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const pdf = require('pdfjs')

new pdf.Document([opts])

Creates a new PDF document.


  • opts - document styling options


  • width (default: 595.296) - the page width
  • height (default: 841.896) - the page height
  • padding (default: 20) - the page padding
  • font (required) - expects an pdf.Font object being either a AFM font or a OTF font
  • fontSize (default: 11) - the font size
  • color (default: black) - the font color as hex number (e.g. 0x000000)
  • lineHeight (default: 1.15) - the line height
  • properties - document properties - see below


  • title (string) - the document's title
  • author (string) - the name of the person who created the document
  • subject (string) - the subject of the document
  • keywords (string) - keywords associated with the document
  • creator (string) - if the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that created the original document from which it was converted
  • producer (string, default: pdfjs v1.3 ( - if the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the conforming product that converted it to PDF
  • creationDate (date, default: new Date()) - the date and time the document was created
  • modDate (date) - the date and time the document was most recently modified


const doc = new pdf.Document({
  font:    require('pdfjs/font/Helvetica'),
  padding: 10

// render something onto the document

await doc.end()

For an explanation of the units and different paper sizes have a look at the units section.

new pdf.Font(arg)

Creates a new OTF font object that can be used with PDF documents. Font objects can be used multiple times.


  • arg - the font data, as either Buffer or ArrayBuffer of an OTF font
new pdf.Font(fs.readFileSync('./opensans/regular.ttf'))

AFM fonts

AFM fonts are default fonts understood by every PDF reader. It is therefore not necessary to embed additional font data.

Available AFM fonts:

  • pdfjs/font/Courier
  • pdfjs/font/Courier-Bold
  • pdfjs/font/Courier-BoldOblique
  • pdfjs/font/Courier-Oblique
  • pdfjs/font/Helvetica
  • pdfjs/font/Helvetica-Bold
  • pdfjs/font/Helvetica-BoldOblique
  • pdfjs/font/Helvetica-Oblique
  • pdfjs/font/Symbol
  • pdfjs/font/Times
  • pdfjs/font/Times-Bold
  • pdfjs/font/Times-BoldItalic
  • pdfjs/font/Times-Italic
  • pdfjs/font/Times-Roman
  • pdfjs/font/ZapfDingbats



new pdf.Image(src)

Creates a new image that can be added to one or multiple documents.


  • src - a buffer of the image source (supported formats: jpeg, pdf)


const src = fs.readFileSync('image.jpg')
const img = new pdf.Image(src)

new pdfExternalDocument(src)

Creates a new external PDF document that can be merged into the document or that can be added to the document as a page template.

Note: Please keep in mind that due to the complexity of the PDF specification and slightly different implementations of it, there is no guarantee that pdfjs successfully parses every available PDF document. It is recommended to wrap the usage of ExternDocument into a try/catch statement. If you encounter an error while parsing a PDF document or if you encounter a PDF document that is not parsed correctly, feel free to open an issue.


  • src - a buffer of the PDF source


const src = fs.readFileSync('other.pdf')
const ext = new pdf.ExternalDocument(src)
doc.addPageOf(1, ext)


PDFs are measured in points (1/72"), i.e., each point is 1/72 of an inch. That is, the paper size of an US letter is in points 8.5 * 72 = 612 wide and 11 * 72 = 792 high.

The following helper are exported:



{ padding: 15 * }

Paper Sizes:

  • A4 (default) - 210mm × 297mm (8.27in × 11.7in) = 595.296 x 841.896
  • American Letter - 215.9mm × 279.4mm (8.5in × 11in) = 612 x 792