, optional = false => id of the project the comment is made for //COMPLETED
- field 2: value/text, type = string, min = (an integer for the minimum amount of characters for the comment), max = (ditto max characters for the comment) //COMPLETED
- Decide if comments should be embedded with an id in a comments array in project //NOT EMBEDDED CHOSEN
- Define endpoints to add reviews to project
- Analogous to breakdown of comments above
- Define endpoints to add ratings to project
- Analogous to breakdown of comments above
- Define endpoints to fetch all comments
- Ditto Reviews, Ratings
- Defined endpoints to fetch all comments/ratings/reviews on specific project
- Ditto Reviews, Ratings
- Prepare the API for an MVP release
- Upvote projects
- Fetch Projects
- embedd the count of upvotes
- Use versioning for the api endpoints
- /api/0/
- Handle errors and unwanted requests
- Comment out evrything not used for the mvp
- Make the API RESTful
- Structure the API for reusability