Fundamentals are language independent.
- Data structures
- Arrays: Contiguous memory storage for elements of the same type.
- Linked Lists: Nodes connected by pointers, allowing dynamic insertion and deletion.
- Stacks and Queues: Abstract data types for managing elements (LIFO for stacks, FIFO for queues).
- Trees (Binary Trees, AVL Trees, etc.): Hierarchical structures with nodes and edges.
- Graphs: Represent relationships between entities.
- Hash Tables: Key-value pairs with fast access.
- Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms: Bubble sort, quicksort, merge sort, etc.
- Searching Algorithms: Binary search, linear search, depth-first search, breadth-first search.
- Dynamic Programming: Solving complex problems by breaking them into smaller subproblems.
- Greedy Algorithms: Making locally optimal choices at each step.
- Graph Algorithms: Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, etc.
- Parallelization/concurrency
- Understand how to write concurrent and parallel programs:
- Threads and Processes: Differences, synchronization, and communication.
- Locks and Semaphores: Ensuring thread safety.
- Parallel Programming Models: OpenMP, CUDA, etc.
- Understand how to write concurrent and parallel programs:
- Object Oriented Paradigms
- Learn about classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
- Understand design principles like SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion).
- Design patterns
- Familiarize yourself with common design patterns:
- Creational Patterns: Singleton, Factory, Builder, etc.
- Structural Patterns: Adapter, Decorator, Proxy, etc.
- Behavioral Patterns: Observer, Strategy, Command, etc.
- Familiarize yourself with common design patterns:
- Operating systems
- Basics of OS concepts
- Processes and Threads: Creation, scheduling, synchronization.
- Memory Management: Paging, segmentation, virtual memory.
- File Systems: File I/O, directory structures.
- Deadlocks and Race Conditions.
- OS
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOS
- Basics of OS concepts
- Scheduling
- CPU scheduling algorithms (e.g., FCFS, SJF, Round Robin).
- Real-time scheduling.
- Authentication/security
- Understand authentication mechanisms (OAuth, JWT, etc.).
- Learn about encryption, hashing, and secure communication.
- REST best practices
- Design RESTful APIs following best practices (resource naming, HTTP methods, status codes).
- Understand HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State).
- Databases
- Relational databases (SQL) vs. NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Redis, etc.).
- Indexing, normalization, ACID properties.
- Architecture
- Microservices vs. monolithic architecture.
- REST vs. gRPC
- Scalability, load balancing, caching.
- System designs
- Understanding how to design scalable, reliable, and efficient systems is crucial. Learn about distributed systems, microservices architecture, load balancing, and caching strategies.
- Explore concepts like CAP theorem, sharding, and consistency models.
- Testing and Quality Assurance
- Familiarize yourself with different testing techniques: unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
- Understand code coverage, test-driven development (TDD), and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
- Version Control
- Git is essential for collaboration and version control.
- Learn about branching strategies, merging, rebasing, and resolving conflicts.
- Cloud Services and Deployment
- Explore cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
- Understand how to deploy applications, manage containers (Docker/Kubernetes), and set up serverless functions.
- Soft Skills
- Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are equally important.
- Practice explaining technical concepts clearly and concisely.