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Reactor pattern guide

The purpose of this guide is to help you get started using Reactor-based Java SDKs by understanding basic design patterns for the Reactor framework.The Project Reactor website has further documentation if you want to learn more.


1. Reactive Programming and the Reactive Streams Standard

Reactive Programming is a declarative programming paradigm in which program operation and control flow are described as a stream of events and data passing through a pipeline of operations. Each operation affects the data which flows downstream from it. Reactive Programming is a useful technique (through not the only technique) for event-driven asynchronous programming; for example it is an alternative to explicitly callback-based programming.

Imperative programming is the more common or "familiar" programming paradigm in which program operation and control flow are expressed by sequential commands which manipulate program state (variables). A simple imperative program in pseudocode is

If input data available, read into variable x
Do operation1 on variable x
Then do operation2 on variable y
Then do operation3 on variable z
And then print the result

Specifically, Reactive Programming is a declarative dataflow paradigm - the programmer must describe a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of operations which represents the logic of the program and the flow of data. A simple declarative dataflow representation of the above program in pseudocode is:

asynchronous data source => operation1 => operation2 => operation3 => print

How this differs from imperative programming, is that the coder is describing the high-level process of execution but letting the language implementation decide when and how to implement these operations. This is exemplified by the concept of back-pressure which is baked into some implementations of Reactive Programming. Back-pressure essentially rate-limits dataflow in a Reactive Stream based on what the recipient of the data can handle. An imperative implementation of back-pressure would require the programmer to describe a complicated flow-control process for each async operation to respond to events. In a declarative dataflow language with back-pressure, the programmer specifies the directed graph of pipelined operations while the language handles scheduling of operations at the implementation level.

Reactive Streams is an industry standard for declarative dataflow programming in an asynchronous environment. More detail on design principles can be found in the Reactive Manifesto. It is the basis for Azure's async Java SDKs going forward.

2. Reactive Streams Frameworks for Java/JVM

A Reactive Streams framework implements the Reactive Streams Standard for specific programming languages. The RxJava (ReactiveX for JVM) framework was the basis of past Azure Java SDKs, but will not be going forward.

Project Reactor or just Reactor is the Reactive Programming framework being used for new Azure Java SDKs. The purpose of the rest of this document is to help you get started with Reactor.

Reactor design patterns

1. Assemble and Subscribe phases

To write a program using Reactor, you will need to describe one or more async operation pipelines for processing Reactive Streams. In typical uses of Reactor, you describe a pipeline by

  1. creating a Publisher (which pushes events and data into the pipeline asynchronously) and a Subscriber (which consumes events and data from the pipeline and operates on them asynchronously), and

  2. describing each stage in the pipeline programmatically, in terms of how it processes data from the previous stage.

Publisher and Subscriber are both interfaces defined by Reactor.

Reactor follows a "hybrid push-pull model": the Publisher pushes events and data into the pipeline as they are available, but only once you request events and data from the Publisher by subscribing.

To put this in context, consider a "normal" non-Reactor program you might write that takes takes a dependency on some other code with unpredictable response time. For example, maybe you write a function to perform a calculation, and one input comes from calling a function that requests data over HTTP. You might deal with this by implementing a control flow which first calls the dependency code, waits for it to return output, and then provides that output to your code as input. So your code is "pulling" output from its dependency on an on-demand basis. This can be inefficient if there is latency in the dependency (as is the case for the aforementioned HTTP request example); your code has to loop waiting for the dependency.

In a "push" model the dependency signals your code to consume the HTTP request response on an "on-availability" basis; the rest of the time, your code lies dormant, freeing up CPU cycles. This is an event-driven and async approach. But in order for the dependency to signal your code, the dependency has to know that your code depends on it – and that is the purpose of defining async operation pipelines in Reactor; each pipeline stage is really a piece of async code servicing events and data from the previous stage on an on-availability basis. By defining the pipeline, you tell each stage where to forward events and data to.

Now I will illustrate this with Reactor code examples. Consider a Reminders app. The app's job is a create a message to the user every time there is a new reminder for them. To find out if there are new reminders for the user, the ReminderAsyncService running on the user's smartphone periodically sends HTTP requests to the Reminders server. ReminderAsyncService has a Reactive implementation in which ReminderAsyncService.getRemindersPublisher() returns a RemindersPublisher instance which listens for HTTP responses from the server. When a response arrives, the ReminderPublisher pushes the resulting reminders to a Reactive Stream within the smartphone app. RemindersPublisher extends the Publisher interface.

