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Documentation:Language Basics – Level 3

Introduction to strategies

Elementary transformation

We call strategy an elementary transformation. Suppose that you want to transform the object a() into the object b(). You can of course use all the functionalities provided by and . But in that case, you will certainly end in mixing the transformation (the piece of code that really replaces a() by b()) with the control (the part that is executed in order to perform the transformation).

The notion of strategy is a clear separation between control and transformation. In our case, we will define a strategy named Trans1 that only describes the transformation we have in mind:

import main.example.types.*;
  public class Main {
    %gom {
      module Example
      abstract syntax
      Term = a() | b() | f(x:Term)
    %include { sl.tom }
    public final static void main(String[] args) {
      try {
        Term t1 = `a();
        Term t2 = (Term) `Trans1().visit(t1);
        System.out.println("t2 = " + t2);
      } catch(VisitFailure e) {
        System.out.println("the strategy failed");
    %strategy Trans1() extends Fail() {
      visit Term {
        a() -> b()

There exists three kinds of elementary strategy: Fail, which always fails, Identity, which always succeeds, and transformation rules of the form lr.

Therefore, if we consider the elementary strategy a ⇒b (which replaces a by b), we have the following results:

(a -> b)[a]      = b (a -> b)[b]      = failure (a -> b)[f(a)]   = failure (Identity)[a]    = a (Identity)[b]    = b (Identity)[f(a)] = f(a) (Fail)[a]        = failure

Basic combinators


The sequential operator, Sequence(S1,S2), applies the strategy S1, and then the strategy S2. It fails if either S1 fails, or S2 fails.

(Sequence(a -> b, b -> c))[a] = c (Sequence(a -> b, c -> d))[a] = failure (Sequence(b -> c, a -> b))[a] = failure


The choice operator, Choice(S1,S2), applies the strategy S1. If the application S1 fails, it applies the strategy S2. Therefore, Choice(S1,S2) fails if both S1 and S2 fail.

(Choice(a -> b, b -> c))[a]   = b (Choice(b -> c, a -> b))[a]   = b (Choice(b -> c, c -> d))[a]   = failure (Choice(b -> c, Identity))[a] = a


The strategy Not(S), applies the strategy and fails when S succeeds. Otherwise, it succeeds and corresponds to the Identity.

(Not(a -> b))[a]   = failure (Not(b -> c))[a]   = a

Parameterized strategies

By combining basic combinators, more complex strategies can be defined. To make the definitions generic, parameters can be used. For example, we can define the two following strategies:

  • Try(S) = Choice(S, Identity), which tries to apply S, but never fails
  • Repeat(S) = Try(Sequence(S, Repeat(S))), which applies recursively S until it fails, and then returns the last unfailing result

(Try(b -> c))[a]                    = a (Repeat(a -> b))[a]                 = b (Repeat(Choice(b -> c, a -> b)))[a] = c (Repeat(b -> c))[a]                 = a

Traversal strategies

We consider two kinds of traversal strategy (All(S) and One(S)). The first one applies S to all subterms, whereas the second one applies S to only one subterm.


The application of the strategy All(S) to a term t applies S on each immediate subterm of t. The strategy All(S) fails if S fails on at least one immediate subterm.

(All(a -> b))[f(a)]        = f(b) (All(a -> b))[g(a,a)]      = g(b,b) (All(a -> b))[g(a,b)]      = failure (All(a -> b))[a]           = a (All(Try(a -> b)))[g(a,c)] = g(b,c)


The application of the strategy One(S) to a term t tries to apply S on an immediate subterm of t. The strategy One(S) succeeds if there is a subterm such that S can be applied. The subterms are tried from left to right.

