- General
- Work on GraphQL API for Campaign DONE - Work on first app page, retrieve a campaign DONE - Dice: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@3d-dice/dice-box
- Modal component CSS
- Error handling, errors are not being displayed, logged, or anything!
- Move the campaign stuff out of the dnd5e module and into a general module
- StorageSpec
- Campaign
- Player Character
- Monster
- Scene
- Encounter
- About page
- Bestiary Page DONE- Dashboard Page DONE- EncounterPlanner Page
- Encounter balancing DONE - Encounter Page DONE - Home Page DONE - NPC Page DONE - Player Page
- conditionImmunities: Seq[Condition] = Seq.empty, damageVulnerabilities: Seq[DamageType] = Seq.empty, damageResistances: Seq[DamageType] = Seq.empty, damageImmunities: Seq[DamageType] = Seq.empty,
DONE - Feats Editor DONE - Hitpoints Editor DONE - Notes Editor DONE - Player Character Class Editor DONE - Skills Editor DONE - New Player Character DONE - Delete Player Character DONE - Sync Player Character DONE - DNDBeyond Import
- Fifth Edition Character Sheet Import
- Short Rest DONE - Long Rest (reset all stats)
- Scene Page
Future (some ideas from Chatgpt)
- Campaign Management:
- Manage multiple campaigns, each with its own set of characters, NPCs, and notes.
- Timeline feature to track campaign events chronologically.
- Session Notes and Log:
- Digital notepad for session planning and real-time note-taking. DONE - Automatically log session events, dice rolls, and decisions for future reference.
- Maps (others do it much better)
- Audio/video/image library
- Messaging (others do it much better)
- Integration with discord DONE - Dice roller
- NPC Automatic Generator
- Mobile mode
- DND Beyond plugin
- Integrate with AI graphic generator
- Connect everything to it's source (rules, monsters, skills, classes, races, subclasses, spells, etc)
There's no error logging!
- Make menu thinner: menu column
min-width: 200px;
width: 10%;
content column
width: 90%;
TEMPDONE - Modal headers are black on black, change color!
- Why is it changing pages on refresh and ignoring the # in the URL?
- Might want to see if we can fix the campaign notes now without a button.
DONE - Hide "current button" if the campaign is already current Super ugly if there's no campaigns.
DONE: Allow other subclasses DONE - Hit point up/down isn't working
- When increasing HP past the max, increase the max?
- Import from DND Beyond text
DONE - Delete NPC is not working DONE - Add NPC from Bestiary DONE - Scenes filter
- Align pc to top TEMPDONE - Conditions bgcolor should be white TEMPDONE - Inspiration bgcolor should be white
DONE - Character name is not sticking DONE - Player name is not sticking DONE - Inspiration is not sticking DONE - Languages dialog broken DONE - Feats Dialog broken
DONE - Add NPC doesn't work (note, turns out it was working, it was just not obvious.) WON'T DO - Need to be able to edit encounter name (Not necessary, just go to edit title on left)
DONE - Initiative is totally broken DONE - Filter out dead NPCs/Monsters DONE - Healing of PCs needs to get add full healing, not just the difference DONE: Don't pass initiative to dead creatures DONE: HP color is messed up DONE: Same characters same initiative DONE: Hunter's mark is not working for NPCs
- Heal/Damage buttons look ugly, maybe switch the whole table to white background
TEMPDONE: Notes should be black on white
DONE Edit monster, alignment is broken DONE Initiatives for pcs not sorted DONE Edit player name in pc is not working Next in encounter is broken DONE No edit for monsters, need to fix that
-- Change segment's padding to 0.25em