diff --git a/lib/INIFileParser.XML b/lib/INIFileParser.XML
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..262ec7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/INIFileParser.XML
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+ INIFileParser
+ Asserts that a strings has no blank spaces.
+ The string to be checked.
+ Represents an INI data parser for files.
+ Represents an INI data parser for streams.
+ Ctor
+ Ctor
+ Reads data in INI format from a stream.
+ Reader stream.
+ And instance with the readed ini data parsed.
+ Thrown if is null.
+ Writes the ini data to a stream.
+ A write stream where the ini data will be stored
+ An instance.
+ Thrown if is null.
+ This instance will handle ini data parsing and writing
+ Implements reading ini data from a file.
+ Uses codification for the file.
+ Path to the file
+ Implements reading ini data from a file.
+ Path to the file
+ File's encoding.
+ Saves INI data to a file.
+ Creats an ASCII encoded file by default.
+ Path to the file.
+ IniData to be saved as an INI file.
+ Writes INI data to a text file.
+ Path to the file.
+ IniData to be saved as an INI file.
+ Specifies the encoding used to create the file.
+ Represents all data from an INI file
+ Represents all sections from an INI file
+ Initializes an empty IniData instance.
+ Initializes a new IniData instance using a previous
+ .
+ object containing the
+ data with the sections of the file
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ See property for more information.
+ Configuration used to write an ini file with the proper
+ delimiter characters and data.
+ If the instance was created by a parser,
+ this instance is a copy of the used
+ by the parser (i.e. different objects instances)
+ If this instance is created programatically without using a parser, this
+ property returns an instance of
+ Global sections. Contains key/value pairs which are not
+ enclosed in any section (i.e. they are defined at the beginning
+ of the file, before any section.
+ Gets the instance
+ with the specified section name.
+ Gets or sets all the
+ for this IniData instance.
+ Information associated to a key from an INI file.
+ Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ from a previous instance of .
+ Data is deeply copied
+ The instance of the class
+ used to create the new instance.
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ List with comment lines associated to this key
+ Unique value associated to this key
+ Name of the current key
+ Gets or sets the comment list associated to this key.
+ Gets or sets the value associated to this key.
+ Gets or sets the name of the key.
+ Represents a collection of Keydata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ from a previous instance of .
+ Data is deeply copied
+ The instance of the class
+ used to create the new instance.
+ Adds a new key with the specified name and empty value and comments
+ A valid key name is a string with NO blank spaces.
+ New key to be added.
+ true if a new empty key was added
+ false otherwise.
+ If the key name is not valid.
+ Adds a new key with the specified name and value and comments
+ A valid key name is a string with NO blank spaces.
+ New key to be added.
+ KeyData instance.
+ true if a new empty key was added
+ false otherwise.
+ If the key name is not valid.
+ Adds a new key with the specified name and value and comments
+ A valid key name is a string with NO blank spaces.
+ New key to be added.
+ Value associated to the kyy.
+ true if a new empty key was added
+ false otherwise.
+ If the key name is not valid.
+ Gets if a specifyed key name exists in the collection.
+ Key name to search
+ true if a key with the specified name exists in the collectoin
+ false otherwise
+ Retrieves the data for a specified key given its name
+ Name of the key to retrieve.
+ A instance holding
+ the key information or null if the key wasn't found.
+ Deletes all keys in this collection.
+ Deletes a previously existing key, including its associated data.
+ The key to be removed.
+ true if a key with the specified name was removed
+ false otherwise.
+ Sets the key data associated to a specified key.
+ The new for the key.
+ Allows iteration througt the collection.
+ A strong-typed IEnumerator
+ Implementation needed
+ A weak-typed IEnumerator.
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ Collection of KeyData for a given section
+ Gets or sets the value of a concrete key.
+ If we try to assign the value of a key which doesn't exists,
+ a new key is added with the name and the value is assigned to it.
+ Name of the key
+ The string with key's value or null
+ if the key was not found.
+ Return the number of keys in the collection
+ An integer with the number of keys in the collection.
+ Default values used if an instance of
+ is created without specifying a configuration.
+ By default the various delimiters for the data are setted:
+ ';' for one-line comments
+ '[' ']' for delimiting a section
+ '=' for linking key / value pairs
+ An example of well formed data with the default values:
+ ;section comment
+ [section] ; section comment
+ ; key comment
+ key = value ;key comment
+ ;key2 comment
+ key2 = value
+ Configuration data used for a class instance.
+ This class allows changing the behaviour of a instance.
+ The class exposes an instance of this class via
+ Defines data for a Parser configuration object.