Assembly phase (define dependency relations as a pipeline)

Flux<String> reminderPipeline = 
ReminderAsyncService.getRemindersPublisher() // Pipeline Stage 1
                    .flatMap(reminder -> "Don't forget: " + reminder) // Stage 2
                    .flatMap(strIn -> + ": "+ strIn); // Stage 3

Subscribe phase (execute pipeline on incoming events)

reminderPipeline.subscribe(System.out::println); // Async – returns immediately, pipeline executes in the background

while (true) doOtherThings(); // We're freed up to do other tasks 😊

The Flux<T> class internally represents an async operation pipeline as a DAG and provides instance methods for operating on the pipeline. As we will see Flux<T> is not the only Reactor class for representing pipelines but it is the general-purpose option. The type T is always the output type of the final pipeline stage; so hypothetically, if you defined an async operation pipeline which published Integers at one end and processed them into Strings at the other end, the representation of the pipeline would be a Flux<String>.

In the Assembly phase shown above, you describe program logic as an async operation pipeline (a Flux<T>), but don't actually execute it just yet. Let's break down how the async operation pipeline is built in the Assembly phase snippet above:

  • Stage 1: ReminderAsyncService.getRemindersPublisher() returns a Flux<String> representing a Publisher instance for publishing reminders.

  • Stage 2: .flatMap(reminder -> "Don't forget: " + reminder) modifies the Flux<String> from Stage 1 and returns an augmented Flux<String> that represents a two-stage pipeline. The pipeline consists of

    • the RemindersPublisher, followed by
    • the reminder -> "Don't forget: " + reminder operation which prepends "Don't forget: " to the reminder string (reminder is a variable that can have any name and represents the previous stage output.)
  • Stage 3: .flatMap(strIn -> + ": "+ strIn) modifies the Flux<String> from Stage 2 and returns a further-augmented Flux<String> that represents a three-stage pipeline. The pipeline consists of

    • the RemindersPublisher,
    • the Stage 2 operation, and finally
    • the strIn -> + ": "+ strIn operation, which timestamps the Stage 2 output string.

Although we "ran" the Assembly phase code, all it did was build up the structure of your program, not run it. In the Subscribe phase you execute the pipeline that you defined in the Assembly phase. Here is how that works. You call

reminderPipeline.subscribe(System.out::println); //Async – returns immediately


  • subscribe() will generate a Subscription instance containing an unbounded request for all events that RemindersPublisher will ever produce.

  • Reactor framework propagates the Subscription info up the pipeline to the RemindersPublisher instance.

  • The RemindersPublisher instance reads the Subscription details and responds by pushing an event into the pipeline every time there is a new reminder. The RemindersPublisher will continue to push an event every time a reminder becomes available, until it has pushed as many events as were requested in the Subscription (which is infinity in this case, so the Publisher will just keep going.)

When I say that the RemindersPublisher "pushes events into the pipeline", I mean that the RemindersPublisher issues an onNext signal to the second pipeline stage (.flatMap(reminder -> "Don't forget: " + reminder)) paired with a String argument containing the reminder. flatMap() responds to an onNext signal by taking the String data passed in and applying the transformation that is in flatMap()'s argument parentheses to the input data (in this case, by prepending the words "Don't forget: "). This signal propagates down the pipeline: pipeline Stage 2 issues an onNext signal to pipeline Stage 3 (.flatMap(strIn -> + ": "+ strIn)) with its output as the argument; and then pipeline Stage 3 issues its own output along with an onNext signal.

Now what happens after pipeline Stage 3 is different – the onNext signal reached the last pipeline stage, so what happens to the final-stage onNext signal and its associated String argument? The answer is that when you called subscribe(), subscribe() also created a Subscriber instance which implements a method for handling onNext signals and serves as the last stage of the pipeline. The Subscriber's onNext handler will call whatever code you wrote in the argument parentheses of subscribe(), allowing you to customize for your application. In the Subscribe phase snippet above, we called

reminderPipeline.subscribe(System.out::println); //Async – returns immediately

which means that every time an onNext signal reaches the end of the operation pipeline, the Subscriber will call System.out.println() on the reminder String associated with the event and print it to the terminal.

