From 0d4a1fc0f0647ae70fb5f20196016e61c56487f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 16:31:16 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 01/25] Removing twitter appendix

 _quarto.yml | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/_quarto.yml b/_quarto.yml
index f614d50..275349f 100644
--- a/_quarto.yml
+++ b/_quarto.yml
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ book:
     - authorchecklistany.Rmd
     - editorchecklistpeer.Rmd
     - editorchecklistany.Rmd
-    - twittercards.Rmd
     - editor-meta.Rmd

From c9fb381ead2678f6606573d504bdb6d8be12522c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 16:36:32 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 02/25] Removing twitter, adding Mastodon-LinkedIn for staff
 blog/tech notes

 editor-meta.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/editor-meta.Rmd b/editor-meta.Rmd
index c395cab..1732124 100644
--- a/editor-meta.Rmd
+++ b/editor-meta.Rmd
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ The blog editors don't necessarily have write access to the blog-guidance repo b
 * Staff members can bypass review for tech notes but they can choose to request a review by blog editors.
 * Staff members' blog posts should be scheduled together with the Community Manager.
-* Staff members are responsible for creating the [discussion forum entry](#publish) for their own post and must [tweet from the rOpenSci Twitter account](#tweetpromo) (directly or via the Tweetdeck rOpenSci team) before tweeting from their personal account.
+* Staff members are responsible for creating the [discussion forum entry](#publish) for their own post and must [promote from their personal account on Mastodon and/or LinkedIn tagging rOpenSci's accounts.

From 612078b4377a9e03fb61d676a701786c5004207c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:33:12 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 03/25] Remove all Twitter mentions to editor instructions.