+ With a configuration object you can redefine how the parser
+ will detect special items in the ini file by defining new regex
+ (e.g. you can redefine the comment regex so it just treat text as
+ a comment iff the comment caracter is the first in the line)
+ or changing the set of characters used to define elements in
+ the ini file (e.g. change the 'comment' caracter from ';' to '#')
+ You can also define how the parser should treat errors, or how liberal
+ or conservative should it be when parsing files with "strange" formats.
+ Clones this instance.
+ If set to false and the finds duplicate keys in a
+ section the parser will stop with an error.
+ If set to true, duplicated keys are allowed in the file. The value
+ of the duplicate key will be the last value asigned to the key in the file.
+ Defaults to false.
+ If set to false and the finds a duplicate section
+ the parser will stop with an error.
+ If set to true, duplicated sections are allowed in the file, but only a
+ element will be created in the
+ collection.
+ Defaults to false.
+ Allows having keys in the file that don't belong to any section.
+ i.e. allows defining keys before defining a section.
+ If set to false and keys without a section are defined,
+ the will stop with an error.
+ Defaults to true.
+ Sets the string around KeyValuesAssignmentChar
+ Defaults to string ' '
+ Regular expression used to match a comment string
+ Sets the char that defines the start of a comment.
+ A comment spans from the comment character to the end of the line.
+ Defaults to character '#'
+ Sets the char that defines a value assigned to a key
+ Defaults to character '='
+ Only used if is also true
+ If set to true when the parser finds a duplicate key, it overrites
+ the previous value, so the key will always contain the value of the
+ last key read in the file
+ If set to false the first value is preserved, so the key will
+ always contain the value of the first key read in the file
+ Defaults to false.
+ Sets the char that defines the end of a section name.
+ Defaults to character ']'
+ Regular expression used to match a section string
+ Sets the char that defines the start of a section name.
+ Defaults to character '['
+ IF set to true, when the parser finds an invalid line, it just skips it
+ instead of throwing a or returning null when parsing
+ (if exceptions are disabled because the property
+ is set to false).
+ Defaults to false
+ If true the instance will thrown an exception
+ if an error is found.
+ If false the parser will just stop execution and return a null value.
+ Defaults to true.
+ Ctor.
+ Copy ctor.
+ Original instance to be copied.
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ 2
+ Regular expression for matching a comment string
+ Regular expression for matching a section string
+ Sets the char that defines the start of a section name.
+ Defaults to character '['
+ Sets the char that defines the end of a section name.
+ Defaults to character ']'
+ Sets the char that defines the start of a comment.
+ A comment spans from the comment character to the end of the line.
+ Defaults to character '#'
+ Sets the char that defines a value assigned to a key
+ Defaults to character '='
+ Sets the string around KeyValuesAssignmentChar
+ Defaults to string ' '
+ Allows having keys in the file that don't belong to any section.
+ i.e. allows defining keys before defining a section.
+ If set to false and keys without a section are defined,
+ the will stop with an error.
+ Defaults to true.
+ If set to false and the finds duplicate keys in a
+ section the parser will stop with an error.
+ If set to true, duplicated keys are allowed in the file. The value
+ of the duplicate key will be the last value asigned to the key in the file.
+ Defaults to false.
+ Only used if is also true
+ If set to true when the parser finds a duplicate key, it overrites
+ the previous value, so the key will always contain the value of the
+ last key readed in the file
+ If set to false the first readed value is preserved, so the key will
+ always contain the value of the first key readed in the file
+ Defaults to false.
+ If true the instance will thrown an exception
+ if an error is found.
+ If false the parser will just stop execution and return a null value.
+ Defaults to true.
+ If set to false and the finds a duplicate section
+ the parser will stop with an error.
+ If set to true, duplicated sections are allowed in the file, but only a
+ element will be created in the
+ collection.
+ Defaults to false.
+ Ctor.
+ Responsible for parsing an string from an ini file, and creating
+ an structure.
+ Ctor
+ The parser uses a by default
+ Ctor
+ Parser's instance.
+ Parses a string containing valid ini data
+ String with data
+ An instance with the data contained in
+ the correctly parsed an structured.
+ Thrown if the data could not be parsed
+ Checks if a given string contains a comment.
+ The string to be checked.
+ true if any substring from s is a comment, false otherwise.
+ Checks if a given string represents a section delimiter.
+ The string to be checked.
+ true if the string represents a section, false otherwise.
+ Checks if a given string represents a key / value pair.
+ The string to be checked.
+ true if the string represents a key / value pair, false otherwise.
+ Removes a comment from a string if exist, and returns the string without
+ the comment substring.
+ The string we want to remove the comments from.
+ The string s without comments.
