- Get basic understanding of the Git version control system
- Get started to work with Git using a web-service GitHub
- Get to know the following terminology:
- Repository: Local, Remote/Origin
- Working Directory
- Staging Area
- Learn the main commands (clone, add, commit, push, pull)
- Get to know a concept of 'branch' in the Git: create, merge, rebase
- Get to know a Markdown basics, create a page using it
- Create personal web page with the GitHub Pages
- You should read and remember commits requirements in RS School
- Watch video materials Git/GitHub theory (~0.5 hour)
- Learn Markdown's documentation - you can start with basics and syntax and dive in other concepts when practice (0.5 hour)
- Short and valuable instruction for setting up the GitHub Pages in your repository provided by MDN, official documentation
- Video instructions how to deploy page using the GitHub Pages (7 min)
- Git Basics. Handbook
- Instructions how to generate SSH key and how add it to your GitHub
- Git summary