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Instructions to transfer tokens b/w chains

The following instructions are for transfering the tokens from aplikigo-1 (source) chain to regen-devnet-4 (destination) chain and transfer them back to source chain.

Setting up the realyer

Useful links:

Install Relayer:

export RELAYER=$GOPATH/src/
mkdir -p $(dirname $RELAYER) && git clone $RELAYER && cd $RELAYER

git checkout colin/425-refactor-update-msgs

make install

Setup the relayer & make ibc transfer

  • Step-1: Init relayer config

    rly config init
  • Step-2: Write regen-devnet-4 and aplikigo-1 chain configs into separate json files.

    Note: Please change gas-prices value based on your rpc-node. Also make sure to update the aplikigo-1 RPC node if you are running this on a different machine.

    Also please update your keyname as wish. testkey is being used as an example in this document

    $ echo "{\"key\":\"testkey\",\"chain-id\":\"regen-devnet-4\",\"rpc-addr\":\"\",\"account-prefix\":\"regen:\",\"gas-adjustment\":1.5,\"gas-prices\":\"0.025uregen\",\"trusting-period\":\"336h\"}" > regen-devnet-4.json
    $ echo "{\"key\":\"testkey\",\"chain-id\":\"aplikigo-1\",\"rpc-addr\":\"http://localhost:26657\",\"account-prefix\":\"regen:\",\"gas-adjustment\":1.5,\"gas-prices\":\"0.025utree\",\"trusting-period\":\"336h\"}" > aplikigo-1.json
  • Step-3: Add above both chains to relayer Option-1: Add individual chains

    rly ch a -f regen-devnet-4.json
    rly ch a -f aplikigo-1.json

Option-2: Add bulk (by copying both json files into one folder) ```sh

rly chains add-dir  <path-to-chains-folder>/
  • Step-4 Export source and destination chain-ids to variables.

    Note: Please update the path name as you wish

    export SRC=aplikigo-1
    export DST=regen-devnet-4
    export PTH=demo-path
  • Step-5 Create IBC light clients locally

    rly light init $SRC -f 
    rly l i $DST -f
  • Step-6 Add/Import keys Ensure each chain has its appropriate key. Import your keys by using:

    rly keys restore $SRC testkey "{{mnemonic-words}}"
    rly keys restore $DST testkey "{{mnemonic-words}}"

    show key will return address of chain's default key i.e., testkey

    rly keys show $SRC
    rly keys show $DST
  • Step-7 Request some funds on regen-devnet-4 here:

  • Step-8 Ensure you have funds on both chains

    rly query bal $SRC
    rly query bal $DST

    Note: If you don't have funds, you cannot make transactions

  • Step-9 Add path between chains

    $ echo "{\"src\":{\"chain-id\":\"$SRC\",\"port-id\":\"transfer\",\"order\":\"unordered\",\"version\":\"ics20-1\"},\"dst\":{\"chain-id\":\"$DST\",\"port-id\":\"transfer\",\"order\":\"unordered\",\"version\":\"ics20-1\"},\"strategy\":{\"type\":\"naive\"}}" > $PTH.json
    $ rly pth add $SRC $DST $PTH -f $PTH.json
  • Step-10 Link path (creates client, connections and channels)

    rly tx link $PTH
  • Step-11 Send some funds back and forth

    rly q bal $SRC
    rly q bal $DST
    # transfer tokens from source chain to dst chain
    rly tx transfer $SRC $DST {{amount}} $(rly ch addr $DST)
    # check balance again
    rly q bal $SRC
    rly q bal $DST
    # relay packets to complete tokens transfer
    rly tx relay-packets $PTH
    rly q bal $SRC
    rly q bal $DST
    # You can send back ibc tokens from dst to src
    rly tx transfer $DST $SRC {{amount}} $(rly ch addr $SRC)

BONUS Transfer uregen tokens from regen-devnet-4 to aplikigo-1