A C# formatting tool from the command line.
This program was converted to literate programming with the help of lmt by Dave MacFarlane.
To install the binary
go get -u github.com/revolvingcow/csfmt/cmd/csfmt
To compile from source
go get -u github.com/driusan/lmt;
go get -u github.com/revolvingcow/csfmt;
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/revolvingcow/csfmt;
lmt README.md;
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/revolvingcow/csfmt/cmd/csfmt;
go build;
Stop arguing over style preferences within the syntax and start focusing on readability and business logic. This should work across platforms and be editor agnostic.
From a high level view we are looking for this basic workflow:
- Parse command line arguments driving where to look for files
- Have some basic statistics to give a gist of what was found/applied
- Gather all rules we need to apply
- Loop through all found files and apply the rule set
package main
import (
<<<main.go imports>>>
var (
<<<main.go vars>>>
func main() {
sourceFiles := []csfmt.SourceFile{}
<<<handle command arguments>>>
<<<setup statistics>>>
<<<get rules>>>
<<<apply rules to source files>>>
<<<output statistics>>>
A source file will be considered any file container source code which would apply to the rule sets. In
our case this typically this will be files with the C# extension of .cs
package csfmt
import (
<<<source file imports>>>
var (
<<<source file vars>>>
// SourceFile represents a file declared as source code.
type SourceFile struct {
<<<source file fields>>>
<<<source file methods>>>
Let us declare the file extensions we are actually looking for a enumerable variable.
extensions = []string{".cs"}
Now we know each source file will have a file path associated to it so we can read them in to memory when needed.
We will declare this string and name it Path
Path string
There are some common properties we will have to check for across all source files. For these we will create methods
off of the SourceFile
structure. Due to sanity we need to check if the thing even exists. This can return a simple Boolean
value without any need to pass back an error if one is raised.
func (f *SourceFile) Exists() bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(f.Path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
and thus need to include the os
We will also need to know if the file path is actually a directory. This will allow us to
- Not create a source file based on a directory
- Recursively find source files within the directory if needed
func (f *SourceFile) IsDir() bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(f.Path)
if err != nil {
return false
return fi.IsDir()
Assuming we have a file now we need to ensure it has an acceptable extension
func (f *SourceFile) IsDotNet() bool {
name := strings.ToLower(f.Path)
for _, extension := range extensions {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, extension) {
return true
return false
which brings in the strings
To make life a bit easier we'll create some common file I/O methods to handle the file contents.
// Read the file contents.
func (f *SourceFile) Read() ([]byte, error) {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return contents, nil
// Write the contents out to a stream.
func (f *SourceFile) Write(contents []byte) error {
fi, err := os.OpenFile(f.Path, os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fi.Close()
_, err = fi.Write(contents)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
and also include the ioutil
To walk directories we need to bring in another package
Now we can recursively go through directory structures on the file system and only return the file paths meeting the approved extensions.
// Walk a directory's file structure looking for source files.
func (f *SourceFile) Walk() chan SourceFile {
c := make(chan SourceFile)
go func() {
filepath.Walk(f.Path, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
if e != nil {
return e
s := SourceFile{
Path: p,
if s.IsDotNet() {
c <- s
return nil
defer close(c)
return c
A rule is a basic unit which describes its intent and how to apply it to the contents of the source file.
package csfmt
// Rule is a style rule to look for and apply within the source code.
type Rule struct {
Name string
Description string
Enabled bool
Apply func(source []byte) []byte
Since the basic building blocks have been declared let's first work out to find our source files which we will apply the rule set to.
// Determine what files to format
argc := len(os.Args)
if argc < 2 {
} else if argc == 2 && os.Args[1] == "..." {
// Walk the file structure from the current working directory
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
s := csfmt.SourceFile{
Path: cwd,
for sourceFile := range s.Walk() {
sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, sourceFile)
} else {
// Assuming multiple files were given
for _, a := range os.Args[1:] {
s := csfmt.SourceFile{
Path: a,
if s.Exists() {
if s.IsDir() {
for sourceFile := range s.Walk() {
sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, sourceFile)
} else if s.IsDotNet() {
sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, s)
and now we bring in the os
standard package
We don't need anything too fancy for statistics so maybe just some totals.
count := len(sourceFiles)
modified := 0
We only want to apply rules which have explicitly been enabled. This allows us to turn off specific rules when there are known issues or they are still being actively hacked on.