In subscribe() you typically want to handle the pipeline output with some finality, i.e. by printing it to the terminal, displaying it in a GUI, running a calculation on it, etc. or doing something else before discarding the data entirely. That said, Reactor does allow you to call subscribe() with no arguments and just discard incoming events and data - in that case you would implement all of the logic of your program in the preceding pipeline stages, including saving the results to a global variable or printing them to the terminal.

That was a lot. So let's step back for a moment and mention a few key points.

  • Keep in mind that Reactor is following a hybrid push-pull model where async events are published at a rate requested by the Subscriber.
  • Observe that a Subscription for N events is a type of pull operation from the Subscriber. The Publisher controls the rate and timing of pushing events, until it exhausts the N events requested by the Subscriber, and then it stops.
  • This approach enables the implementation of backpressure, whereby the Subscriber can size Subscription counts to adjust the rate of Publisher events if they are coming too slow or too fast to process.
  • subscribe() is Reactor's built-in Subscription generator, by default it requests all events from the Publisher ("unbounded request".) See the Project Reactor documentation here for more guidance on customizing the subscription process.

And the most important takeaway: Nothing happens until you subscribe.

2. Flux<T>, Mono<T>, and subscribe()

The Subscriber and Publisher are independent entities; just because the Subscriber subscribes to N events doesn't mean the Publisher has them available. Flux<T> supports Publishers with 0, 1, or M events, where M can be finite or unbounded. The Assembly stage for a publisher with M=3 events is shown below

Flux<String> reminderPipeline = 
    Flux.just("Wash the dishes","Mow the lawn","Sleep") // Publisher, 3 events
        .flatMap(reminder -> "Don't forget: " + reminder)
        .flatMap(strIn -> + ": "+ strIn); // Nothing executed yet

Flux.just() is a Reactor factory method which contrives to create a custom Publisher based on its input arguments. You could fully customize your Publisher implementation by writing a class that implements Publisher; that is outside the scope of this discussion. The output of Flux.just() in the example above is a Publisher which will immediately and asynchronously push "Wash the dishes", "Mow the lawn", and "Sleep" into the pipeline as soon as it gets a Subscription. Thus, upon subscription,


will output the three Strings shown and then end.

Suppose now we want to add two special behaviors to our program: (1) After all M Strings have been printed, print "End of reminders." so the user knows we are finished. (2) Print the stack trace for any Exceptions which occur during execution. A modification to the subscribe() call handles all of this:

reminderPipeline.subscribe(strIn -> {
err -> {
() -> {
    System.out.println("End of reminders.");

Let's break this down. Remember we said that the argument to subscribe() determines how the Subscriber handles onNext? I will mention two additional signals which Reactor uses to propagate status information along the pipeline: onComplete, and onError. Both signals denote completion of the Stream; only onComplete represents successful completion. The onError signal is associated with an Exception instance related to an error; the onComplete signal has no associated data.

As it turns out, we can supply additional code to subscribe() in the form of Java 8 lambdas and handle onComplete and onError as well as onNext! Picking apart the code snippet above,

  • strIn -> {...} defines a lambda for handling onNext, where strIn represents the data item associated with each incoming onNext signal (the name strIn is my choice, any variable name will do).
  • err -> {...} defines a lambda for handling onError, where err is the Exception.
  • () -> {...} defines a lambda for handling onComplete, and notice there is no data associated (empty parentheses). The Publisher will issue onComplete when it has exhausted all events that it was created to issue.

For the special cases of M=0 and M=1 for the Publisher, Reactor provides a special-purpose Mono<T> class for representing the async operation pipeline.

Mono<String> reminderPipeline = 
    Mono.just("Are you sure you want to cancel your Reminders service?") // Publisher, 1 event
        .flatMap(reminder -> "Act now: " + reminder)
        .flatMap(strIn -> + ": "+ strIn);

Again, Mono.just() is a Reactor factory method which creates the single-event publisher. This Publisher will push its argument into the Reactive Stream pipeline with an onNext signal and then optionally issue an onComplete signal indicating completion.

For More Information