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Checking webhook signatures

Verify the events that Stripe sends to your webhook endpoints. Additional details in the Stripe docs.

You can find a Node.js TypeScript server example in stripe-samples.


You’ll need the following:


In this directory (cd examples/webhook-signing/), copy the environment variables file:

cp .env.example .env

Update .env with your own Stripe API keys.

Install and run

Install dependencies:

npm install

Next, follow these installation steps to install the Stripe CLI which we'll use for webhook forwarding.

After the installation has finished, authenticate the CLI with your Stripe account:

stripe login

To start the webhook forwarding run:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhook

The Stripe CLI will let you know that webhook forwarding is ready and output your webhook signing secret:

> Ready! Your webhook signing secret is whsec_xxx

Copy the webhook signing secret (whsec_xxx) to your .env file.

In a separate terminal window, start the local server:

npm run vanilla # Runs the vanilla JavaScript example.
npm run typescript # Compiles and runs the TypeScript example.

In another separate terminal window, trigger an event, for example:

stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded

You should now see some webhook event details being logged to your Node.js console.