This is a temporary repo designed to give an easy-to-understand deployment of the apache / haproxy / shiny stack; it does not include configurable applications or anything like that. See it online at (DIDE network only).
A k8s kubernetes cluster using k3s is needed to be setup first. To setup a k8s cluster follow the guide here.
Run ./start-k8s-shiny <env>
to run the shiny server in k8s.
Note: If on testing enviroment the app will launch on the IP addr of the result of the following command:
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc ingress-nginx-controller -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
Run the following:
kubectl delete -k k8s/overlays/<env>
. Replace with testing or production.kubectl delete ns twinkle
to remove namespace.