Angular Course
Free | Online | in English
Start date: March 13, 2023
Free-of-charge learning
The RS School is working by the principle of "Pay it forward". Members of our community share their knowledge and check students' tasks for free. And we hope that our students will continue this work as our mentors in the future.
Open to everyone
Everyone can study at RS School, regardless of age, professional employment, or place of residence. However, you should have sufficient base knowledge before the program begins.
After accomplishing all three stages of education, students will receive an electronic certificate of completion.
Communication channels
Throughout the course, we mostly use Discord chat.
- Twice a week in the evenings.
- Duration: 9 weeks.
- Types of training: webinars.
Course Curriculum
This program will have theory and practice on the following topic:
Week #1
- Module "Angular Intro. TypeScript"
- Module "Angular. Components"
- Module "Angular. Directives & Pipes"
Week #2
- "Angular Intro" task review
- Module "Angular. Modules & Services, Dependency Injection"
- Module "Angular. Routing"
- Workshop
Week #3
- "Angular. Components, Directives, Pipes" task review
- Module "RxJS & Observables"
- Module "Angular. HTTP"
- Module "Angular. Forms"
- Workshop
Week #4
- "Angular. Modules, Services, Routing" task review
- Module "Angular. Redux & NgRx"
- Module "Angular. Unit Test"
- Workshop
Week #5-8
- "Angular. RxJS & HTTPClient & NgRx & Forms" task review
- Final Angular test
- Workshop
- "Project Management Application" final task
Week #9
- Cross-checking the "Project management application" final task
What you should know before starting
Required before the start
- JavaScript
- Typescript
- Git, GitHub (clone, add, commit, push, pull, merge, rebase, work with Pull Request)
- npm, webpack
- CSS3 / HTML5
- Chrome DevTools Figma
- Understanding the concept of REST API
Our mentors and trainers
Pavel Razuvalau
Pavel Razuvalau works as a software engineer at EPAM Systems, with more than two years of experience developing client applications. After graduating from RS School in 2017, Pavel started his career successfully. He does his best not only in self-improvement but also in sharing knowledge and helping others. Pavel followed the “Pay it forward” principle and began participating in the Rolling Scopes school as a mentor and trainer in the EPAM JS Lab.
Aleh Serhiyenia
Aleh Serhiyenia works as a Front-End Developer at EPAM Systems, developing web applications using Angular. He was always interested in technology and computers. Aleh received his higher education at BSUIR. For a long time, he engaged in production automation. Then he became interested in graphic design, the development of banners, logos, signs, etc. Aleh has always had a passion for programming. He passed RS School and then EPAM Lab. Now Aleh is ready to share his experience and expertise with RS School students.