queuedRules := rules.Enabled()
and our rules are found in a sub-package just for organization purposes
for _, s := range sourceFiles {
contents, err := s.Read()
if err != nil {
original := contents
for _, rule := range queuedRules {
contents = rule.Apply(contents)
if bytes.Compare(original, contents) != 0 {
<<<main.go file has been modified>>>
<<<main.go final processing of file>>>
looks like we'll need to import another package since we need to compare to byte arrays
Just a simple message will do detailing how many files were processed, how many were modified, and the number of rules applied.
log.Printf("Modified %d of %d files using %d rules\n", modified, count, len(queuedRules))
and now include the required package
Provide a command line flag so the user may determine when it is appropriate to make potentially destructive changes. This will default to false to ensure a conscience decision has been made to possibly overwrite file contents.
flagWrite = flag.Bool("w", false, "write changes to file")
We'll probably need to output something so we'll prepare for it
If we have been told to write any modifications to the file then we will only write to the file when a modification has been detected
if *flagWrite {
However, if we are not writing to the file then we'll output the file contents regardless of modification to standard output
if !*flagWrite {
The basic rule set comes from StyleCop with them toggled on or off based solely on the author(s) supreme opinion(s).
The basic index should only consist of rules currently finished or being worked on. For tracking of rules yet to be applied we can keep track of them within this document thus reducing dead code.
package rules
import (
var Library = []*csfmt.Rule{
Now we need a way to filter out any rules which are not enabled.
func Enabled() []*csfmt.Rule {
enabled := []*csfmt.Rule{}
for _, rule := range Library {
if rule.Enabled {
enabled = append(enabled, rule)
return enabled
Several of the rules will need to go line-by-line through the file while checking for discrepancies. Common caveats may be:
- Ignore commented lines
- Ignore literal strings
In order to apply some form of the DRY principle we can declare a function to make this a bit less painful:
package rules
import (
<<<scan imports>>>
<<<scan methods>>>
First, let us go ahead and bring in some packages we know we be used.
we will be needed to create a buffer from file byte array at a minimumbufio
will allow us to create a new scanner from a bufferregexp
because more than likely some pattern matching will be necessary
The scan
method is intended only as a helper function within the rules
package so
we will leave it not exported. The main intentions of the function are:
- Take in the byte array of the source file
- Go through each line of the file
- Only allow modification of lines which are not commented
- Call an anonymous function to apply further processing
- Return the contents as a byte array
func scan(source []byte, applyFunc func(line, literal []byte) []byte) []byte {
reCommentShortBegin := regexp.MustCompile(`\A\s*(/{2,})`)
reCommentLongBegin := regexp.MustCompile(`\A\s*(/\*)`)
reCommentLongEnd := regexp.MustCompile(`\*/`)
reString := regexp.MustCompile(`".*"`)
short := false
long := false
lines := []byte{}
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(source)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buffer)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Add a newline character on each line after the first
if len(lines) > 0 {
lines = append(lines, byte('\n'))
line := scanner.Bytes()
short = reCommentShortBegin.Match(line)
long = long || reCommentLongBegin.Match(line)
literal := []byte{}
if reString.Match(line) {
literal = reString.Find(line)
if !(short || long) {
line = applyFunc(line, literal)
// Trim ending
line = bytes.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
short = false
long = long && !reCommentLongEnd.Match(line)
lines = append(lines, line...)
return lines
Oops, looks like we missed an import for a package!