(One(a -> b))[f(a)]   = f(b) (One(a -> b))[g(a,a)] = g(b,a) (One(a -> b))[g(b,a)] = g(b,b) (One(a -> b))[a]      = failure

High level strategies

By combining the previously mentioned constructs, it becomes possible to define well know strategies:

BottomUp(S)     = Sequence(All(BottomUp(S)), S) TopDown(S)      = Sequence(S, All(TopDown(S))) OnceBottomUp(S) = Choice(One(OnceBottomUp(S)), S) OnceTopDown(S)  = Choice(S, One(OnceTopDown(S))) Innermost(S)    = Repeat(OnceBottomUp(S)) Outermost(S)    = Repeat(OnceTopDown(S))

Strategies in practice

Let us consider again a Pico language whose syntax is a bit simpler than the one seen in section Level 1.

import pico2.term.types.*;
import java.util.*;
  class Pico2 {
  %include { sl.tom }
    %gom {
      module Term
      imports int String
      abstract syntax
      Bool = True()
           | False()
           | Neg(b:Bool)
           | Or(b1:Bool, b2:Bool)
           | And(b1:Bool, b2:Bool)
           | Eq(e1:Expr, e2:Expr)
      Expr = Var(name:String)
           | Cst(val:int)
           | Let(name:String, e:Expr, body:Expr)
           | Seq( Expr* )
           | If(cond:Bool, e1:Expr, e2:Expr)
           | Print(e:Expr)
           | Plus(e1:Expr, e2:Expr)

As an exercise, we want to write an optimization function that replaces an instruction of the form If(Neg(b),i1,i2) by a simpler one: If(b,i2,i1). A possible implementation is:

public static Expr opti(Expr expr) {
  %match(expr) {
    If(Neg(b),i1,i2) -> { return `opti(If(b,i2,i1)); }
    x -> { return `x; }
  throw new RuntimeException("strange term: " + expr);
public final static void main(String[] args) {
  Expr p4 = `Let("i",Cst(0),
                  Seq(Print(Var("i")), Let("i",Plus(Var("i"),Cst(1)),Var("i"))),
  System.out.println("p4       = " + p4);
  System.out.println("opti(p4) = " + opti(p4));

When executing this program, we obtain:

p4       = Let("i",Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var("i"),Cst(10))),
opti(p4) = Let("i",Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var("i"),Cst(10))),

This does not correspond to the expected result, simply because the opti function performs an optimization when the expression starts with an If instruction. To get the expected behavior, we have to add congruence rules that will allow to apply the rule in subterms (one rule for each constructor):

public static Expr opti(Expr expr) {
  %match(expr) {
    If(Neg(b),i1,i2) -> { return `opti(If(b,i2,i1)); }
    // congruence rules
    Let(n,e1,e2)     -> { return `Let(n,opti(e1),opti(e2)); }
    Seq(head,tail*)  -> { return `Seq(opti(head),opti(tail*)); }
    If(b,i1,i2)      -> { return `If(b,opti(i1),opti(i2)); }
    Print(e)         -> { return `Print(e); }
    Plus(e1,e2)      -> { return `Plus(e1,e2); }
    x -> { return `x; }
  throw new RuntimeException("strange term: " + expr);

Since this is not very convenient, we will show how the use of strategies can simplify this task.

Printing constants using a strategy

Let us start with a very simple task which consists in printing all the nodes that corresponds to a constant (Cst(_). To do that, we have to define an elementary strategy that is successful when it is applied on a node Cst(_):

%strategy stratPrintCst() extends Fail() {
  visit Expr {
    Cst(x) -> { System.out.println("cst: " + `x); }

To traverse the program and print all Cst nodes, a TopDown strategy can be applied:

public static void printCst(Expr expr) {
  try {
  } catch (VisitFailure e) {
    System.out.println("strategy failed");
public final static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("p4 = " + p4);

This results in:

p4 = Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(i),Cst(10))),      ConsSeq(Print(Var(i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,      Plus(Var(i),Cst(1)),Var(i)),Seq())),Seq())) cst: 0 cst: 10 cst: 1

Combining elementary strategies

As a second exercise, we will try to write another strategy that performs the same task, but we will try to separate the strategy that looks for a constant from the strategy that prints a node. So, let us define these two strategies:

%strategy FindCst() extends Fail() {
  visit Expr {
    c@Cst(x) -> c
%strategy PrintTree() extends Identity() {
  visit Expr {
    x -> { System.out.println(`x); }

Similarly to stratPrintCst, the strategy FindCst extends Fail. The goal of the PrintTree strategy is to print a node of sort Expr. By extending Identity, we specify the default behavior when the strategy is applied on a term of a different sort.

