We got to a strict-serializable solution by cramming the entire database into
a single key in a linearizable key-value store. That... works, but it might be
inefficient. In particular, that state is constantly growing over time, and
that means our transactions get slower and slower over time--just from having
to serialize and deserialize an ever-larger state. We can see this in the
In this section, we'll break up our state into little bits, while retaining the same strict-serializable safety properties.
The safety properties we have right now are guaranteed by the linearizable
compare-and-set of the root
key, where all our data lives. But there's no
reason the actual data needs to live in root itself. We could store a
pointer to that data--maybe one pointer per key--and fetch it asynchronously.
That way, we'd avoid serializing the entire world for every transaction. We'd
only need to load and store the things that changed.
To do this, we're going to need a place to store those values. Let's create an ID generator class, which uses a node's ID and an atomic counter to generate globally unique IDs.
class IDGen
def initialize(node)
@node = node
@lock = Mutex.new
@i = -1
# Generates a new unique ID
def new_id
i = @lock.synchronize do
@i += 1
Now we want some sort of lazy value to put as the entries in our maps--something which could load data from the storage service, but only if requested. Following Haskell, we'll call this class a Thunk. We'll keep track of whether it's been saved or not, so we don't have to save Everything Every Time.
class Thunk
SVC = 'lin-kv'
def initialize(node, id, value, saved)
@node = node
@id = id
@value = value
@saved = saved
# Returns this thunk's ID, creating a new one if necessary.
def id
@id ||= @idgen.new_id
# Returns the value of this thunk from the storage service.
def value
@value ||= @node.sync_rpc!(SVC, {
type: 'read',
key: id
# Saves this thunk to the storage service
def save!
unless @saved
res = @node.sync_rpc! SVC, type: 'write', key: id, value: @value
if res[:body][:type] == 'write_ok'
@saved = true
raise RPCError.abort "Unable to save thunk #{id}"
Now, let's think about our immutable Maps. Instead of storing them as a list of
[key, value]
pairs, we'll store them as [key, thunk-id]
pairs. When we
inflate a Map from storage, we'll create a map of keys to unrealized
Thunks--their values will only be retrieved if needed.
class Map
def initialize(node, idgen, map = {})
@node = node
@idgen = idgen
@map = map
# We have a list of [k, id] pairs, each id belonging to a saved Thunk.
def self.from_json(node, idgen, json)
pairs = json || []
m = {}
pairs.each do |k, id|
m[k] = Thunk.new node, id, nil, true
Map.new node, idgen, m
# Turns this Map into a JSON object. We serialize ourselves as a list of
# [k, thunk-id] pairs, so that our keys can be any type of object, not just
# strings.
def to_json
@map.entries.map do |k, thunk|
[k, thunk.id]
We'll also need a way to save all the thunks used in a map, so we can write the map safely to storage.
# Saves this Map's thunks to the storage service
def save!
@map.values.each do |thunk|
Our getters and setters need only slight changes: when reading, we ask the Thunk for its value, and when writing, we create a new, unsaved Thunk, with a fresh ID.
# Get the value of key k
def [](k)
if v = @map[k]
# Return a copy of this Map with k = v
def assoc(k, v)
thunk = Thunk.new @node, @idgen.new_id, v, false
Map.new @node, @idgen, @map.merge({k => thunk})
Our transact method is exactly the same as before: we reduce through the given transaction, building up a new Map. Only now, under the hood, we'll have constructed a map built out of lazy Thunks, ready to be saved.
# Applies txn to this Map, returning a tuple of the resulting Map and the
# completed transaction.
def transact(txn)
txn2 = []
map2 = txn.reduce(self) do |m, op|
f, k, v = op
case f
when "r"
txn2 << [f, k, m[k]]
when "append"
txn2 << op
list = (m[k].clone or [])
list << v
m.assoc k, list
[map2, txn2]
Our mutable State
class will now also keep track of a node and id generator.
class State
# Where do we store the root DB state?
SVC = 'lin-kv'
KEY = 'root'
def initialize(node, idgen)
@node = node
@idgen = idgen
And when it comes time to execute a transaction, we'll make sure to thread that
node and idgen into the Map loader. We also need to save!
the map before
trying to CaS it to a new value: we don't want to create a map with thunks that
nobody else can read.
def transact!(txn)
# Load the current value from lin-kv
map1 = Map.from_json(@node, @idgen,
@node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
type: 'read',
key: KEY
# Apply txn
map2, txn2 = map1.transact txn
# Save resulting state iff it hasn't changed
res = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
type: 'cas',
key: KEY,
from: map1.to_json,
to: map2.to_json,
create_if_not_exists: true
unless res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
raise RPCError.txn_conflict "CAS failed!"