- SA1600: ElementsMustBeDocumented
- SA1601: PartialElementsMustBeDocumented
- SA1602: EnumerationItemsMustBeDocumented
- SA1603: DocumentationMustContainValidXml
- SA1604: ElementDocumentationMustHaveSummary
- SA1605: PartialElementDocumentationMustHaveSummary
- SA1606: ElementDocumentationMustHaveSummaryText
- SA1607: PartialElementDocumentationMustHaveSummaryText
- SA1608: ElementDocumentationMustNotHaveDefaultSummary
- SA1609: PropertyDocumentationMustHaveValue
- SA1610: PropertyDocumentationMustHaveValueText
- SA1611: ElementParametersMustBeDocumented
- SA1612: ElementParameterDocumentationMustMatchElementParameters
- SA1613: ElementParameterDocumentationMustDeclareParameterName
- SA1614: ElementParameterDocumentationMustHaveText
- SA1615: ElementReturnValueMustBeDocumented
- SA1616: ElementReturnValueDocumentationMustHaveValue
- SA1617: VoidReturnValueMustNotBeDocumented
- SA1618: GenericTypeParametersMustBeDocumented
- SA1619: GenericTypeParametersMustBeDocumentedPartialClass
- SA1620: GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustMatchTypeParameters
- SA1621: GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustDeclareParameterName
- SA1622: GenericTypeParameterDocumentationMustHaveText
- SA1623: PropertySummaryDocumentationMustMatchAccessors
- SA1624: PropertySummaryDocumentationMustOmitSetAccessorWithRestricedAccess
- SA1625: ElementDocumentationMustNotBeCopiedAndPasted
- SA1626: SingleLineCommentsMustNotUseDocumentationStyleSlashes
- SA1627: DocumentationTextMustNotBeEmpty
- SA1628: DocumentationTextMustBeginWithACapitalLetter
- SA1629: DocumentationTextMustEndWithAPeriod
- SA1630: DocumentationTextMustContainWhitespace
- SA1631: DocumentationTextMustMeetCharacterPercentage
- SA1632: DocumentationTextMustMeetMinimumCharacterLength
- SA1633: FileMustHaveHeader
- SA1634: FileHeaderMustShowCopyright
- SA1635: FileHeaderMustHaveCopyrightText
- SA1636: FileHeaderCopyrightTextMustMatch
- SA1637: FileHeaderMustContainFileName
- SA1638: FileHeaderFileNameDocumentationMustMatchFileName
- SA1639: FileHeaderMustHaveSummary
- SA1640: FileHeaderMustHaveValidCompanyText
- SA1641: FileHeaderCompanyNameTextMustMatch
- SA1642: ConstructorSummaryDocumentationMustBeginWithStandardText
- SA1643: DestructorSummaryDocumentationMustBeginWithStandardText
- SA1644: DocumentationHeadersMustNotContainBlankLines
- SA1645: IncludedDocumentationFileDoesNotExist
- SA1646: IncludedDocumentationXPathDoesNotExist
- SA1647: IncludeNodeDoesNotContainValidFileAndPath
- SA1648: InheritDocMustBeUsedWithInheritingClass
- SA1649: FileHeaderFileNameDocumentationMustMatchTypeName
- SA1650: ElementDocumentationMustBeSpelledCorrectly
- SA1500: CurlyBracketsForMultiLineStatementsMustNotShareLine
- SA1501: StatementMustNotBeOnSingleLine
- SA1502: ElementMustNotBeOnSingleLine
- SA1503: CurlyBracketsMustNotBeOmitted
- SA1504: AllAccessorMustBeMultiLineOrSingleLine
- SA1505: OpeningCurlyBracketsMustNotBeFollowedByBlankLine
- SA1506: ElementDocumentationHeadersMustNotBeFollowedByBlankLine
- SA1507: CodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow
- SA1508: ClosingCurlyBracketsMustNotBePrecededByBlankLine
- SA1509: OpeningCurlyBracketsMustNotBePrecedededByBlankLine
- SA1510: ChainedStatementBlocksMustNotBePrecededByBlankLine
- SA1511: WhileDoFooterMustNotBePrecededByBlankLine
- SA1512: SingleLineCommentsMustNotBeFollowedByBlankLine
- SA1513: ClosingCurlyBracketMustBeFollowedByBlankLine
- SA1514: ElementDocumentationHeaderMustBePrecededByBlankLine
- SA1515: SingleLineCommentMustBePrecededByBlankLine
- SA1516: ElementsMustBeSeparatedByBlankLine
- SA1517: CodeMustNotContainBlankLinesAtStartOfFile
- SA1518: CodeMustNotContainBlankLinesAtEndOfFile
- SA1119: StatementMustNotUseUnnecessaryParenthesis
- SA1400: AccessModifierMustBeDeclared
- SA1401: FieldsMustBePrivate
- SA1402: FileMayOnlyContainASingleClass
- SA1403: FileMayOnlyContainASingleNamespace
- SA1404: CodeAnalysisSuppressionMustHaveJustification
- SA1405: DebugAssertMustProvideMessageText
- SA1406: DebugFailMustProvideMessageText
- SA1407: ArithmeticExpressionsMustDeclarePrecedence
- SA1408: ConditionalExpressionsMustDeclarePrecendence
- SA1409: RemoveUnnecessaryCode
- SA1410: RemoveDelegateParenthesisWhenPossible
- SA1411: AttributeConstructorMustNotUseUnnecessaryParenthesis
- SA1300: ElementMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
- SA1301: ElementMustBeginWithLowerCaseLetter
- SA1302: InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI
- SA1303: ConstFieldNamesMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
- SA1304: NonPrivateReadonlyFieldsMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
- SA1305: FieldNamesMustNotUseHungarianNotation
- SA1306: FieldNamesMustBeginWithLowerCaseLetter
- SA1307: AccessibleFieldsMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
- SA1308: VariableNamesMustNotBePrefixed
- SA1309: FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore
- SA1310: FieldNamesMustNotContainUnderscore
- SA1311: StaticReadonlyFieldsMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
- SA1200: UsingDirectivesMustBePlacedWithinNamespace
- SA1201: ElementsMustAppearInTheCorrectOrder
- SA1202: ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess
- SA1203: ConstantsMustAppearBeforeFields
- SA1204: StaticElementsMustAppearBeforeInstanceElements
- SA1205: PartialElementsMustDeclareAccess
- SA1206: DeclarationKeywordsMustFollowOrder
- SA1207: ProtectedMustComeBeforeInternal
- SA1208: SystemUsingDirectivesMustBePlacedBeforeOtherUsingDirectives
- SA1209: UsingAliasDirectivesMustBePlacedAfterOtherUsingDirectives
- SA1210: UsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace
- SA1211: UsingAliasDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByAliasName
- SA1212: PropertyAccessorsMustFollowOrder
- SA1213: EventAccessorsMustFollowOrder
- SA1214: StaticReadonlyElementsMustAppearBeforeStaticNonReadonlyElements
- SA1215: InstanceReadonlyElementsMustAppearBeforeInstanceNonReadonlyElements
