- Numerics:
- New front reconstruction scheme such that the reconstructed fracture front is continuous between cells
- Non-linear solver now using Anderson acceleration
- Block Toeplitz elasticity matrix (for isotropic elasticity only)
- Improved tip asymptotics (notably for leak-off regimes)
- Improved closure/contact algorithm
- Mesh & Re-meshing:
- possibility of having non-centered mesh (with respect to the orginin (0,0))
- elements addition on the fly (in specified directions)
- coarsening (reducing the number of cells in the whole domain)
- Visualization:
- Plots of near-tip asymptotic regimes (k-toughness-red, m-viscosity-blue, m-tilde-leak-off-green)
- Fluid fluxes & velocities as vectors at cell edges
- Export to JSON capability
- Use of the python logging package to log code outputs with different verbosity levels
- Suite of automatic benchmark & regression tests
- Additional examples
- Semi-analytical solution for M-pulse radial HF
- Updated documentation
- Initial version including:
- Transverse Isotropic elasticity
- Carter's leak-off
- Newtonian fluid
- Heterogeneous initial in-situ normal stress
- Piece-wise heterogeneous fracture toughness and leak-off properties
- Buoyancy
- remeshing capabilities