- Task 1: Create a ROS package called
. The package should depend on the ROS client library of your choice (C++/Python or other if you feel adventurous), and any other required packages (e.g. for messages). - Task 2: Create a node that subscribes to one Image topic and publishes to two Image topics.
- Task 3: Using the rosbag of Exercise1: Creating a rosbag, read the Image data using the previously
created node and do the following:
- Task 3a: Publish the Image in grayscale and keep the RGB values only for moving objects/pixels.
- Task 3b: Publish a cropped image of the original which is the minimum rectangle that includes all the moving objects/pixels of the frame. If the image contains no moving objects the message should not be published.
- Task 4: Use any tool to visualize your two published topics. Report on the framerate of the input topic and the framerate of the topic of Task 3a.