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398 lines (336 loc) · 14.1 KB

Expiry Date Extraction

Application: Overview

This application is designed to extract expiry date information from the food items or medicines.

The application was made to extract year, month and day from certain YYMMDD formats. Extracted date formats from


Note: The separator is not limited to "-", it could be any special character like [@,,,-,., , /].

This software caters to the needs of managers and users in diverse environments like retail and healthcare, where verifying product expiry dates is crucial.

There are 4 classes for object detection.

  • Date : Expiry date
  • Code : Product code if any
  • Prod : Production tag
  • Due : Due date tag

It has following mode of running.

Mode RZ/V2L RZ/V2H
MIPI Camera Supported -
USB Camera Supported Supported
Image Supported Supported

Supported Product

  • RZ/V2L Evaluation Board Kit (RZ/V2L EVK)
  • RZ/V2H Evaluation Board Kit (RZ/V2H EVK)


Following is the demo for RZ/V2H EVK.

Application: Requirements

Hardware Requirements

For Equipment Details
RZ/V2L RZ/V2L EVK Evaluation Board Kit for RZ/V2L.
Includes followings.
  • MIPI Camera Module(Google Coral Camera)
  • MicroUSB to Serial Cable for serial communication.
AC Adapter USB Power Delivery adapter for the board power supply.
MicroHDMI Cable Used to connect the HDMI Monitor and the board.
RZ/V2L EVK has microHDMI port.
RZ/V2H RZ/V2H EVK Evaluation Board Kit for RZ/V2H.
AC Adapter USB Power Delivery adapter for the board power supply.
100W is required.
HDMI Cable Used to connect the HDMI Monitor and the board.
RZ/V2H EVK has HDMI port.
USB Camera Used as a camera input source.
Common USB Cable Type-C Connect AC adapter and the board.
HDMI Monitor Used to display the graphics of the board.
microSD card Used as the filesystem.
Must have over 4GB capacity of blank space.
Operating Environment: Transcend UHS-I microSD 300S 16GB
Linux PC Used to build application and setup microSD card.
Operating Environment: Ubuntu 20.04
SD card reader Used for setting up microSD card.
USB Hub Used to connect USB Keyboard and USB Mouse to the board.
USB Keyboard Used to type strings on the terminal of board.
USB Mouse Used to operate the mouse on the screen of board.

Note: All external devices will be attached to the board and does not require any driver installation (Plug n Play Type)

Connect the hardware as shown below.


Note 1: When using the keyboard connected to RZ/V Evaluation Board, the keyboard layout and language are fixed to English.
Note 2: For RZ/V2H EVK, there are USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports.
USB camera needs to be connected to appropriate port based on its requirement.

Application: Build Stage

Note: User can skip to the next stage (deploy) if they do not want to build the application.
All pre-built binaries are provided.


This section expects the user to have completed Step 5 of Getting Started Guide provided by Renesas.

After completion of the guide, the user is expected of following things.

  • AI SDK setup is done.

  • Following docker container is running on the host machine.

    Board Docker container
    RZ/V2L EVK rzv2l_ai_sdk_container
    RZ/V2H EVK rzv2h_ai_sdk_container

    Note: Docker environment is required for building the sample application.

Application File Generation

  1. On your host machine, copy the repository from the GitHub to the desired location.

    1. It is recommended to copy/clone the repository on the data folder, which is mounted on the Docker container.
    cd <path_to_data_folder_on_host>/data
    git clone

    Note: This command will download the whole repository, which include all other applications.
    If you have already downloaded the repository of the same version, you may not need to run this command.

  2. Run (or start) the docker container and open the bash terminal on the container.
    E.g., for RZ/V2L, use the rzv2l_ai_sdk_container as the name of container created from rzv2l_ai_sdk_image docker image.

    Note that all the build steps/commands listed below are executed on the docker container bash terminal.

  3. Set your clone directory to the environment variable.

    export PROJECT_PATH=/drp-ai_tvm/data/rzv_ai_sdk
  4. Go to the application source code directory.

    cd ${PROJECT_PATH}/Q06_expiry_date_detection/src
  5. Download the boost tar file


    Note: It is expected that the docker container is able to connect to the internet. If that's not the case, User can use the same command on the host PC to download the file. Make sure you are on the src folder present on the mounted data directory.

  6. Extract tar file to the current location

    tar -xvf boost_1_81_0.tar.bz2
  7. Copy the boost files to the include folder

    mkdir -p include
    cp -r boost_1_81_0/boost include/
  8. Remove boost files [Optional]

    rm boost_1_81_0.tar.bz2
    rm -rf boost_1_81_0
  9. Create and move to the build directory.

    mkdir -p build && cd build
  10. Build the application by following the commands below.
    For RZ/V2L

    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./toolchain/runtime.cmake ..
    make -j$(nproc)

    For RZ/V2H

    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./toolchain/runtime.cmake -DV2H=ON ..
    make -j$(nproc)
  11. The following application file would be generated in the ${PROJECT_PATH}/Q06_expiry_date_detection/src/build directory

    • date_extraction

Application: Deploy Stage


This section expects the user to have completed Step 7-1 of Getting Started Guide provided by Renesas.