To print the node Cst, we have to look for a Cst and print this node. This can be done by combining, using a Sequence, the two strategies FindCst and PrintTree:

public static void printCst(Expr expr) {
  try {
  } catch (VisitFailure e) {
    System.out.println("strategy failed");

This results in:

cst: 0 cst: 10 cst: 1 Cst(0) Cst(10) Cst(1)

Modifying a subterm

Here, we will try to rename all the variables from a given program: the name should be modified into _name.

To achieve this task, you can define a primitive strategy that performs the modification, and apply it using a strategy such as TopDown:

%strategy stratRenameVar() extends Fail() {
  visit Expr {
    Var(name) -> { return `Var("_"+name); }
public static void optimize(Expr expr) {
  try {
  } catch (VisitFailure e) {
    System.out.println("strategy failed");

The application of optimize to p4 results in:

Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(_i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(_i),Cst(1)),Var(_i)),Seq())),Seq()))

Suppose now that we want to print the intermediate steps: we do not want to perform all the replacements in one step, but for debugging purpose, we want to print the intermediate term after each application of the renaming rule.

The solution consists in combining the stratRenameVar strategy with the PrintTree strategy.

A first solution consists in applying stratRenameVar using a OnceBottomUp strategy, and immediately apply PrintTree on the resulting term. This could be implemented as follows:

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

Unfortunately, this results in:

Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(__i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(___i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(____i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_____i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(______i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_______i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(________i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_________i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(__________i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(___________i),Cst(10))),... Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(____________i),Cst(10))),... ...

This is not the expected behavior! Why?

Simply because the renaming rule can be applied several times on a same variable. To fix this problem, we have to apply the renaming rule only if the considered variable has not already be renamed.

To know if a variable has been renamed, you just have to define an elementary strategy, called RenamedVar, that succeeds when the name of the variable starts with an underscore. This can be easily implemented using string matching capabilities:

%strategy RenamedVar() extends Fail() {
  visit Expr {
    v@Var(concString('_',name*)) -> v

To finish our implementation, it is sufficient to apply stratRenameVar only when RenamedVar fails, i.e., when Not(RenamedVar) succeeds.


This results in (layouts have been added to improve readability):

Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(i),Cst(1)),Var(i)),Seq())),Seq())) Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(_i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(i),Cst(1)),Var(i)),Seq())),Seq())) Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(_i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(_i),Cst(1)),Var(i)),Seq())),Seq())) Let(i,Cst(0),If(Neg(Eq(Var(_i),Cst(10))),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(_i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(_i),Cst(1)),Var(_i)),Seq())),Seq()))

Re-implementing the tiny optimizer

Now that you know how to use strategies, it should be easy to implement the tiny optimizer seen in the beginning of section Level 3.

You just have to define the transformation rule and a strategy that will apply the rule in an innermost way:

%strategy OptIf() extends Fail() {
  visit Expr {
    If(Neg(b),i1,i2) -> If(b,i2,i1)
public static void optimize(Expr expr) {
  try {
  } catch (VisitFailure e) {
    System.out.println("strategy failed");

Applied to the program p4, as expected this results in:

Let(i,Cst(0),If(Eq(Var(i),Cst(10)),Seq(),   ConsSeq(Print(Var(i)),ConsSeq(Let(i,   Plus(Var(i),Cst(1)),Var(i)),Seq()))))

Anti pattern-matching

Tom patterns support the use of complements, called anti-patterns. In other words, it is possible to specify what you don’t want to match. This is done via the ‘!’ symbol, according to the grammar defined in the language reference.

If we consider the Gom signature

import list1.list.types.*;
public class List1 {
  %gom {
    module List
    abstract syntax
    E = a()
      | b()
      | c()
      | f(x1:E, x2:E)
      | g(x3:E)
    L = List( E* )

a very simple use of the anti-patterns would be

%match(subject) {
  !a() -> {
    System.out.println("The subject is different from 'a'");

The ‘!’ symbols can be nested, and therefore more complicated examples can be generated:

%match(subject) {
  f(a(),!b()) -> {
    // matches an f which has x1=a() and x2!=b()
  f(!a(),!b()) -> {
    // matches an f which has x1!=a() and x2!=b()
  !f(a(),!b()) -> {
    // matches either something different from f(a(),_) or f(a(),b())
  !f(x,x) -> {
    // matches either something different from f, or an f with x1 != x2
  f(x,!x) -> {
    // matches an f which has x1 != x2
  f(x,!g(x)) -> {
    // matches an f which has either x2!=g or x2=g(y) with y != x1