Finally, when we create our Transactor, we'll also create an ID service, and pass it to the initial State.
class Transactor
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@lock = Mutex.new
idgen = IDGen.new @node
@state = State.new @node, idgen
@node.on 'txn' do |msg|
txn = msg[:body][:txn]
@node.log "\nTxn: #{txn}"
txn2 = @lock.synchronize do
@state.transact! txn
@node.reply! msg, type: "txn_ok", txn: txn2
Phew! That was a lot of work! But if all goes well, we should have an honest-to-gosh strict-serializable data store--with values split out into their own, immutable, lazy thunks.
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
And if we look at the resulting transaction latencies... they're no longer (obviously) growing linearly:
We expect some growth still--every time we add a new key to the test, there's one more element we have to store in the root map. But when the values in the map are large, this approach means we only have to load the data we actually care about for each transaction, and that can significantly improve latency.
We've successfully moved the values in our map into their own thunks--but the keys themselves are still stored in the root database pointer, and that slowly grows over time as more keys are added. What if we wanted to keep the root pointer small? Could we make the entire map a thunk, too?
A small change to our Thunk class: instead of saving the value directly to/from the storage service, we'll add methods which convert between the in-memory value and the JSON version that we write to storage.
class Thunk
# By default, thunks serialize their entire value to/from JSON directly.
def to_json
def from_json(json)
When Thunks are asked for their values, or save their values, they use those
and from_json
methods to convert back and forth.
class Thunk
# Returns the value of this thunk from the storage service.
def value
unless @value
res = @node.sync_rpc! SVC, type: 'read', key: id
value = from_json res[:body][:value]
@value ||= value
# Saves this thunk to the storage service
def save!
unless @saved
res = @node.sync_rpc! SVC, type: 'write', key: id, value: to_json
if res[:body][:type] == 'write_ok'
@saved = true
raise RPCError.abort "Unable to save thunk #{id}"
Now we can make Map
a subclass of Thunk
, and inherit its
lazy-loading/saving behavior.
class Map < Thunk
def initialize(node, idgen, id, value, saved)
super node, id, value, saved
@idgen = idgen
We'll replace the Map.from_json
class method with an instance method, letting
take over our deserialization. Note that we don't need to
construct a full Map object here--we return the new @value
, which the Thunk
machinery loads for us.
# We have a list of [k, id] pairs, each id belonging to a saved Thunk.
def from_json(json)
pairs = json || []
m = {}
pairs.each do |k, id|
m[k] = Thunk.new @node, id, nil, true
We replace references to @map with value
, and update our save!
function to
save the Map after all its values have been saved.
# Turns this Map into a JSON object. We serialize ourselves as a list of
# [k, thunk-id] pairs, so that our keys can be any type of object, not just
# strings.
def to_json
value.entries.map do |k, thunk|
[k, thunk.id]
# Saves this Map's thunks to the storage service
def save!
value.values.each do |thunk|
# Get the value of key k
def [](k)
if v = value[k]
When we assoc
, we construct a new Map with its own fresh ID, in addition to
the new thunk.
# Return a copy of this Map with k = v
def assoc(k, v)
thunk = Thunk.new @node, @idgen.new_id, v, false
Map.new @node, @idgen, @idgen.new_id, value.merge({k => thunk}), false
Finally, we need to re-work our State
class: instead of loading the Map
directly from JSON, it should create a Map thunk, and let the Map handle
loading itself when asked. Instead of storing the entire Map in the root, we'll
store just the identifier.
class State
# Where do we store the root DB state?
SVC = 'lin-kv'
KEY = 'root'
def initialize(node, idgen)
@node = node
@idgen = idgen
def transact!(txn)
# Load the current map id from lin-kv
map_id1 = @node.sync_rpc!('lin-kv', {
type: 'read',
key: KEY
map1 = if map_id1
Map.new(@node, @idgen, map_id1, nil, true)
Map.new(@node, @idgen, @idgen.new_id, {}, false)
# Apply txn
map2, txn2 = map1.transact txn
# Save resulting state iff it hasn't changed
if map1.id != map2.id
res = @node.sync_rpc!(SVC, {
type: 'cas',
key: KEY,
from: map1.id,
to: map2.id,
create_if_not_exists: true
unless res[:body][:type] == 'cas_ok'
raise RPCError.txn_conflict "CAS failed!"
Is the resulting server still strict-serializable? Let's check:
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 100
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
Indeed, it is! We can even see the algorithm at work in messages.svg
. Here, a
transaction wants to append 1 to key 6, and 2 to key 9. The State
fetches the
current root pointer, obtaining n1-2
. It fetches the map stored at n1-2
which expands into a key-value pair: key 9's current value is stored in n1-1
It fetches n1-1
, finding the current list [1]
, and so on. When the
transaction is complete, the Map writes each modified Thunk, then itself, and
finally, the State updates the root pointer via cas
We can represent an entire database as a single pointer, and obtain arbitrary strict-serializable transactions over that database state.
Next, we'll look at ways to optimize this approach.