- SA1216: NoValueFirstComparison
- SA1100: DoNotPrefixCallsWithBaseUnlessLocalImplementationExists
- SA1101: PrefixLocalCallsWithThis
- SA1102: QueryClauseMustFollowPreviousClause
- SA1103: QueryClausesMustBeOnSeparateLinesOrAllOnOneLine
- SA1104: QueryClauseMustBeginOnNewLineWhenPreviousClauseSpansMultipleLines
- SA1105: QueryClausesSpanningMultipleLinesMustBeginOnOwnLine
- SA1106: CodeMustNotContainEmptyStatements
- SA1107: CodeMustNotContainMultipleStatementsOnOneLine
- SA1108: BlockStatementsMustNotContainEmbeddedComments
- SA1109: BlockStatementsMustNotContainEmbeddedRegions
- SA1110: OpeningParenthesisMustBeOnDeclarationLine
- SA1111: ClosingParenthesisMustBeOnLineOfOpeningParenthesis
- SA1112: ClosingParenthesisMustBeOnLineOfOpeningParenthesis
- SA1113: CommaMustBeOnSameLineAsPreviousParameter
- SA1114: ParameterListMustFollowDeclaration
- SA1115: ParameterMustFollowComma
- SA1116: SplitParametersMustStartOnLineAfterDeclaration
- SA1117: ParametersMustBeOnSameLineOrSeparateLines
- SA1118: ParameterMustNotSpanMultipleLines
- SA1120: CommentsMustContainText
- SA1121: UseBuiltInTypeAlias
- SA1122: UseStringEmptyForEmptyStrings
- SA1123: DoNotPlaceRegionsWithinElements
- SA1124: DoNotUseRegions
- SA1125: UseShorthandForNullableTypes
- SA1126: PrefixCallsCorrectly
- SA1000: KeywordsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1001: CommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1002: SemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1003: SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1004: DocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace
- SA1005: SingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingeSpace
- SA1006: PreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace
- SA1007: OperatorKeywordMustBeFollowedBySpace
- SA1008: OpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1009: ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1010: OpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1011: ClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1012: OpeningCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1013: ClosingCurlyBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1014: OpeningGenericBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1015: ClosingGenericBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1016: OpeningAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1017: ClosingAttributeBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1018: NullableTypeSymbolsMustNotBePrecededBySpace
- SA1019: MemberAccessSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1020: IncrementDecrementSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1021: NegativeSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1022: PositiveSignsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1023: DereferenceAndAccessOfSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1024: ColonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly
- SA1025: CodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow
- SA1026: CodeMustNotContainSpaceAfterNewKeywordInImplicitlyTypedArrayAllocation
- SA1027: TabsMustNotBeUsed
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1001 imports>>>
<<<sa1001 rule>>>
<<<sa1001 application>>>
func applyCommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
// Look for leading spaces
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\n)*[\s]+,`)
for re.Match(source) {
source = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(source, []byte(","))
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
// Add trailing spaces as necessary
re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\S),(\w|\d)`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1, $2"))
// Look for too many trailing spaces
re = regexp.MustCompile(`\, `)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte(", "))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var commasMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Commas must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyCommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestCommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1001 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyCommasMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
description: "fix spacing around multiline commas",
given: []byte(
"public void FunctionName(string s ,int i\n" +
" , object x)\n" +
"{\n" +
" int[] b = new [1, 3,4 ,5];\n" +
" var o = new {\n" +
" blah = \"stomething\",\n" +
" meh = 0,\n" +
" dude = true,\n" +
" };\n" +
expected: []byte(
"public void FunctionName(string s, int i, object x)\n" +
"{\n" +
" int[] b = new [1, 3, 4, 5];\n" +
" var o = new {\n" +
" blah = \"stomething\",\n" +
" meh = 0,\n" +
" dude = true,\n" +
" };\n" +
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1002 imports>>>
<<<sa1002 rule>>>
<<<sa1002 application>>>
func applySemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
// Look for leading spaces
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\s;`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(line, []byte(";"))
// Add trailing spaces as necessary
re = regexp.MustCompile(`;(\S)`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("; $1"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var semicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Semicolons must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applySemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestSemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1002 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applySemicolonsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "when none are found", given: []byte("public void FunctionName(string s, int i)"), expected: []byte("public void FunctionName(string s, int i)")},
{description: "with inline comment", given: []byte("var i = 0;// blah"), expected: []byte("var i = 0; // blah")},
