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Automatically scrape games resources

Rémy Mathieu edited this page Oct 5, 2015 · 6 revisions


You've just created a platform which is an emulator and you want to automatically configure all your games.

mehstation-config provides an easy way to scrape all the resources (screenshots, cover, title, description, ...) automatically from

Step 1 - Launch the wizard

First you have to select the platform for which you'll scrape games' resources.

Select the platform and start the scraping

Step 2 - Identify the platform

A simple window opens offering you the choice to identify this platform.

Identify the platform

Note that it makes sense to select many platforms for some emulators.

Step 3 - Configure the scraper

Fields explanation:

  • Executables directory: where your games are located on your filesystem.
  • Extensions to scan: when looking in this directory for games, the scraper will only looks for some extensions, fill them here either using the checkboxes or the text field.
  • Output directory: where the resources will be stored on your filesystem.

Configure the scraper

You can then start the process and wait for it to finish.