+ Processes one line and parses the data found in that line
+ (section or key/value pair who may or may not have comments)
+ The string with the line to process
+ Proccess a string which contains an ini section.
+ The string to be processed
+ Processes a string containing an ini key/value pair.
+ The string to be processed
+ Extracts the key portion of a string containing a key/value pair..
+ The string to be processed, which contains a key/value pair
+ The name of the extracted key.
+ Extracts the value portion of a string containing a key/value pair..
+ The string to be processed, which contains a key/value pair
+ The name of the extracted value.
+ Adds a key to a concrete instance, checking
+ if duplicate keys are allowed in the configuration
+ Key name
+ Key's value
+ collection where the key should be inserted
+ Name of the section where the is contained.
+ Used only for logging purposes.
+ Temp list of comments
+ Tmp var with the name of the seccion which is being process
+ Configuration that defines the behaviour and constraints
+ that the parser must follow.
+ Information associated to a section in a INI File
+ Includes both the value and the comments associated to the key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ from a previous instance of .
+ Data is deeply copied
+ The instance of the class
+ used to create the new instance.
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ Comments associated to this section
+ Keys associated to this section
+ Name of the u
+ Gets or sets the name of the section.
+ The name of the section.
+ Gets or sets the comment list associated to this section.
+ A list of strings.
+ Gets or sets the keys associated to this section.
+ A collection of KeyData objects.
+ Represents a collection of SectionData.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ from a previous instance of .
+ Data is deeply copied
+ The instance of the class
+ used to create the new instance.
+ Creates a new section with empty data.
+ If a section with the same name exists, this operation has no effect.
+ Name of the section to be created
+ true if the a new section with the specified name was added,
+ false otherwise
+ If the section name is not valid.
+ Gets if a section with a specified name exists in the collection.
+ Name of the section to search
+ true if a section with the specified name exists in the
+ collection false otherwise
+ Returns the section data from a specify section given its name.
+ Name of the section.
+ An instance of a class
+ holding the section data for the currently INI data
+ Sets the section data for given a section name.
+ The new instance.
+ true if the section with the specified name was removed,
+ false otherwise
+ Removes all entries from this collection
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
+ A new object that is a copy of this instance.
+ Data associated to this section
+ Returns the number of SectionData elements in the collection
+ Gets the key data associated to a specified section name.
+ An instance of as class
+ holding the key data from the current parsed INI data, or a null
+ value if the section doesn't exist.
+ Represents an INI data parser for strings.
+ This class is deprecated and kept for backwards compatibility.
+ It's just a wrapper around class.
+ Please, replace your code.
+ Ctor
+ Ctor
+ Parses a string containing data formatted as an INI file.
+ The string containing the data.
+ A new instance with the data parsed from the string.
+ Creates a string from the INI data.
+ An instance.
+ A formatted string with the contents of the
+ instance object.
+ This instance will handle ini data parsing and writing
+ Represents an error ococcurred while parsing data
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message describing the exception cause.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The message describing the exception cause.
+ An inner exception.
diff --git a/src/IniFileParser.Tests/Unit/Configuration/ConfigurationTests.cs b/src/IniFileParser.Tests/Unit/Configuration/ConfigurationTests.cs
index 1c804643..13d20150 100644
--- a/src/IniFileParser.Tests/Unit/Configuration/ConfigurationTests.cs
+++ b/src/IniFileParser.Tests/Unit/Configuration/ConfigurationTests.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
using IniParser.Parser;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.SyntaxHelpers;
-using IniParser.Model.Formatting;
namespace IniFileParser.Tests.Unit.Configuration
@@ -103,6 +102,7 @@ public void simple_configuration()
public void check_configuration_is_correct()
Assert.That(_parser.Configuration, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof (LiberalTestConfiguration)));
+ Assert.That(_parser.Parse(iniFileStr).Configuration, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(LiberalTestConfiguration)));
@@ -154,13 +154,10 @@ public void parse_ini_with_new_configuration()
public void check_ini_writing()
- var configuration = new LiberalTestConfiguration();
- IniData data = new IniDataParser(configuration).Parse(iniFileStr);
+ IniData data = new IniDataParser(new LiberalTestConfiguration()).Parse(iniFileStr);
- var formatter = new DefaultIniDataFormatter(configuration);
- data.ToString(formatter).Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty),
+ data.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty),