{description: "with no trailing space", given: []byte("for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) {"), expected: []byte("for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {")},
{description: "with leading space and trailing space", given: []byte("return s + i.ToString() ; "), expected: []byte("return s + i.ToString();")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1003 imports>>>
<<<sa1003 rule>>>
<<<sa1003 application>>>
func applySymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
// Look for pairings
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\)])([<>!\+\-\*\^%/\^=&\|\?]?[=\|&\?]|[<>\?\:])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([<>!\+\-\*\^%/\^=&\|\?]?[=\|&\?]|[<>\?\:])([\w!])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
// Incrementors and decrementors
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([^\(])([\W])(\+\+|\-\-)(\w)`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$2 $3$4"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\w)(\+\+|\-\-)([^\)])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$2 $3$4"))
// Unary operators
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w])([!])([\w|\(])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2$3"))
// Singlets
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\)])([\*/])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\*/])([\w\(])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([^\+])([\+])([^\+=])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2 $3"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([^\-])([\-])([^\-=])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2 $3"))
// Fix negatives
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\+=<>\?])( *)([\-])([ ]+)([\d])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $3$5"))
// Fix generics
re = regexp.MustCompile(`( < )(.*)( >\s*)\(`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("<$2>("))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`( < )(.*)( >\s*)(\w*)`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("<$2> $4"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var symbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Symbols must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: false,
Apply: applySymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestSymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1003 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applySymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "documentation comment", given: []byte(`/// <summary>`), expected: []byte(`/// <summary>`)},
{description: "assignment", given: []byte(`int i=0;`), expected: []byte(`int i = 0;`)},
{description: "equality and increment by", given: []byte(`if (i==0) i+=2;`), expected: []byte(`if (i == 0) i += 2;`)},
{description: "not equal and decrement by", given: []byte(`if (i!=0) i-=2;`), expected: []byte(`if (i != 0) i -= 2;`)},
{description: "greater than and divide by", given: []byte(`if (i>0) i/=1;`), expected: []byte(`if (i > 0) i /= 1;`)},
{description: "less than and multiply by", given: []byte(`if (i<0) i*=1;`), expected: []byte(`if (i < 0) i *= 1;`)},
{description: "single comment", given: []byte(`// This is a comment`), expected: []byte(`// This is a comment`)},
{description: "less than or equal to, incrementor, and multiplication", given: []byte(`if (i<=0) i++*0;`), expected: []byte(`if (i <= 0) i++ * 0;`)},
{description: "inline comment with asterisk", given: []byte(`/* This is another comment */`), expected: []byte(`/* This is another comment */`)},
{description: "greater than or equal to pre-incrementor", given: []byte(`if (i>=0)++i;`), expected: []byte(`if (i >= 0) ++i;`)},
{description: "comment with asterisk and XML tag", given: []byte("/* <This is a comment>\n *\n */"), expected: []byte("/* <This is a comment>\n *\n */")},
{description: "common for loop", given: []byte(`for (var i=1; i>-1; i--) {}`), expected: []byte(`for (var i = 1; i > -1; i--) {}`)},
{description: "OR comparison", given: []byte(`if (i||i)--i;`), expected: []byte(`if (i || i) --i;`)},
{description: "AND comparison", given: []byte(`if (i&&i) i--*0;`), expected: []byte(`if (i && i) i-- * 0;`)},
{description: "arithmetic including parens", given: []byte(`if (1+1==2) i-1+(i*3)/(i/1)`), expected: []byte(`if (1 + 1 == 2) i - 1 + (i * 3) / (i / 1)`)},
{description: "AND comparison with negation", given: []byte(`a&&!b`), expected: []byte(`a && !b`)},
{description: "IF statement with negation of parens", given: []byte(`if!(true);`), expected: []byte(`if !(true);`)},
{description: "generics", given: []byte(`as IEnumerable<Namespace.ClassName>`), expected: []byte(`as IEnumerable<Namespace.ClassName>`)},
{description: "coalesce", given: []byte(`null??string.Empty;`), expected: []byte(`null ?? string.Empty;`)},
{description: "ternary", given: []byte(`(true)?true:false;`), expected: []byte(`(true) ? true : false;`)},
{description: "IF statement with multiline conditionals", given: []byte("if (true\n&& false)"), expected: []byte("if (true\n&& false)")},
{description: "attributes", given: []byte(`[Route("/api/[controller]")]`), expected: []byte(`[Route("/api/[controller]")]`)},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1004 imports>>>
<<<sa1004 rule>>>
<<<sa1004 application>>>
func applyDocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace(source []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([/]{3})(\S)`)
for re.Match(source) {
source = re.ReplaceAll(source, []byte("$1 $2"))
return source
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var documentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Documentation lines must begin with a single space",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyDocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestDocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1004 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyDocumentationLinesMustBeginWithSingleSpace(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "missing space between comment and opening XML", given: []byte("///<summary>"), expected: []byte("/// <summary>")},
