diff --git a/docs/Memory Model.md b/docs/Memory Model.md
index bab18f59..5d2c2114 100644
--- a/docs/Memory Model.md	
+++ b/docs/Memory Model.md	
@@ -148,7 +148,76 @@ follows:
 ### Function Pointers
-This section is TBD, and will be filled in as part of the work on function pointers.
+Function pointers are in common usage in LLVM, making it crucial that Hieratika is able to support
+their usage. To that end, the following section outlines their integration with the memory model.
+The precondition for this design is to first understand that we are not considering function
+pointers to be _true pointers_ at this stage. While LLVM insists that they _are_—and offsets from
+them can be used to access adjacent data such as
+[prefix](https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#prefix-data) or
+[prologue](https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#prologue-data) data—these features do not seem to be
+used by Rust and hence can be safely ignored for now.
+As a result, Hieratika treats function pointers _specially_, as follows:
+- In LLVM IR, function pointer values are _always_ derived from function pointer constants,
+  referring directly to the encoded name of some function.
+- The Hieratika compiler, at the point of generating function stubs, will generate global constants
+  for these function pointer constants, derived from the correct `blockaddress` expression,
+  containing a _relocatable_ reference to a block (`block_ptr`), and information about which module
+  the block was defined in (`module_id`).
+- The compiler then generates _dispatch functions_ (named
+  `format!("__hieratika_dispatch_local_{function_type}")`). These dispatch functions take the
+  correct arguments `A...` for their type, as well as the function pointer `ptr` and match on the
+  provided function pointer's `block_ptr` portion.
+- If the `block_ptr` matches, the local dispatch function will call the correct target function (in
+  the current module) for this function pointer, passing the provided arguments and thereby calling
+  the correct function for that pointer.
+Consider, by way of example, a dispatch function `__hieratika_dispatch_local_(i8, i8) -> i16`. It
+would have an implementation similar to the following pseudocode.
+fn __hieratika_dispatch_local_i8_i8_i16(function_pointer: ptr, arg1: i8, arg2: i8) -> i16 {
+    match function_pointer.block_ptr {
+        0 => function_zero(arg1, arg2),
+        1 => function_one(arg1, arg2),
+        // ...
+        _ => panic!("Found function pointer {function_pointer} for function (i8, i8) -> i16 but no such target exists")
+    }
+This results in a raft of dispatch functions for all possible function types in a module, which can
+then be used to _locally_ discover the correct function to call through a function pointer.
+This, however, is insufficient for _general-case_ function pointer dispatch. Where LLVM's
+traditional [`blockaddress`](https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#addresses-of-basic-blocks)
+expressions cannot escape the local module, function pointers _easily_ can be passed between modules
+and then called.
+In order to solve this problem, the design for function pointers in Hieratika has a _second_ part,
+known as the _meta_-dispatch table.
+- These tables, generated by the _linker_—instead of the single-module hieratika compiler—are
+  similar to the local dispatch tables above, but instead of dispatching based on the `block_ptr`
+  portion of the function pointer, it instead dispatched based on the `module_id`.
+- If the `module_id` matches, the meta dispatch function will call the correct target _local_
+  dispatch function for that module, passing the provided arguments and the function pointer, and
+  allowing the local dispatch function to select the correct implementation.
+At first glance, this dual-layer dispatch seems quite expensive, essentially amounting to performing
+comparisons of the function pointer to all possible targets in a program. However, Hieratika uses a
+slightly more sensible search mechanism.
+- Both `block_ptr` and `module_id` are (re-)allocated (at link time) such that they are each in a
+  contiguous block of integer identifiers.
+- The dispatch function can then perform _binary search_ on the `module_id` to resolve to the
+  correct local dispatch function in $\mathbb{O}(\log_2 n)$ time, instead of $\mathbb{O}(n)$ time.
+If, in the future, we work with languages that do make use of prefix or prologue data, this approach
+will be entirely insufficient. To make _that_ work, we would need to re-work our handling of
+function pointers to be _true_ pointers.
 ## Felt-Aligned Addressing - An Alternative Model
@@ -172,7 +241,8 @@ as a value of another type under byte-addressing and alignment rules—was rampa
 As an example, it proved common to see IR that allocated `[4 x i8]` and then wrote an `i16` to the
 first two bytes and read an `i16` from the other two. As, in the felt-aligned model, the first two
-`i8`s would be written to individual felts, reading them back as an `i16` is significantly complex.
+`i8`s would be written to individual felts, reading them back as an `i16` is significantly more
 To that end, the project was forced to abandon this model in favor of a more-traditional
 byte-aligned addressing model.