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Multi Signature Wallet for Cardano with Staking Capability

Multi Signature wallet (or multisig wallet) means a wallet that is not owned by a single entity or a person. When using this wallet, transactions must be approved by a group of people that are responsible for this wallet. The use-case for such a wallet is for an organization or a team who wants to create a 'Treasury' that will hold their ADA.

General overview

  1. Instead of using one personal Wallet Address, we will use a ‘Script Address’ to hold the funds
  2. A script address is just like any other Cardano wallet address, where you can hold ADA, and send ADA from / to the address. The difference is, this wallet is not owned by a single ‘private key’
  3. This script address will have a pre-defined rules, that is to "only spend its UTXO if a certain conditions are met". This will be defined in a script policy (a JSON structured file)
  4. For this example, we will set a condition that the script can only send ADA if a certain number of people specified in the script approve the transaction
  5. We will also create a script address that could also be staked, and withdraw the rewards together

How it works

  1. Create the script policy and the script address:
    1. multisig-payment-policy.script → rules for doing regular transaction (payment key)
    2. multisig-stake-policy.script → rules for withdrawing staking rewards (staking key)
    3. Creating the script address would be combining multisig-payment-policy.script and multisig-stake-policy.script together and then produce multisig-payment-and-stake.addr
  2. This script will contain following information:
    1. List of wallet that are allowed to sign the transaction
    2. Minimum number of wallet required to validate transaction
    3. i.e: from 5 wallets listed, it will only requires 3 wallet to sign a transaction
  3. Send ADA to this script address, acting as Treasury wallet fund
  4. To use the fund from this script address:
    1. One person would create a Tx.raw file that will consume UTxO from this script address – this is a transaction file that haven’t been signed by anyone, therefore it cannot be submitted into the blockchain
    2. The raw transaction would then be sent to each participants, and each of them will “sign” the tx.raw file, and it will output a tx-person-1.witness file
    3. Collecting *.witness files from the participants, one person would “combine and build” the *.witness files, and sign the tx.raw to become Tx.signed
    4. Submit the signed transaction into the blockchain

If you have any question, feel free to create new issue for this repo

Detailed Steps

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DISCLAIMER: You don’t have to download the Cardano full node. At the end, it only needs one person to submit the transaction. Other person would just use cardano-cli to sign the transaction locally.

Installing cardano-cli

  1. Open
  2. Download the binary (executables) for your OS
  3. Extract cardano-cli into ~/.local/bin/ folder (For Linux and MacOS user)
  4. $ chmod +x cardano-cli to turn it into executable binary
  5. Include that bin/ path into .bashrc or .zshrc (export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH”)
  6. Open terminal (or relaunch it, if you already opened it)
  7. Type cardano-cli and press enter.

Creating Wallets

Every participants have to create their own private and public key pair, using cardano-cli. This is done locally and doesn’t require connection or cardano-node operations

Note :

  1. Each participant have to create this new wallet using cardano-cli
  2. It is recommended to separate this wallet from your "day-to-day use wallet", because the process of signing transaction don’t require fees (because the fee will be paid using the fund from script address)
  3. Keep your private-key safe, don’t lose it.

Create Wallets:

  1. Create a key-pair for payment and staking key

     $ cardano-cli address key-gen --verification-key-file payment.vkey --signing-key-file payment.skey
     $ cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --verification-key-file stake.vkey --signing-key-file stake.skey

    .skey → signing key. In other words, your private key (don’t share this with anyone)

    .vkey → verification key. Meaning, the public key

    Why create payment keys and stake keys? → In Shelley, every Cardano wallet address consist of 2 different element. The payment element for sending and receiving ADA, and the stake element to control and receive rewards from staking. Both payment and stake keys are required to build the wallet address later (e.g addr1qy..xfqp5).

  2. Save the payment.vkey hash

     $ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey > payment.hash
     $ cardano-cli address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey > stake.hash
  3. Remember that each participant have to follow the above steps and later share their payment.hash and stake.hash to that one person who will create the script policy and script address

From here on out, we will use 4 different wallet accounts for demonstrations.

The participants would be represented by addr1, addr2, and addr3. The destination address will be addr4. All example files already provided in address/ and key/ folder.

I suggest you to generate your own key-pair and then replace the existing files on key/, policy/, and address/ folders. Please feel free to fork this repository and experiment it yourself!

