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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 24, 2021. It is now read-only.
Jude Southworth edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Reminder Bot's wiki!

Here you can find further details about commands, troubleshooting tips and more.


I want repeated reminders. How do I do this?

  • Repeated reminders (or interval reminders) are available on the $2 Patreon on the officially hosted bot, or freely on a self-hosted bot.

I want this bot to control another bot

  • This entirely depends on the other bot

I want another bot to control this bot

  • This is not enabled on the officially hosted bot, but can be configured on a self-hosted bot

What permissions does this bot need?

  • Reminder Bot requires Manage Webhook, Send Messages, Read Messages and Embed Links

How can I remind a role?

  • You can tag a role inside the message section of a reminder if the role has Allow anyone to @mention this role enabled in it's settings

No channels/roles appear on the online dashboard

  • Press the Refresh Guild Data button at the top left of the page

I've donated on Patreon but cannot access my extra features

  • There are a few potential causes of this:
  1. Your Discord and Patreon are not linked/need relinking. Go to your Patreon settings and unlink, then relink your Discord account. Please note that it will automatically log you in with the Discord account logged in on your browser. You may need to log out of Discord on your browser and relog to link the correct account

  2. Your payment did not go through. Check your bank account in case there is a hold on your funds

  3. You added a custom pledge. Custom pledges are ignored. You can either contact me personally or subscribe to one of the preset tiers to get your benefits

  4. You have left this server and lost your donor role. Please ensure you are in this server and then follow the steps in (1) to relink your Discord and Patreon accounts

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