Added DisableLink Model Plugin
Added sensitiveness parameter to MimicJointPlugin
Added maxEffort parameter to MimicJoint plugin
Added PID control capability to mimic joint plugin
Move catkin_package macro so it is called before targets are defined. Fixes plugins not getting found when doing isolated builds
Add missing setForce() call (otherwise PID option doesn't do anything)
Support of Gazebo 7 was added
Support all PID gain parameters, dynamic_reconfigure This change does the following: * the PID controllers will read all PID gain parameters (p, i, d, i_clamp, antiwindup, publish_state, ...) * a warning will be printed if none of those parameters could be found * it's possible to adjust the parameters using dynamic_reconfigure
Adjust to Gazebo 8 API Note about the DisconnectWorldUpdateBegin: This function was deprecated in favor of resetting the ConnectionPtr, see here:
Add fix for gazebo_ros_pkgs#612 This issue also affects the mimic joint plugin:
The commit here fixes that issue for Gazebo 9. We should change the GAZEBO_MAJOR_VERSION check to >= 7 if the following PR gets backported to Gazebo 7 and 8:
Add warning when triggering gazebo_ros_pkgs#612
Update parameters * Default max effort to limit from sdf model * Default namespace to empty string * Fix sensitiveness calculation
Add option to change the namespace of the pid
Set CMP0054 for building with Gazebo9
Use SetParam for effort limit
Add license notice