Possibility to exclude generation of event sinks for _Intf (ExcludeEv…
Possibility to exclude generation of services for _Intf (ExcludeServi…
D19509: CodeGen: xml documentation is generated incorrectly
possibility to skip documentation
improvements for Echoes codegen
delphi rodlcodegen was fixed
delphi rodlcodegen was fixed
D19508: CG4/Delphi: doesn't generate async classes
- Echoes codegen was added
#19498: Genericarray option shouldn't require codefirst option in rod…
#19498: Genericarray option shouldn't require codefirst option in rod…
D19495: ROD: simplify usage of HttpAPI attributes in code-first services
D19495: ROD: simplify usage of HttpAPI attributes in code-first services
0: Delphi: set visibility for interface members
D19484: JSCodegen: generated _Intf.js isn't compatible with Chrome
0: C++Builder codegen: possibility to generate types in own files
0: C++Builder codegen: possibility to generate types in own files
better compatibility with C++Builder
better compatibility with C++Builder
D19477: ROD/RON: RODL: store namespace in use tag
JavaRodlCodeGen was updated
JavaRodlCodeGen was updated
JavaRodlCodeGen was updated
JavaRodlCodeGen was updated
ROD: support of CanRemapParameters/RemapParameters methods
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