Releases: rism-digital/muscat
Version 10.0
Muscat 10.0 "Biggest release ever!"
This major update brings many enhancements for Muscat catalogers.
- Muscat now required Ruby 3.2 and Rails 7.0 (not yet compatible with 7.1)
- Current filters appear at the top of the search pages.
- A new field, Duplicated from (981), keeps track of the RISM ID used when duplicating a record.
- Material groups can now be deleted in Sources.
- Material groups can be collapsed or expanded in Sources.
- A new field, Contributing project (910), can be used in Sources to increase the visibility of cataloging projects.
- Images can now be added to holdings.
- A new help box is available for digital objects.
- Improved search in Secondary Literature
- New options are available in drop-down menus: Ojibwa in the language fields (041), oblong duodecimo in Book format (340$m), and Patron in Additional personal names (700) and Additional institutions (710).
- The field Language of libretto (041$e) in Sources was removed. All languages of a source belong in the field Language of text (041$a).
- MARC subfields are visible in the Edit mode.
- The full record view, MARC21 view, and MARCXML view have been improved and are readily accessible.
- The faceted search (which used the Blacklight engine) has been deprecated and removed.
- Record leaders have been revised in Sources.
- In the holdings for librettos and treatises, the Content type (593$b) now matches the template type.
- Items can be added or removed from folders when viewing a record.
- Improved searchability of internal note fields (599) across Muscat
- Special thanks to Ferran Jorba and his team (Universitat AutΓ²noma de Barcelona) for their contributions to Muscat!
This release of Muscat also includes many more enhancements. Please refer to the changelog for the complete list of changes.
Git Changelog: v9.4.2...v10.0
Version 9.4.2
Bugfix release:
- Updated rspecs with task
- Add DEL acronym for deleted records, unify translation files.
- Fix #1436, implement missing leaders, fix existing ones.
- Test implementation of MEI for works
- Add description for work digital obj link
- Test: Noto Sans Display
- Clean up a bit the destroy callbacks
- Fix division by 0 in SRU
- Small script to fix the "disappearing" list view on test systems
- Make better job for purging orphan items, put it in crontab
- Purging stuff does not really work perfectly yet
- Better purger implementation
- Add Catalan locale to the list of js languages
- Merge pull request #1442 from fjorba/unify-status-codes-translations
- Merge pull request #1450 from fjorba/add-catalan-to-js-i18n
- Merge pull request #1435 from rism-digital/develop-rspec
Version 9.4.1
Muscat 9.4
This update brings many enhancements for Muscat catalogers.
- New font (Noto Sans) for the interface, to better distinguish between I (uppercase i) and l (lowercase l)
- Your own unpublished records are shown in the dashboard
- New help text for Digital Objects
- Comments are automatically deleted when a record is deleted
- Bug fix for tagging other Muscat users in the comments: @user1@user2 now works
- The Plaine & Easie editor responds immediately when first typing
- Functions in Additional names (700) and Additional institutions (710) are template-specific
- Editorial Center can now export the internal version of Muscat's MARC format
This release of Muscat also includes many more enhancements. Please refer to the changelog for the complete list of changes.
Version 9.3.1
Various minor fixes:
- Fix #1356 Allow editors to view users
- Merge pull request #1398 from fjorba/filter-catalog-should-be-filter-publication
- Merge pull request #1393 from fjorba/remove-folder-actions-for-users
- Merge pull request #1395 from rism-digital/develop_abilities
- Merge pull request #1390 from fjorba/add-new-folder-filters
- Fix #1412 make the server validation correctly validate mandatory tags
- Implement the exclusions as array to allow for duplicate keys
- Fix #1246, make sure the focus is returned on the 031 $p textarea
- #1411 add 046, remove obsolete fields, make validation really work
- Fix #1410, add proper collation
- Fix #1369, add place in 710 $c for holdings too
- Fix #1386 make 024 required in institutions
- Fix #1418, properly link works
- Merge pull request #1421 from rism-digital/develop_sru_index2
- #1422 make person_id work
Version 9.3
Muscat 9.3 brings many enhancements and some new features.
- The field Additional Institution (710 $c in Sources and Secondary Literature) is linked to the Places authority file. You can directly add a location when adding a new institution.
- Adding a new place in 710 $c will also add this place to the corresponding new authority record in Institutions.
- More fields are now included in the CSV export of folders.
- Text incipits (031 $t), Total instrumentation (594 $b), and Profession or Function in Personal names (550 $a) have an improved autocomplete which properly removes deleted items.
- The column "Name and location" on the main page on Institutions now displays both Institution Name and Subordinate Unit (110 $a and $b).
This release of Muscat also includes many more enhancements. Please refer to the changelog for the complete list of changes.
Version 9.2.1
Merge #1378 to add support for Work duplication
Version 9.2
Second release of Muscat 9, with an important migration to properly collate special chars in Institutions:
Version 9.1.2
Not-so-minor release with many small fixes, in particular adding Catalan translation (thanks @fjorba !!), Standard Title indexing and Folder expiration mails.
Version 9.1.1
Minor fixes