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Incidence Intelligence 🔎

A data pipeline that utilizes the ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) process to fetch, load, and transform San Francisco Police Department incident data, with the aim of generating insights.


As new incidents occur on a daily basis, I am attempting to gather insights that will enable us to take better measures. Specifically, I am seeking answers to the following questions:

Dataset Link

  1. What is the frequency of incidents over time?

  2. Which incidents happen most frequently?

  3. Which areas are hotspots of crime in San Francisco?

  4. On which day and month do most incidents happen?

  5. What are the trends of incidents in districts over the years?

  6. How many active and closed cases are there?

Tech Stack

Infrastructure: Terraform

Cloud: Google Cloud

Data lake: Google Cloud Storage

Data warehouse: BigQuery

Orchestration: Prefect

Data transformation: DBT

Data visualization: Google Looker Studio


Here is brief explanation:

  1. Using Google Cloud infrastructure
  2. Setting it up using Terraform
  3. Extracting data from api servers
  4. Ingesting it to google bucket
  5. Loading into Bigquery, with basic checks
  6. DBT to transform
  7. The whole process is being orchestrated by Prefect
  8. Finally using Data Studio for Analytics


Live Demo

Production table structure

Column Description
incident_datetime The date and time when the incident occurred
incident_date The date when the incident occurred
incident_time The time when the incident occurred
incident_year The year of the incident
incident_month The month of the incident (as a number)
incident_month_name The name of the month when the incident occurred
incident_day The day of the month when the incident occurred
incident_day_of_week The day of the week when the incident occurred
report_datetime The date and time when the incident was reported
incident_id A unique identifier for the incident
incident_number A unique identifier assigned to the incident by the reporting system
report_type_code A code representing the type of report made
report_type_description A description of the type of report made
incident_code A code representing the type of incident
incident_category The general category of the incident
incident_subcategory A more specific category of the incident
incident_description A brief description of the incident
resolution The outcome or resolution of the incident (e.g. arrest made, no further action)
police_district The police district in which the incident occurred
filed_online A string indicating whether the incident was reported online
intersection The intersection where the incident occurred
analysis_neighborhood The neighborhood in which the incident occurred, based on an analysis by the reporting system
supervisor_district The district number of the supervisor representing the area where the incident occurred
supervisor_district_name The name of the supervisor district where the incident occurred
supervisor_name The name of the supervisor representing the area where the incident occurred
latitude The latitude coordinate of the location where the incident occurred
longitude The longitude coordinate of the location where the incident occurred
geo_location A string containing both latitude and longitude coordinates of the location where the incident occurred

Here is the lineage graph:


Install Project

  1. Make sure you have docker, make and git installed in your pc.
  2. Git clone the repo
    git clone
    cd incident_intelligence
  3. Make a virtual env with python=3.9 and install prefect:
    conda create -n incidence python=3.9 prefect
  4. Activate your env:
    conda activate incidence
  5. Refer Setup Terraform to setup cloud infra.
  6. Make changes in config.json file with same details as in
  7. Run prefect server:
    prefect server start
  8. Register blocks and deployments using:
     make prefect_setup
  9. Set prefect api url:
    prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=
  10. Run docker Deployment infra-docker-storage-docker using prefect ui or:
    prefect deployment run parent-etl-flow/infra-docker-storage-docker
  11. To run other deployment install all dependencies using: make env_setup (Tested on Mac, optional)

Setup Terraform

Show instructions
  1. Install terraform on your pc
  2. Clone this (if not already):
    git clone
    cd incident_intelligence/terraform
  3. Initialise terraform with : terraform init
  4. Refer Setup GCP and follow all steps.
  5. Update project var in with GCP project id.
  6. Authenticate the service first:
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS={{path_to_application_credential}}
    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}
  7. Generate a SSH key using:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/<name> -C <username> -b 2048
  8. Update gce_ssh_user, gce_ssh_pub_key_file variable in with generated public key username and file path.
  9. Optionally could modify region, zone, data_lake_bucket if required
  10. Please make sure you have exported:
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS={{path_to_application_credential}}
  11. terraform validate
  12. terraform plan
  13. terraform apply
  14. Your infra should be up and running.
  15. One caveat if you decide to use terraform destroy VPC network are sometimes not destroyed so destroy my-network manually in google cloud ui.

Setup GCP

Show Instructions
  1. Terraform reference for GCP
  2. Create GCP Account
  3. Setup a GCP Project
  4. Enable google compute api
  5. Create a service account key


  • Write unit test


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team behind the Data Engineering Zoomcamp course for providing me with the opportunity to enhance my skills in this field. The course has been an enriching and insightful experience, and I have gained a deeper understanding of the concepts and practices related to data engineering.

Additionally, I want to express my appreciation for the vibrant community on the course Slack channel. The discussions and interactions with fellow students have been an excellent source of support, and I have learned a great deal from their insights and experiences.


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