- Hashtag segmentation
- Manually identified set of patterns for filtering query-type tags
- Hand labeled dictionary of 6000 tags and their concepts
- Test script for classifying new tags into respective clusters
Need to have the following installed for the code to work correctly:
- Python 3.0, or higher
- NLTK, along with wordnet
/pattern_filter/filter_query_type_tags.py <hashtagfile>
Outputs a file containing segmented query type tags identified in the original hashtag file. -
A simple exact word matching algorithm to identify the cluster of the tag, using the hand labeled dictionary. -
Identify the cluster the tag belongs to, using the dictionary and word similarity measures from wordnet.
- [Stanford Dependency Parser] (http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-parser.shtml)
- [Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010] (http://wordnet.princeton.edu)
- [Wordsegment python module] (https://github.com/grantjenks/wordsegment)