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priority: high
priority: high
Indicates that the issue or pull request has high priority.
priority: low
priority: low
Indicates that the issue or pull request has low priority.
priority: medium
priority: medium
Indicates that the issue or pull request has medium priority.
quality control: approved
quality control: approved
Changes Requested (for feedback from the QA testing team)
quality control: changes requested
quality control: changes requested
Approved (for when the QA testing team approves the changes)
scope: compliancy
scope: compliancy
Changes related to ensuring compliance with regulations or standards.
scope: development
scope: development
Changes focused on development processes or tools.
scope: documentation
scope: documentation
Changes related to project documentation.
scope: localisation
scope: localisation
Changes related to localization or internationalisation.
scope: maintainablity
scope: maintainablity
Changes aimed at improving the maintainability of the codebase.
scope: performance
scope: performance
Changes aimed at optimizing performance.
scope: privacy
scope: privacy
Changes related to data privacy and protection.
scope: quality
scope: quality
Changes aimed at improving code or product quality.
scope: robustness
scope: robustness
Changes aimed at enhancing the robustness of the application.
scope: security
scope: security
Changes related to security measures and enhancements.
scope: stability
scope: stability
Changes aimed at improving the stability and reliability of the software.
status: discussing
status: discussing
Indicates that the issue or pull request is under discussion.
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
Indicates that the issue or pull request is a duplicate of another existing one.
status: invalid
status: invalid
Indicates that the issue or pull request is not valid or doesn't meet the criteria.
status: out of scope
status: out of scope
Indicates that the issue or pull request falls outside the current project scope.
status: under testing
status: under testing
Issue or pull request is currently being tested by the QA team or undergoing testing processes.
status: verify
status: verify
Indicates that the changes need to be verified or validated.
technical review: approved
technical review: approved
Approved (for when the technical team approves the changes)
technical review: changes requested
technical review: changes requested
Changes Requested (for feedback from the technical team)
test: functional testing
test: functional testing
Changes related to functional testing.
test: unit testing
test: unit testing
Changes related to unit testing.
type: bug
type: bug
Indicates that the issue or pull request addresses a bug or error.
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Indicates that the issue or pull request suggests an improvement or enhancement.
type: new feature
type: new feature
Indicates that the issue or pull request proposes a new feature.
type: proposal
type: proposal
Indicates that the issue or pull request is a proposal for discussion or consideration.