Implement the function described by facebook in this post:
Unfortunately the behaviour they describe is for a pre 1.0 release of Kea. Their trick
no longer works without changes. When the following code runs in lease4_select()
if query.getType() == DHCPREQUEST:
Kea decides to respond with a NAK packet because you are telling it not to save the lease.
The pkt4_send()
callout handles this by replacing the NAK with an ACK.
Start the kea image:
djc@laptop:~/play/kea_python$ make run-kea
root@9b06fba64b09:/# cd /workdir/
root@9b06fba64b09:/workdir# /usr/local/sbin/kea-dhcp4 -c examples/facebook-trick/kea.conf
Run the dhtest image:
djc@laptop:~/play/kea_python$ make run-dhtest
root@95d5aa56a590:/# dhtest -i eth0
DHCP discover sent - Client MAC : 02:42:ac:1c:05:02
DHCP offer received - Offered IP :
DHCP request sent - Client MAC : 02:42:ac:1c:05:02
DHCP ack received - Acquired IP: