excellent-watir (herein called 'xlwatir') was a prototype ruby/watir testing framework, with test steps defined in Excel spreadsheets.
xlwatir was designed to speed up automated testing of Web applications. It allows testers to rapidly build test scripts and test suites in a structured way. xlwatir provides all the power of the popular “watir” tool but without the overhead of learning the Ruby language. xlwatir may be used by testers of all skill levels. Test scripts may range from a simple single file, to a suite of complex tests with custom functionality.
Ruby, watir, Excel
The easiest way is to build upon ‘template.xls’ included in this repo. However xlwatir allows other file types such as .csv or .xlsx, using Excel to read in the data. The following steps describe a script built on template.xls.
Open IE and press [F12] to show the developer toolbar. The tool “Select Element by Click” helps to identify page elements for your test script to use. Activate “Select Element by Click” then click an element on the web page to reveal its attributes.
- Open template.xls
- Leave row 1 as is -- the ‘import’ command is needed to define the valid Watir commands.
- On the next row, click on the leftmost cell (the “Command cell”), and choose a command from the dropdown list. A good one to start with is ‘goto_url’.
Most commands also require a parameter. After making a selection, the worksheet will automatically populate the row with the parameters expected. The “goto_url” command requires a URL. For this example, enter “google.co.nz”.
Using the IE Developer Toolbar, examine the attributes of the Google input field. Note that attribute “name” has a value of “q”.
- To find commands to input text into the field, scroll through the dropdown list in the next Command cell. The appropriate xlwatir command is “input_text_by_name”.
- Command “input_text_by_name” requires two parameters, as detailed in the adjacent cells (Fig. 5). For this example, replace “name parameter” with the value “q”, and replace “text parameter” with some search text, for example “apteryx australis”
Some other commands available are
- click_button_by_name
- click_link_by_url
- comment
- go_back
- select_list_item_by_name
- set_checkbox_by_name
- set_radio_by_name
- start_new_script
- submit_form
- verify_text_on_page
(See the “Command Reference” section for a full list of commands and descriptions.)
This is an example of a completed script:
command | param_1 | param_2 |
import | BaseCommandsWatir.rb | BaseCommandsWatir |
pause_message | This is a sample message to pause the script. Hit OK to continue. | |
comment | "xlwatir" Scripting Template + Example | |
goto_url | google.co.nz | |
input_text_by_name | q | apteryx australis |
click_button_by_name | btnG | |
verify_text_on_page | South Island Kiwi | |
verify_text_on_page | Apteryx Australis | |
comment | Finished googly example. |
Save the Excel script you have created, with a name such as “example.xls”. xlwatir expects to find your script in the same location as the ruby files.
Open a Command shell (Start > Run > cmd), go to the directory where your script resides and enter the command :
ruby Main.rb example.xls
(replace <example.xls> with your script name) The script takes a few seconds to start up because it loads new instances of Ruby, Excel, and IE
- Wait for the script to finish navigating the IE session
- A log file is also created in the same directory, with a filename: log..txt
- Check the results are as expected, and adjust your xlwatir script accordingly.
A test suite comprises one parent script which starts one or more child scripts. The following two tables show two simple scripts.
Parent script “demo.xls” uses command “start_new_script” to call “demo_W3_search.xls” and pass parameters to it.
The first time it is called, child script “demo_W3_search.xls” replaces %1% with the first parameter “w3.org” and replaces %2% with “bubblegum”. This makes IE navigate to w3.org and search for the phrase “bubblegum”. The second time it is called, “demo_W3_search.xls” replaces %1% with “w3.org” and replaces %2% with “extensible markup language”. This makes IE navigate to w3.org and search for the phrase “extensible markup language”.
import baseCommandsWatir.rb BaseCommandsWatir
comment Demo of "xlwatir"
start_new_script demo_W3_search.xls w3.org bubblegum
start_new_script demo_W3_search.xls w3.org extensible markup language
#ignore_this example: it can handle incorrect command
pause_message Script Complete! Hit OK to exit.
goto_url %1%
verify_text_on_page World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
click_link_by_text New Visitors
input_text_by_id inputField %2%
click_button_by_id goButton
verify_text_on_page from www.w3.org
comment finished search
The classes are defined in Ruby source files:
- Main.rb contains classes TestRunner and ScriptRunner. Main.rb is the main xlwatir executable file.
- BaseCommands.rb contains classes BaseCommands and LogResults.
- BaseCommandsWatir.rb contains extensions for the BaseCommands class.