Generating four new wallets

$ cardano-cli address key-gen --signing-key-file key/payment1.skey --verification-key-file key/payment1.vkey
$ cardano-cli address key-gen --signing-key-file key/payment2.skey --verification-key-file key/payment2.vkey
$ cardano-cli address key-gen --signing-key-file key/payment3.skey --verification-key-file key/payment3.vkey
$ cardano-cli address key-gen --signing-key-file key/payment4.skey --verification-key-file key/payment4.vkey

$ cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --signing-key-file key/stake1.skey --verification-key-file key/stake1.vkey
$ cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --signing-key-file key/stake2.skey --verification-key-file key/stake2.vkey
$ cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --signing-key-file key/stake3.skey --verification-key-file key/stake3.vkey
$ cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --signing-key-file key/stake4.skey --verification-key-file key/stake4.vkey

$ cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment1.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake1.vkey $TESTNET --out-file address/addr1.addr
$ cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment2.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake2.vkey $TESTNET --out-file address/addr2.addr
$ cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment3.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake3.vkey $TESTNET --out-file address/addr3.addr
$ cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment4.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake4.vkey $TESTNET --out-file address/addr4.addr

$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file key/payment1.vkey > key/payment1.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file key/payment2.vkey > key/payment2.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file key/payment3.vkey > key/payment3.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file key/payment4.vkey > key/payment4.hash

$ cardano-cli address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file key/stake1.vkey > key/stake1.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file key/stake2.vkey > key/stake2.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file key/stake3.vkey > key/stake3.hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file key/stake4.vkey > key/stake4.hash

Creating the Script Policy and Script Address

  1. Create multisig-payment-policy.script with following content
    "type": "atLeast",
    "required": 2,
    "scripts": [
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "08d4afee7053ee63d6087cf2cbc729110affa3fd0b297c54f641bd0c"
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "6ac2bd0c8c2c1413a1d96d46f80904911b1a2402f6e5806f8e4d7b2b"
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "65a88230d95ac40fb4eaa17c94158b37606d4fe340b7e74e6da76e80"
  2. Create multisig-stake-policy.script with following content
    "type": "atLeast",
    "required": 2,
    "scripts": [
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "44a6a1caeb04280018ed57771a7376ae631ea32e3c4985dfed03a9ef"
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "a26d43c5e1c29efbdef1fb25294dbe02b6d956f9ace585dc6ce24b73"
             "type": "sig",
             "keyHash": "29801b566671726c859d35164c3961cea942ddfa64f4f0d4788ac763"
  3. Further information for using different script conditions: Link
  4. The keyHash on multisig-payment-policy.script is payment.hash from each participants
  5. The keyHash on multisig-stake-policy.script is stake.hash from each participants
  6. The required value is the minimum number of people needs to sign a transaction (as specified in multisig-payment-policy.script), or to witdraw the staking rewards (as specified in multisig-stake-policy.script).
  7. Build the Script Address
    # env variables
    TESTNET="--testnet-magic 1097911063" # (for `bash` user)
    TESTNET=(--testnet-magic 1097911063) # (for `zsh` user)
    $ cardano-cli address build \
    --payment-script-file script/multisig-payment-policy.script \
    --stake-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file address/multisig-payment-and-stake.addr
    This will generate a script address into multisig-payment-and-staking.addr
  8. Fund the script address with Cardano Faucet Testnet
  9. Done! You just created a Multisig Wallet with staking capability!
  10. You can now send fund into this script address for Treasury management or any other use-cases

Creating and Signing a Transaction

Build the transaction tx.raw

Note: the person who will build this must have cardano-node testnet or mainnet running in the background

  1. Query the UTXO of the script address
  2. In terminal, save the TxHash#TxIndex as environment variable. Like so:
  3. Build the transaction, using the utxo and multisig-payment-policy.script
    $ cardano-cli transaction build \
    --tx-in $utxo \
    --tx-out $(cat address/addr4.addr)+5000000 \ # destination address + lovelaces
    --change-address $(cat address/multisig-payment-and-stake.addr) \ # send back the remaining ADA
    --tx-in-script-file script/multisig-payment-policy.script \ # payment-policy is used because it's about performing transaction
    --witness-override 2 \ # number of people required to sign this transaction (will use .witness file later)
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/tx.raw
    In this example, we will send 5ADA to addr4, and it will generate a tx.raw file

Sign and submit the transaction with witness

  1. Build witness with payment1.skey and the tx.raw that we've already generated

  2. We only need 2 witness, which will be from addr1 and addr2 wallet

    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx.raw \ # provide the raw transaction file
    --signing-key-file key/payment1.skey \ # input signing key
    --out-file transaction/addr1.witness \ # output for witness file
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/payment2.skey \
    --out-file transaction/addr2.witness \
  3. Sign the transaction using 2 witness files

    $ cardano-cli transaction assemble \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx.raw \
    --witness-file transaction/addr1.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr2.witness \
    --out-file transaction/tx.signed
  4. Finally, submit it into the blockchain

    $ cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file transaction/tx.signed $TESTNET
  5. Check if addr4 got the transaction

    $ cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat address/addr4.addr) $TESTNET

    You can see the UTXO for 5 ADA at the top of the list

Congratulations! You just created a transaction using multi-signature!

Staking, Delegating, and Withdrawing Rewards for this Script Address / Multisig Wallet

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Staking the Multisig Wallet

For staking with this script address, we will do the same thing like when we're doing transaction. However, we need to also include additional information such as the *.witness from stake.skey instead of only the payment.skey like before.

