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File metadata and controls

143 lines (89 loc) · 3.85 KB


Visualize re-frame pattern data or reagent ratom data as a tree structure.

Also you can watch re-frame events and export state in the debugger.



Add [re-frisk "0.3.2"] to the dev :dependencies in your project.clj



run re-frisk after document will be loaded and before any rendering calls, using enable-re-frisk! function

(:require [re-frisk.core :refer [enable-re-frisk!]])

(defn ^:export run
 (dispatch-sync [:initialize])
 (reagent/render [simple-example]
                 (js/document.getElementById "app")))



If you are not using re-frame in your app, you can run re-frisk without re-frame by enable-frisk! function


If you want to watch ratom or log any data, you can add it using add-data or add-in-data functions

(add-data :data-key your-data)

(add-in-data [:data-key1  :data-key2] your-data)


You can export and import app state, and watch events in the separate debugger window. Unfortunately debugger doesn't work in IE.

Export works only for the cljs data structures.


If you don't want to watch events you can turn it off providing settings {:events? false}

(enable-re-frisk! {:events? false})

Also you can watch interceptor's context providing re-frisk.core/watch-context in the reg-event interceptors list

  [db [_ value]]
  (assoc db :timer value)))

re-frame 6-domino cascade and re-frisk


You can provide starting position for the re-frisk panel

(enable-re-frisk! {:x 100 :y 500})

(enable-frisk! {:x 100 :y 500})

also, it will be helpful for the IE, because it doesn't support resize property, you can provide width and height

(enable-re-frisk! {:width "400px" :height "400px"})

(enable-frisk! {:width "400px" :height "400px"})

Advanced thing

For me, it's very handy to name events with the appropriate suffix, for example for reg-event-db :event-key-db, and for reg-event-fx :event-key-fx, in that case re-frisk automatically highlight these events

Also you can watch all re-frame views which are rendering now

Add :external-config {:re-frisk {:enabled true}}}} to the dev :compiler in your project.clj if you are working with the re-frame app

this config needed to do not generate any code in production.

Require macro

(:require [re-frisk.core :refer-macros [def-view]])

Define your views (components) with the def-view macro

(def-view greeting
 [:h1 message])

For more

re-frame dev/re_frisk/demo.cljs. reagent dev/re_frisk/reagent_demo.cljs.

Known issues

Works weird in the Internet Explorer which doesn't support css resize property. Debugger doesn't work in IE.

If you are using reagent.core/create-class function for creating views, data for these views will be still showing in the re-frisk after this components will be unmounted.


Copyright © 2016 Shovkoplyas Andrey [motor4ik]

Distributed under the MIT License (MIT)