From the windows command line or an IDE, a command is passed to Ruby, such as the following:
ruby Main.rb example.xls
Ruby then runs Main.rb, passing “example.xls” as a string argument. Main.rb initializes a new TestRunner, then calls its run_suite() method.
TestRunner sets up new instances of Internet Explorer, LogResults, and BaseCommands. The new instances are assigned global variables $ie, $log, $commands.
A test run begins with the run_suite() method, which parses the command line (such as above) and calls BaseCommands.start_new_script(), passing through the script name (such as “demo.xls”).
Each TestRunner creates a LogResults object. LogResults initializes by creating a new File object called “@log”, with a file name of log..txt in the current directory. Also counters for @error, @fail, @pass are set to 0.
- add() logs text {timestamp + logmsg}, and echoes it to stdout
- error() increments @error, logs text {timestamp + “ERROR” + logmsg}, and echoes it to stderr
- fail() increments @fail, logs {timestamp + “FAIL” + expected + actual result}, and echoes it to stdout
- pass() increments @pass, logs text {timestamp + “PASS”}, and echoes it to stdout
- debug() logs text {timestamp + “DEBUG” + logmsg}, and echoes it to stdout
- close() prints final results for the test run {@pass, @fail, @error} and closes the File object
These methods are globally available. ScriptRunner logs its main actions, some “verify” methods in BaseCommands log their results, and the log optionally includes debug information.
Each ScriptRunner instance corresponds to a particular xlwatir script file. ScriptRunner sets up a new instance of Excel and loads the specified workbook. The runScript() method iterates down the spreadsheet, parsing each row and calling the requisite xlwatir command and its parameters.
Some intelligent logic is applied so runScript() will also:
- Replace internal script variables such as %1%, %2% with values from an array called “args” (args is optionally passed in with the runScript() call)
- Extend BaseCommands by mixing in further Ruby or Watir code from another source file, such as BaseCommandsWatir or a domain-specific collection of commands
BaseCommands is the collection of xlwatir commands (methods). There are four basic methods
- start_new_script() starts a new instance of ScriptRunner with the script file name. This method enables the tester to build a suite of scripts initiated from one main script.
- message_box() is a method to pop up a Windows message box, with various formatting options
- pause_message() is a simplified wrapper for the message_box() method
- comment() adds a simple entry to the log file
This list of valid commands is extended at runtime when ScriptRunner imports the file “BaseCommandsWatir.rb”. This file is the gateway to WATiR functionality. It includes many methods for interacting with the $ie object, such as
- goto_url()
- go_back()
- submit_form()
- bypass_cert()
- :click_button_by_id()
- verify_text_on_page()
- verify_page_title()
- verify_text_by_xpath() (and many more … for full descriptions see the “Command Reference” section in the Appendix)
Command Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Description
bypass_cert Dismiss annoying IE warning
clear_text_by_name name parameter Clear text from input field
clear_radio_by_name name parameter Clear selected radio button
clear_checkbox_by_name name parameter Clear selected checkbox
clear_list_by_name name parameter Clear dropdown list selection
click_button_by_id id parameter Click button
click_button_by_name name parameter Click button
click_element_by_xpath xpath parameter Click ANY element
click_label_text text parameter Click label
click_link_by_text text parameter Click link
click_link_by_url URL parameter Click link
comment your comments go here… parameter Log a Comment
find_text_by_xpath xpath parameter Locate item within the page structure
goto_url URL parameter Navigate to a new website
go_back Browser back() function
input_text_by_id id parameter text parameter Enter text to input field
input_text_by_name name parameter text parameter Enter text to input field
message_box message text parameter title parameter buttons parameter icon parameter Show a customised Windows message box
pause_message message text parameter Show a simple Windows message box
select_list_item_by_id list_id parameter item_text parameter Select item from dropdown list
select_list_item_by_name list_name parameter item_text parameter Select item from dropdown list
set_checkbox_by_index index parameter Set a checkbox
set_checkbox_by_name name parameter Set a checkbox
set_radio_by_id id parameter Set a radio button
set_radio_by_index index parameter Set a radio button
set_radio_by_name name parameter Set a radio button
start_new_script filename parameter parameter1 parameter parameter2 parameter Branch to a new xlwatir script
submit_form Test default form action
verify_page_title title parameter Test Title attribute
verify_table_entry_by_id table_id parameter rownum parameter colnum parameter expected parameter Test data in HTML table
erify_text_by_xpath xpath parameter text parameter parameter Test text by specific location in DOM
verify_text_on_page text parameter Test that text is somewhere on the page