After completion of the guide, the user is expected of following things.

  • microSD card setup is done.

File Configuration

For the ease of deployment all the deployable file and folders are provided in following folders.

RZ/V2L EVK exe_v2l
RZ/V2H EVK exe_v2h

Each folder contains following items.

File Details
date_detection_tinyyolov3 [RZ/V2L only] Model object files for deployment
expiry_yolov3_onnx [RZ/V2H only] Model object files for deployment
date_class_labels.txt Label list for Object Detection
date_detection application file
sample_img.jpg sample image for image mode


  1. [FOR RZ/V2H only] Run following commands to download the necessary file.

     cd <path_to_data_folder_on_host>/data/rzv_ai_sdk/Q06_expiry_date_detection/exe_v2h/expiry_yolov3_onnx/
  2. [FOR RZ/V2H only] Rename the Q06_expiry_date_detection_deploy_*.so to

    mv Q06_expiry_date_detection_deploy_*.so
  3. Copy the following files to the /home/root/tvm directory of the rootfs (SD Card) for the board.

    File Details
    All files in EXE_DIR directory Including file.
    date_extraction application file Generated the file according to Application File Generation
  4. Check if exists under /usr/lib64 directory of the rootfs (SD card) on the board.

  5. Folder structure in the rootfs (SD Card) would look like:

    |-- usr
    |   `-- lib64
    |       `--
    `-- home
        `-- root
            `-- tvm
                |-- date_detection_tinyyolov3   #RZ/V2L only
                |   |-- deploy.json             #RZ/V2L only
                |   |-- deploy.params           #RZ/V2L only
                |   `--               #RZ/V2L only
                |-- expiry_yolov3_onnx          #RZ/V2H only
                |   |-- deploy.json             #RZ/V2H only
                |   |-- deploy.params           #RZ/V2H only
                |   `--               #RZ/V2H only
                |-- date_class_labels.txt
                |-- date_extraction
                `-- sample_img.jpg

Note: The directory name could be anything instead of tvm. If you copy the whole EXE_DIR folder on the board, you are not required to rename it tvm.

Application: Run Stage


This section expects the user to have completed Step 7-3 of Getting Started Guide provided by Renesas.

After completion of the guide, the user is expected of following things.

  • The board setup is done.
  • The board is booted with microSD card, which contains the application file.


  1. [Optional] The date on the RZ/V board may be different. [Mandatory in case opted for remaining day calculation].

    • To check use following on board terminal.
    • To set to current date in the format YYYYMMDD [if different]
    date +%Y%m%d -s "20230615" 
  2. On Board terminal, go to the tvm directory of the rootfs.

    cd /home/root/tvm/
  3. Run the application.

    • For Image Mode
    ./date_extraction IMAGE sample_img.jpg [--rem=true]
    • For USB Camera Mode
    ./date_extraction USB [--rem=true]
    • For MIPI Camera Mode (RZ/V2L only)
    ./date_extraction MIPI -[-rem=true]

    -rem is an optional argument to display the remaining days to expire

  4. Following window shows up on HDMI screen.


    On application window, following information is displayed.

    • Camera capture
    • Object Detection result (Bounding boxes, class name and score.)
    • Remaining days: Number of days remaining until expiration date (if "-rem" option is specified)
    • Processing time
      • Total AI Time: Sum of all processing time below.
      • Inference: Processing time taken for AI inference.
      • PreProcess: Processing time taken for AI pre-processing.
      • PostProcess: Processing time taken for AI post-processing.
        (excluding the time for drawing on HDMI screen).
  5. To terminate the application, switch the application window to the terminal by using Super(windows key)+Tab and press ENTER key on the terminal of the board.

Application: Configuration

AI Model

  • RZ/V2L

    • Tiny YOLOv3: Darknet
      Dataset: Custom labelled dataset with classes listed here
      Input size: 1x3x416x416
      Output1 size: 1x13x13x27
      Output2 size: 1x26x26x27
  • RZ/V2H

    • YOLOv3: Darknet
      Dataset: Custom labelled dataset with classes listed here
      Input size: 1x3x416x416
      Output1 size: 1x13x13x27
      Output2 size: 1x26x26x27
      Output3 size: 1x52x52x27

AI inference time

Board AI model AI inference time
RZ/V2L EVK Tiny YOLOv3 Approximately 63 ms
RZ/V2H EVK YOLOv3 Approximately 26 ms


Processing Details
Pre-processing Processed by CPU.
Inference Processed by DRP-AI and CPU.
Post-processing Processed by CPU.

Image buffer size

Board Camera capture buffer size HDMI output buffer size
RZ/V2L EVK VGA (640x480) in YUYV format HD (1280x720) in BGRA format
RZ/V2H EVK VGA (640x480) in YUYV format FHD (1920x1080) in BGRA format



Apache License 2.0 For third party OSS library, please see the source code file itself.