{description: "missing space between comment and text", given: []byte("///The summary."), expected: []byte("/// The summary.")},
{description: "missing space between comment and closing XML", given: []byte("///</summary>"), expected: []byte("/// </summary>")},
{description: "do nothing if okay", given: []byte("/// <param name=\"foo\">The foo.</param>"), expected: []byte("/// <param name=\"foo\">The foo.</param>")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1005 imports>>>
<<<sa1005 rule>>>
<<<sa1005 application>>>
func applySingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace(source []byte) []byte {
reString := regexp.MustCompile(`".*"`)
lines := []byte{}
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(source)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buffer)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Add a newline character on each line after the first
if len(lines) > 0 {
lines = append(lines, byte('\n'))
line := scanner.Bytes()
literal := []byte{}
if reString.Match(line) {
literal = reString.Find(line)
// Handle comments with no space.
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\s*)[/]{2}\s{0}(\S+)`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1// $2"))
// Handle comments with more than one space
re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\s*)[/]{2}\s{2,}(\S+)`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1// $2"))
// Adjust for URIs
re = regexp.MustCompile(`(\s*)[:]{1}[/]{2}\s+(\S+)`)
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1://$2"))
// Trim ending
line = bytes.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
lines = append(lines, line...)
return lines
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var singleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Single line comments must begin with single space",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applySingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestSingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1005 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applySingleLineCommentsMustBeginWithSingleSpace(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "missing space between comment and text", given: []byte("//This is a comment with no space"), expected: []byte("// This is a comment with no space")},
{description: "too many spaces between comment and text", given: []byte("// This is a comment with too many spaces"), expected: []byte("// This is a comment with too many spaces")},
{description: "double commented code", given: []byte("////int i = 0;"), expected: []byte("// // int i = 0;")},
{description: "triple commented code", given: []byte("//////int i = 0;"), expected: []byte("// // // int i = 0;")},
{description: "comment with URI", given: []byte("//http://www.example.com"), expected: []byte("// http://www.example.com")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1006 imports>>>
<<<sa1006 rule>>>
<<<sa1006 application>>>
func applyPreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace(source []byte) []byte {
keywords := `(if|else|elif|endif|define|undef|warning|error|line|region|endregion|pragma|pragma warning|pragma checksum)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([#])(\t| )+` + keywords)
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
for re.Match(line) {
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var preprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Single line comments must begin with single space",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyPreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestPreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1006 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyPreprocessorKeywordsMustNotBePrecededBySpace(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "if should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# if"), expected: []byte("#if")},
{description: "else should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# else"), expected: []byte("#else")},
{description: "elif should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# elif"), expected: []byte("#elif")},
{description: "endif should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# endif"), expected: []byte("#endif")},
{description: "define should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# define"), expected: []byte("#define")},
{description: "undef should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# undef"), expected: []byte("#undef")},
{description: "warning should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# warning"), expected: []byte("#warning")},
{description: "error should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# error"), expected: []byte("#error")},
{description: "line should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# line"), expected: []byte("#line")},
{description: "region should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# region"), expected: []byte("#region")},
{description: "endregion should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# endregion"), expected: []byte("#endregion")},
{description: "pragma should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# pragma"), expected: []byte("#pragma")},
{description: "pragma warning should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# pragma warning"), expected: []byte("#pragma warning")},
{description: "pragma checksum should not have space before hash", given: []byte("# pragma checksum"), expected: []byte("#pragma checksum")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1008 imports>>>
<<<sa1008 rule>>>
<<<sa1008 application>>>
func applyOpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
spaceBetween := `(if|while|for|switch|foreach|using|\+|\-|\*|/|&|\||\^|=)`