The anti-patterns can be also quite useful when used with lists. Imagine that you what to search for a list that doesn’t contain a specific element. Without the use of anti-patterns, you would be forced to match with a variable instead of the element you don’t want, and after that to perform a test in the action part to check the contents of the variable. For the signature defined above, if we are looking for a list that doesn’t contain a(), using the anti-patterns we would write:

%match(listSubject) {
  !List(_*,a(),_*) -> {
    System.out.println("The list doesn't contain 'a'");

Please note that this is different from writing

%match(listSubject) {
  List(_*,!a(),_*) -> {
    // at least an element different from a()

which would match a list that has at least one element different from a().

Some more useful anti-patterns can be imagined in the case of lists:

%match(listSubject) {
  !List(_*,!a(),_*) -> {
    // matches a list that contains only 'a()'
  !List(X*,X*) -> {
    // matches a non-symmetrical list
  !List(_*,x,_*,x,_*) -> {
    // matches a list that has all the elements distinct
  List(_*,x,_*,!x,_*) -> {
    // matches a list that has at least two elements that are distinct

Using constraints for more flexibility

Since version 2.6 of the language, a more modular syntax for %match and %strategy is proposed. Instead of having a pattern (or several for more subjects) as the left-hand side of rules in a %match or %strategy, now more complex conditions can be used.

Let’s consider the following class that includes a Gom signature:

import constraints.example.types.*;
public class Constraints {
  %gom {
    module Example
    abstract syntax
    E = a()
      | b()
      | c()
      | f(x1:E, x2:E)
      | g(x3:E)
      L = List( E* )

Let’s now suppose that we have the following %match construct:

%match(subject) {
  f(x,y) -> {
      boolean flag = false;
        g(a())     -> { flag = true; }
        f(a(),b()) -> { flag = true; }
      if (flag) { /* some action */ }
    g(_) -> { System.out.println("a g(_)"); }

This is a very basic example where we want to check if the subject is an f with the second sub-term either g(a()) or f(a(),b()). If it is the case, we want to perform an action.

Using the new syntax of the %match construct (detailed in the language reference), we could write the following equivalent code:

%match(subject) {
  f(x,y) && ( g(a()) << y || f(a(),b()) << y ) -> { /* some action */ }
  g(_) -> { System.out.println("g()"); }

The %match construct can be also used without any parameters. The following three constructs are all equivalent:

%match(subject1, subject2) {
  p1,p2 -> { /* action 1 */ }
  p3,p4 -> { /* action 2 */ }
%match(subject1) {
  p1 && p2 << subject2 -> { /* action 1 */ }
  p3 && p4 << subject2 -> { /* action 2 */ }
%match {
  p1 << subject1 && p2 << subject2 -> { /* action 1 */ }
  p3 << subject1 && p4 << subject2 -> { /* action 2 */ }

A big advantage of the this approach compared to the classical one is its flexibility. The right-hand side of a match constraint can be a term built on variables coming from the left-hand sides of other constraints, as we saw in the first example of this section. A more advanced example could verify for instance that a list only contains two occurrences of an object:

%match(sList) {
  List(X*,a(),Y*,a(),Z*) && !List(_*,a(),_*) << List(X*,Y*,Z*) -> {
    System.out.println("Only two objects a()");

In the above example, the first pattern checks that the subject contains two objects a(), and the second constraint verifies that the rest of the list doesn’t contain any a().

Besides match constraints introduced with the symbol <<, we ca also have boolean constraints by using the following operators: >, >=, <, <=, == and !=. These can be used between any terms, and are trivially translated into host code (this means that the constraint term1 == term2 will correspond exactly to an if (term1 == term2) ... in the generated code). A simple example is the following one, which prints all the elements in a list of integers that are bigger than 5:

%gom {
  module Example
  imports int
  abstract syntax
  Lst = intList( int* )
Lst sList = `intList(6,7,4,5,3,2,8,9);
%match(sList) {
  intList(_*,x,_*) && x > 5 -> { System.out.println(`x);
