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80 lines (57 loc) · 2.61 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (57 loc) · 2.61 KB


A Datalog parser. This parser is used by Datahike and follows the Datalog dialect of Datomic.

Note: This repository has been moved from the lambdaforge organization to replikativ. So, you will find older releases of the parser at the lambdaforge clojars page.


Add the current release of io.replikativ/datalog-parser to your project.clj. Start a repl and run:

(require '[datalog.parser :as parser])

(parser/parse '[:find ?x :in $ ?y :where [?x :z ?y]])

;;=> (namespaces omitted for brevity)
;; #Query{:qfind  #FindRel{:elements [#Variable{:symbol ?x}]}
;;        :qwith  nil
;;        :qin    [#BindScalar{:variable #SrcVar{:symbol $}}
;;                 #BindScalar{:variable #Variable{:symbol ?y}}]
;;        :qwhere [#Pattern{:source #DefaultSrc{}
;;                          :pattern [#Variable{:symbol ?x}
;;                                    #Constant{:value  :z}
;;                                    #Variable{:symbol ?y}]}]}

For more examples look at the tests.

Benchmarking and Profiling

To benchmark or profile the parser, change to the parser-perf namespace or require it:

(in-ns 'datalog.parser-perf')

Then run the parse benchmark or profiler:


To see the produced flame graph, you can start a web server at port:

(in-ns 'datalog.parser-perf')
(prof/server-files port)



Unparsing support, missing types:

  • PullSpec
  • PullAttrName
  • PullReverseAttrName
  • PullLimitExpr
  • PullDefaultExpr
  • PullWildcard
  • PullRecursionLimit
  • PullMapSpecEntry
  • PullAttrWithOpts


Copyright © 2020 lambdaforge UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Nikita Prokopov

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0.