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
// Remove leading spaces
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\S])(\t| )([\(])`)
for re.Match(line) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
// Remove trailing spaces
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\(])(\t| )([\S])`)
for re.Match(line) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
// Add space between operators and keywords
re = regexp.MustCompile(spaceBetween + `([\(])`)
for re.Match(line) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var openingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Opening parenthesis must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyOpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestOpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1008 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyOpeningParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "IF statement missing leading space", given: []byte("if(true) {}"), expected: []byte("if (true) {}")},
{description: "do nothing if okay", given: []byte("if (true) {}"), expected: []byte("if (true) {}")},
{description: "remove trailing space", given: []byte("public void something ( int i) {}"), expected: []byte("public void something(int i) {}")},
{description: "SWITCH statement missing leading space", given: []byte("switch(foo) {}"), expected: []byte("switch (foo) {}")},
{description: "in arithmetic", given: []byte("1+(2)"), expected: []byte("1+ (2)")},
{description: "multiline IF statment", given: []byte("if ("), expected: []byte("if (")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1009 imports>>>
<<<sa1009 rule>>>
<<<sa1009 application>>>
func applyClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
spaceBetween := `([A-z]|=|\+|\-|\*|/|&|\||\^|\{)`
// Remove leading spaces
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\S])(\t| )([\)])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
// Remove trailing spaces
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\)])(\t| )([\S])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
// Add space between operators and keywords
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\)])` + spaceBetween)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var closingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Closing parenthesis must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1009 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "with leading space and no trailing space", given: []byte("if (true ){}"), expected: []byte("if (true) {}")},
{description: "with proper spacing", given: []byte("if (true) {}"), expected: []byte("if (true) {}")},
{description: "function leading space only", given: []byte("public void something(int i ) {}"), expected: []byte("public void something(int i) {}")},
{description: "switch statement leading space and no trailing", given: []byte("switch (foo ){}"), expected: []byte("switch (foo) {}")},
{description: "in arithmetic", given: []byte("(2)+1"), expected: []byte("(2) +1")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1010 imports>>>
<<<sa1010 rule>>>
<<<sa1010 application>>>
func applyOpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\S])([\t ]+)([\[])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\[])([\t ]+)([\S])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var openingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Opening square brackets must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyOpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestOpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1010 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyOpeningSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "array declaration", given: []byte("new string [] {};"), expected: []byte("new string[] {};")},
{description: "array declaration with size", given: []byte("new int [ 1];"), expected: []byte("new int[1];")},
{description: "multiline array declaration opening", given: []byte("new string ["), expected: []byte("new string[")},
{description: "multiline array declaration closing", given: []byte("]"), expected: []byte("]")},
{description: "ignore in string", given: []byte("\"[ meh].[bleh]\","), expected: []byte("\"[ meh].[bleh]\",")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1011 imports>>>
<<<sa1011 rule>>>
<<<sa1011 application>>>
func applyClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\S])([\t ]+)([\]])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$3"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\]])([\S])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
re = regexp.MustCompile(`([\]]) ([;])`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1$2"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var closingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Closing square brackets must be spaced correctly",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1011 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyClosingSquareBracketsMustBeSpacedCorrectly(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "array declaration", given: []byte("new string[ ]{};"), expected: []byte("new string[] {};")},
{description: "array declaration with size", given: []byte("new int[1 ] ;"), expected: []byte("new int[1];")},
{description: "multiline array declaration opening", given: []byte("new string["), expected: []byte("new string[")},
{description: "multiline array declaration closing", given: []byte("]"), expected: []byte("]")},
{description: "ignore in string", given: []byte("\"[meh].[bleh ]\","), expected: []byte("\"[meh].[bleh ]\",")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1025 imports>>>
<<<sa1025 rule>>>
<<<sa1025 application>>>
func applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow(source []byte) []byte {
return scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\S)[ ]{2,}(\S)`)
if !bytes.Contains(literal, re.Find(line)) {