Is.EqualTo(iniFileStr.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty)));
diff --git a/src/IniFileParser.Tests/issues/Issue32Tests.cs b/src/IniFileParser.Tests/issues/Issue32Tests.cs
index 31ebdb2e..abe58a7e 100644
--- a/src/IniFileParser.Tests/issues/Issue32Tests.cs
+++ b/src/IniFileParser.Tests/issues/Issue32Tests.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using IniParser;
using IniParser.Model;
using NUnit.Framework;
-using IniParser.Model.Formatting;
namespace IniFileParser.Tests.issues
@@ -15,15 +14,13 @@ public void write_key_and_value_without_blanks()
var data = new IniData();
data["section1"].AddKey("key1", "value1");
+ data.Configuration.AssigmentSpacer = "";
- var formatter = new DefaultIniDataFormatter();
- formatter.Configuration.AssigmentSpacer = "";
var parser = new StreamIniDataParser();
string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(tempPath))
- parser.WriteData(sw, data, formatter);
+ parser.WriteData(sw, data);
diff --git a/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs b/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs
index ab330dfe..8a9a113a 100644
--- a/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs
+++ b/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs
@@ -39,14 +39,39 @@ public IniData(SectionDataCollection sdc)
Global = new KeyDataCollection();
- public IniData(IniData ori): this(ori.Sections)
+ public IniData(IniData ori): this((SectionDataCollection) ori.Sections)
Global = (KeyDataCollection) ori.Global.Clone();
+ Configuration = ori.Configuration.Clone();
#region Properties
+ ///
+ /// Configuration used to write an ini file with the proper
+ /// delimiter characters and data.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// If the instance was created by a parser,
+ /// this instance is a copy of the used
+ /// by the parser (i.e. different objects instances)
+ /// If this instance is created programatically without using a parser, this
+ /// property returns an instance of
+ ///
+ public IIniParserConfiguration Configuration
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ // Lazy initialization
+ if (_configuration == null)
+ _configuration = new DefaultIniParserConfiguration();
+ return _configuration;
+ }
+ set { _configuration = value.Clone(); }
+ }
/// Global sections. Contains key/value pairs which are not
@@ -56,7 +81,7 @@ public IniData(IniData ori): this(ori.Sections)
public KeyDataCollection Global { get; private set; }
- /// Gets the instance
+ /// Gets the instance
/// with the specified section name.
public KeyDataCollection this[string sectionName]
@@ -84,7 +109,7 @@ public SectionDataCollection Sections
#region Object Methods
public override string ToString()
- return this.ToString(new DefaultIniDataFormatter(new DefaultIniParserConfiguration()));
+ return ToString(new DefaultIniDataFormatter(Configuration));
@@ -111,5 +136,11 @@ public object Clone()
+ #region Fields
+ ///
+ /// See property for more information.
+ ///
+ private IIniParserConfiguration _configuration;
+ #endregion
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs.rej b/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs.rej
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0410730d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs.rej
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+diff a/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs b/src/IniFileParser/Model/IniData.cs (rejected hunks)
+@@ -36,45 +36,20 @@
+ public IniData(SectionDataCollection sdc)
+ {
+ _sections = (SectionDataCollection)sdc.Clone();
+ Global = new KeyDataCollection();
+ }
+- public IniData(IniData ori): this((SectionDataCollection) ori.Sections)
++ public IniData(IniData ori): this(ori.Sections)
+ {
+ Global = (KeyDataCollection) ori.Global.Clone();
+- Configuration = ori.Configuration.Clone();
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Properties
+- ///
+- /// Configuration used to write an ini file with the proper
+- /// delimiter characters and data.
+- ///
+- ///
+- /// If the instance was created by a parser,
+- /// this instance is a copy of the used
+- /// by the parser (i.e. different objects instances)
+- /// If this instance is created programatically without using a parser, this
+- /// property returns an instance of
+- ///
+- public IIniParserConfiguration Configuration
+- {
+- get
+- {
+- // Lazy initialization
+- if (_configuration == null)
+- _configuration = new DefaultIniParserConfiguration();
+- return _configuration;
+- }
+- set { _configuration = (IIniParserConfiguration) value.Clone(); }
+- }
+ ///
+ /// Global sections. Contains key/value pairs which are not
+ /// enclosed in any section (i.e. they are defined at the beginning
+ /// of the file, before any section.
+ ///
diff --git a/src/IniFileParser/Parser/IniDataParser.cs b/src/IniFileParser/Parser/IniDataParser.cs
index 229da125..0d6b3cf0 100644
--- a/src/IniFileParser/Parser/IniDataParser.cs
+++ b/src/IniFileParser/Parser/IniDataParser.cs
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ public IniDataParser(IIniParserConfiguration parserConfiguration)
public IniData Parse(string iniDataString)
IniData iniData = new IniData();
+ iniData.Configuration = this.Configuration.Clone();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iniDataString))