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Migrate the Image Registry from Cinder to Swift

This document describes:

The persistent volume backend does not support multiple replicas by default, because they typically only allow one read-write client at once. Object storage does allow for multiple Image Registry replicas.

The migration as described only incur minimal downtime; however, the registry will be set to read-only mode during data migration.

Migrate the images from the volume to Swift

As the first step, create the Swift container that will consitute the new Image Registry backend. In order for it to be garbage-collected by the OpenShift installer in case of destroy, it has to have a specific name and specific properties (the suffix "aaa" here is arbitrary):

infrastructure_name="$(oc get infrastructure/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.infrastructureName}')"
openstack container create "$container_name"
openstack container set --property Name="$container_name" --property Openshiftclusterid="$infrastructure_name" "$container_name"

Then, build the container image that will perform the migration from within the cluster.

The container will mount two volumes:

  • one volume with the OpenStack credentials
  • the current Image Registry storage, mounted read-only mode.

The example below reads the credentials and makes them available to the Swift client. Then the Swift client moves data from the registry volume to the new Swift container.

Build and upload the image to a registry your OpenShift instance has access to. It can also be OpenShift's Image Registry itself. We will use in our example.

# Containerfile

RUN dnf -y install python3-pip jq

RUN pip install python-keystoneclient python-swiftclient yq

RUN true \
	&& echo $'export OS_AUTH_URL="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.auth_url // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                                 >> / \
	&& echo $'export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.identity_api_version // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                              >> / \
	&& echo $'export OS_REGION_NAME="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.region_name // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                                >> / \
	&& echo $'export OS_AUTH_TYPE="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth_type // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                                    >> / \
	&& echo $''                                                                                                                                                      >> / \
	&& echo $'if [ "$OS_AUTH_TYPE" == "v3applicationcredential" ]; then'                                                                                             >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.application_credential_id // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'         >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.application_credential_name // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'     >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.application_credential_secret // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"' >> / \
	&& echo $'else'                                                                                                                                                  >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_USERNAME="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.username // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                           >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_PASSWORD="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.password // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                           >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.user_domain_name // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                           >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_PROJECT_ID="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.project_id // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                       >> / \
	&& echo $'	export OS_PROJECT_NAME="$(yq -r \'.clouds.openstack.auth.project_name // empty\' /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml)"'                                   >> / \
	&& echo $'fi'                                                                                                                                                    >> / \
	&& echo $''                                                                                                                                                      >> / \
	&& echo $'swift upload "$REGISTRY_STORAGE_SWIFT_CONTAINER" /files'                                                                                               >> / \
	&& chmod +x /
CMD [ "/" ]

Here is the definition of the pod that will run the container. Replace the example image name in the last line with your own image. Also replace openshift-lrgv9-image-registry-aaa with the $container_name above:

# image-migration-pod.yaml
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: image-registry-migration
  namespace: openshift-image-registry
    app: image-registry-migration
  annotations: anyuid
    - name: old-registry
        claimName: image-registry-storage
    - name: openstack
        secretName: installer-cloud-credentials
  restartPolicy: OnFailure
  serviceAccountName: default
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
    - name: migrate-ir
      imagePullPolicy: Always
        - name: old-registry
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /files
        - name: openstack
          mountPath: "/etc/openstack"
          readOnly: true
          value: openshift-lrgv9-image-registry-aaa

In order to avoid corruption of existing data during the migration, switch the Image Registry to read-only mode. Note that this action restarts the one Image Registry replica available at this point; this means a brief downtime.

oc patch -p '{"spec":{"readOnly":true}}' --type=merge

Now run the container in your cluster:

oc apply -f image-migration-pod.yaml

Check for any errors:

oc -n openshift-image-registry get pod image-registry-migration

When its status is Completed, the pod can be removed:

oc -n openshift-image-registry delete pod image-registry-migration

Switch to Swift as the Image Registry storage backend

This command sets Swift as the image-registry backend and sets two replicas, as Swift allows concurrent access to its resources. Replace openshift-lrgv9-image-registry-aaa with the $container_name above:

oc patch \
    --type='json' \
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/rolloutStrategy", "value": "RollingUpdate"},
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": 2},
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/storage", "value": {"managementState": "Managed", "swift": {"container": "openshift-lrgv9-image-registry-aaa"}}}

Wait for the operator to recreate the image-registry instances.

oc wait --for=condition=Progressing=false clusteroperator/image-registry --timeout=5m

After the operation is complete and successful, re-enable write operations as needed:

oc patch -p '{"spec":{"readOnly":false}}' --type=merge

After the successful migration of all images has been confirmed, the old volume claim can be released:

oc -n openshift-image-registry delete pvc image-registry-storage

Abort the migration and return to the volume backend

This command rolls back to the previous volume backend. Use it to return to a stable state if a successful migration can't be confirmed.

oc patch \
    --type='json' \
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/rolloutStrategy", "value": "Recreate"},
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": 1},
        {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/storage", "value": {"managementState": "Unmanaged", "pvc": {"claim":"image-registry-storage"}}}