for re.Match(line) {
line = re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$1 $2"))
return line
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var codeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Code must not contain multiple whitespaces in a row",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow,
Description: `A violation of this rule occurs whenver the code contains a tab character.`,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestCodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1025 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleWhitespaceInARow(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
{description: "remove multiple spaces", given: []byte("if (i == 0) { }"), expected: []byte("if (i == 0) { }")},
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1027 imports>>>
<<<sa1027 rule>>>
<<<sa1027 application>>>
func applyTabsMustNotBeUsed(source []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\t`)
for re.Match(source) {
source = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(source, []byte(" "))
return source
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var tabsMustNotBeUsed = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Tabs must not be used",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyTabsMustNotBeUsed,
Description: `A violation of this rule occurs whenver the code contains a tab character.`,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestTabsMustNotBeUsed(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1027 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyTabsMustNotBeUsed(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
description: "remove tabs and replace with spaces",
given: []byte("public void FunctionName(string s, int i)\n{\n\tvar i = 0; // blah\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n\t\t// Do something\n\t}\n\treturn s + i.ToString();\n}"),
expected: []byte("public void FunctionName(string s, int i)\n{\n var i = 0; // blah\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n // Do something\n }\n return s + i.ToString();\n}"),
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1210 imports>>>
<<<sa1210 rule>>>
<<<sa1210 application>>>
func applyUsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace(source []byte) []byte {
usings := []string{}
source = scan(source, func(line, literal []byte) []byte {
// Find usings
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*)(using)([\t| ])([^\(])(.*)([;])`)
if re.Match(line) {
using := re.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("$2 $4$5"))
usings = append(usings, string(using))
line = []byte{}
return line
if len(usings) > 0 {
// Sort the usings and add them to the top of the file
s := sort.StringSlice(usings)
if !sort.IsSorted(s) {
source = append([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s;\n\n", strings.Join(s, ";\n"))), source...)
return source
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var usingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Using directives must be ordered alphabetically by namespace",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyUsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestUsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1210 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyUsingDirectivesMustBeOrderedAlphabeticallyByNamespace(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
description: "sort alphabetically",
given: []byte(
"using System;\n" +
"using System.Collections.Generic;\n" +
"using System.Linq;\n" +
"using System.Web.Services;\n" +
"using System.Web.UI;\n" +
"using Use.This.Example.Concrete;\n" +
"using Use.This.Example.Extensions;\n" +
"\n" +
"namespace Company.Blah {}"),
expected: []byte(
"using System;\n" +
"using System.Collections.Generic;\n" +
"using System.Linq;\n" +
"using System.Web.Services;\n" +
"using System.Web.UI;\n" +
"using Use.This.Example.Concrete;\n" +
"using Use.This.Example.Extensions;\n" +
"\n" +
"namespace Company.Blah {}"),
description: "ignore using blocks",
given: []byte(
"using Company;\n" +
"using CompanyB.System;\n" +
"using Company.Collections.Generic;\n" +
"using Company.Linq;\n" +
"\n" +
"namespace Company.Blah {}\n" +
"using (var something = new Something()) {}"),
expected: []byte(
"using Company;\n" +
"using Company.Collections.Generic;\n" +
"using Company.Linq;\n" +
"using CompanyB.System;\n" +
"\n" +
"namespace Company.Blah {}\n" +
"using (var something = new Something()) {}"),
First the template
package rules
import (
<<<sa1507 imports>>>
<<<sa1507 rule>>>
<<<sa1507 application>>>
func applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow(source []byte) []byte {
re := regexp.MustCompile("\n{3,}")
for re.Match(source) {
source = re.ReplaceAllLiteral(source, []byte("\n"))
return source
Bring in used packages
Now the logic has been worked out we'll apply create the rule.
var codeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow = &csfmt.Rule{
Name: "Code must not contain multiple blank lines in a row",
Enabled: true,
Apply: applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow,
Description: ``,
Setup the test harness
package rules
import (
func TestCodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
description string
given []byte
expected []byte
<<<sa1507 tests>>>
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.description, func (t *testing.T) {
actual := applyCodeMustNotContainMultipleBlankLinesInARow(test.given)
if !bytes.Equal(test.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("Got `%s` but wanted `%s`", string(actual), string(test.expected))
and declare our expectations
description: "remove multiple blank lines",
given: []byte(
"public void FunctionName(string s, int i)\n" +
"{\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
" return s + i.ToString();\n" +
expected: []byte(
"public void FunctionName(string s, int i)\n" +
"{\n" +
" return s + i.ToString();\n" +