We use NGINX to serve our application.
The nginx Dockerfile installs letsencrypt's certbot
if the IMAGE
variable is set to prod-image
or stage-image
in your .env
file. It will not, however, actually go through the process of installing the cert.
Note: room for improvement here, especially if we want our containers to run on clusters in the future.
To create a certificate, you then need to enter the docker container:
docker exec -it resonate-nginx sh
Now, you can request a new certificate. Note the domain name and the email:
certbot certonly --nginx -d dev.resonate.coop --email [email protected] --agree-tos --no-eff-email --force-renewal
After the certificate has been installed, check to see if the crontab inside of docker has a regular task.
cat /etc/crontab
On production we're hosted on the prod2-upload
Because we're dealing with other installed applications here, we've got a non-obvious set-up for our nginx, and it's not part of our repository. Once we've migrated away from those applications, we can bring things into the API.
The directory structure is:
- docker-compose.prod.yml
- conf.d
- prod.resonate.coop.conf <- our nginx conf file
- dash.resonate.coop.conf
- etc
- # various other services
- api
- docker-compose.yml
On this server both the docker-compose.prod.yml
and the api.docker-compose.yml are running.
For now, this means that we ignore the api
nginx server when starting up our services.
Based on this:
cd api
docker-compose up --scale nginx=0 -d
We're currently also not assigning a static IP address to our api container, which sits in a different network from the one spun up by the root docker-compose.prod.yml
. We should look into if this is possible, some ideas here.
While we don't do that, every time we restart the api container (as above), we need to copy-paste the IP address from docker inspect resonate-api
(value stored in NetworkSettings.Networks.api_api-network.Gateway
) to conf.d/prod.resonate.coop.conf
into the location / {
statement for the SSL server (the second server block).
To restart the prod nginx:
docker-compose -p upload-tool -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d --force-recreate --no-deps webserver
You have to run the certbot volume to get a certificate
docker-compose -p upload-tool -f ./docker-compose-prod.yml --no-ansi run certbot certonly -d prod.resonate.coop --email [email protected] --agree-tos --no-eff-email