Couple of things to note in addition to performing a transaction in previous section :

  1. Additional step includes:
    1. Creating registration certificate for staking
    2. Creating delegation certificate for a stake pool
  2. Performing the transaction to submit these certificate will use both payment.skey and stake.skey to sign the raw tx.raw file
  3. Must include both multisig-payment-policy.script and multisig-stake-policy.script when building transaction
  4. Signing the transaction will use 4 *.witness files :
    1. payment1.skeyaddr1-registration-payment.witness
    2. stake1.skeyaddr1-registration-stake.witness
    3. payment2.skeyaddr2-registration-payment.witness
    4. stake2.skeyaddr2-registration-stake.witness

Creating Certificates for Registration and Delegation

  1. Generate the registration certificate

    $ cardano-cli stake-address registration-certificate \
    --stake-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    --out-file staking/script-staking-registration.cert

    Note that this will consume 2 ADA for deposit when registering the script address. It will be returned if you de-register in the future

  2. Generate the delegation certificate

    $ cardano-cli stake-address delegation-certificate \
    --stake-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    --stake-pool-id pool10vchpw7e525qdtygdhxuak4ujwrfa0ygjxhqqm03rz0z7586fq4 \
    --out-file staking/script-staking-delegation.cert

    The --stake-pool-id is a BECH32 encoded Pool ID. You can find it here where they provide information for BECH32 Pool Id

Creating transaction to Submit Staking Certificates

  1. Build the tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw

    $ cardano-cli transaction build \
    --tx-in $utxo1 \
    --change-address $(cat address/multisig-payment-and-stake.addr) \
    --tx-in-script-file script/multisig-payment-policy.script \
    --certificate-file staking/script-staking-registration.cert \
    --certificate-file staking/script-staking-delegation.cert \
    --certificate-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    --witness-override 4 \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw
    • Query and find your UTXO that's sitting in this Script Address, and use it for payment for this transaction utxo1=70e40a3ccd7fb47c50fbd5c83a70da411604516cbb7aac57783c604602fabf0d#0
    • Remember that we will use 4 witness files, hence --witness-override 4
    • We include both registration and delegation certificate in a single transaction. In the future, if you wish to change delegation pool, you can just submit the delegation certificate
  2. Create the witness files using payment.skey and stake.skey

    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/payment1.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr1-registration-payment.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/stake1.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr1-registration-stake.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/payment2.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr2-registration-payment.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/stake2.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr2-registration-stake.witness

    The reason why we need witness with both the payment.skey and stake.skey is because we're performing certificate delegation+registration, and payment for the fees.

  3. Sign the Transaction

    $ cardano-cli transaction assemble \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --witness-file transaction/addr1-registration-payment.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr1-registration-stake.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr2-registration-payment.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr2-registration-stake.witness \
    --out-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.signed
  4. Submit the transaction into the blockchain

    $ cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.signed $TESTNET
  5. Done! You just successfully Stake your Multisig Wallet!

Withdrawing Rewards

Withdrawing will need *.witness files from both payment.skey and stake.skey

Checking rewards balance

  1. Generate the staking address

    $ cardano-cli stake-address build \
    --stake-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file address/multisig-stake.addr
  2. Check the rewards balance

    $ cardano-cli query stake-address-info \
    --address $(cat address/multisig-stake.addr) \

Creating transaction to withdraw rewards

  1. Build the tx-withdraw.raw

    # get UTxO from Script Address first, and set utxo1
    $ cardano-cli transaction build \
    --tx-in $utxo1 \
    --change-address $(cat address/multisig-payment-and-stake.addr) \
    --tx-in-script-file script/multisig-payment-policy.script \
    --withdrawal $(cat address/multisig-stake.addr)+804657 \
    --withdrawal-script-file script/multisig-stake-policy.script \
    --witness-override 4 \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/tx-staking-withdraw.raw
  2. Create the witness files using payment.skey and stake.skey

    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-withdraw.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/payment1.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr1-withdrawal-payment.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-withdraw.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/stake1.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr1-withdrawal-stake.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-withdraw.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/payment2.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr2-withdrawal-payment.witness
    $ cardano-cli transaction witness \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-withdraw.raw \
    --signing-key-file key/stake2.skey \
    $TESTNET \
    --out-file transaction/addr2-withdrawal-stake.witness
  3. Sign the transaction

    $ cardano-cli transaction assemble \
    --tx-body-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.raw \
    --witness-file transaction/addr1-registration-payment.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr1-registration-stake.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr2-registration-payment.witness \
    --witness-file transaction/addr2-registration-stake.witness \
    --out-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.signed
  4. Submit the transaction into the blockchain

    $ cardano-cli transaction submit --tx-file transaction/tx-staking-registration-and-delegation.signed $TESTNET
  5. Done! You just successfully Withdraw your Multisig Wallet rewards!

    $ cardano-cli query stake-address-info \
    --address $(cat address/multisig-stake.addr) \

    You can see the newly added UTxO with the new increased amount. (Note that the TxHash is different from before, because the previous UTxO has been consumed)