 editor.Rmd | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index 535ea55..58a7364 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Rare exceptions can be made at the editor's discretion.
 To ask the author to address a comment, provide a link to the appropriate section of this book to guide them.
 After all inline commenting and the checklist is done, add any further notes, starting with a positive comment and your overall impression, to the _Review changes_ box.
-Tell the author if you have updated their author metadata (author file) e.g. by fixing the folder name, or adding a Twitter handle.
+Tell the author if you have updated their author metadata (author file) e.g. by fixing the folder name, or adding a social media handle.
 This helps draw their attention to this nice feature.
 We don't (yet?) have templated editor response text, but here are helpful things to include:
@@ -88,14 +88,13 @@ crossposts:
 This is to ensure the cross-post alert appears ([example](
 as well as to make the cross-post metadata visible to the JSON feed that Rogue Scholar uses.
-### Check Twitter metadata
+### Check social media metadata
-The Twitter metadata in a post's YAML helps it "look good" when an account like R Weekly Live or other readers link to the post in a tweet, separate from [the tweet _we_ send](#tweetpromo). 
-Therefore it is important to check the Twitter metadata by pasting a post's preview link in the [Twitter card validator](
-You might have to click twice.
+The social media metadata in a post's YAML helps it "look good" when an account like R Weekly Live or other readers link to the post in a post, separate from [the post _we_ send](#socialpromo). 
-See [Understanding Twitter cards](#twittercards) for details. 
-Perfecting metadata for Twitter cards is optional for authors, so decide how critical any changes are before requesting them in your review.
+Therefore it is important to check the social media metadata if it is present.
+Perfecting metadata for social media is optional for authors, so decide how critical any changes are before requesting them in your review.
 ### Post in more than one language
@@ -110,34 +109,35 @@ A "topic" linked to the blog post will automatically be created in the [discussi
 _Note about older posts:_ Very old posts from (before March 2017) have no comments at all; these posts have no `topicid` field in their YAML header. Newer posts (March 2017 onward) have a yaml field `topicid` and a number in it that links to a topic that we manually created in the forum. Posts newer than March 9, 2020 won't have a `topicid` field in their YAML header as a forum topic is automatically created.
-## Promote a post on Twitter {#tweetpromo}
+## Promote a post on social media {#socialpromo}
 ### Workflow
-Tweet from [rOpenSci](
+Post from [rOpenSci Mastodon account]( and [LinkedIn Page](
-We tweet at ~8am Pacific, but it would be good to use a system for optimizing the time to send a tweet (e.g. using Buffer). 
+We post at different time zones using our own [system to schedule all social media post to Mastodon and LinkedIn](/blog/2023/05/17/scheduling-mastodon/). 
-Note that in Tweetdeck you can schedule an individual tweet, but you cannot schedule subsequent tweets in a thread.
-Therefore, it's best to draft tweets in advance (e.g. while reviewing the post) and have a feature image(s) and alternative text for the image ready to use.
+It's best to draft social media post in advance (e.g. while reviewing the post) and have a feature image(s) and alternative text for the image ready to use.
-For community posts, draft tweets are posted in the comments of the pull request so the author can comment.
+For community posts, draft social media text are posted in the comments of the pull request so the author can comment.
 ### Content
-The first tweet of a thread or only tweet _must_ include
+The first post of a thread or only post _must_ include
 * the post title,
 * a link to the post,
-* tag the author's account, or their IRL name,
+* tag the author's account, or their IRL name
+* the hashtag `#rstats` and 
+* the tag @rstats group.
-Any tweet _must_ provide an alternative description of any included image.
+Any post _must_ provide an alternative description of any included image.
-A further tweet _can_ include a link to the software peer review thread.
+A further post _can_ include a link to the software peer review thread.
-Any tweet _can_ include
+Any post _can_ include
-* hashtags,
+* additional hashtags,
 * additional account names,
 with the caveats of the next subsections.
@@ -149,30 +149,32 @@ Tag the account(s) of all post authors and package authors and reviewers.
 If not already included in their author metadata, you can search for their account but only tag them if
 * it is active,
-* it is not anonymous,
+* it is not anonymous or private,
 * it is at least partly used professionally by the owner.
 When in doubt, use the person's name, or time permitting, contact the person whose account you'd like to tag.
-For a package wrapping a service present on Twitter you can tag that account (e.g. for a tweet about `rredlist` that accesses IUCN Red List you might tag IUCN Twitter account).
+For a package wrapping a service present on the social media you can tag that account (e.g. for a Mastodon post about `rredlist` that accesses IUCN Red List you might tag IUCN Mastodon account).
 When tagging accounts include them in a sentence e.g. "Thanks to `@account1`"/ "As told by `@account2`". 
-We do not use tagging in tweets to ask for attention (i.e. no account names used like hashtags at the bottom of a tweet) because it could be viewed as spamming mentioned accounts, and because it creates visual clutter in the tweet.
+We do not use tagging in post to ask for attention (i.e. no account names used like hashtags at the bottom of a post) because it could be viewed as spamming mentioned accounts, and because it creates visual clutter in the post.
 ### Using hashtags
+Hashtags are very relevant in Mastodon and LinkedIn.  Because there is not algorithm promoting a post based on likes or boosts, hashtags are the main way to get a post seen by people who are not already following the account.  People follow hashtag on both platforms.
 #### Selecting relevant hashtags
-For a tweet about a post related to a package or any R thing, use the `#rstats` hashtag.
+For a post about a post related to a package or any R thing, use the `#rStats` hashtag. If the post is in another language than Englis, add the `#rStats + language two letters`, for example for Spanish is `#rStatsES`
-For a tweet about a package post, make the package name a hashtag, since [rocitations Twitter account]( does this to announce package citations.
+For a post about a package post, make the package name a hashtag.  You can also add the package category, as we use it for social media campaigns. For example, for a post about the `rredlist` package, you could use `#rredlist` and `#biodiversity`.
-Check the last tweets using any hashtag except the `#rstats` hashtag to see whether it is used as you expect.
+Check the last post using any hashtag except the `#rStats` hashtag to see whether it is used as you expect.
 E.g. using `httr` wouldn't be a good idea. It is a package name but on Twitter it is the hashtag of [a team with a name controversy]( and even has its own emoji automatically attached to it by Twitter. 
 #### Adding hashtags
-Do not use too many hashtags in any tweet so as not to make the account look like a spam account / greedy for attention.
+Do not use too many hashtags in any post so as not to make the account look like a spam account / greedy for attention.
 Post hashtags at the bottom of each tweet, to make the rest of the content of the tweet easier to read.
@@ -182,19 +184,19 @@ When posting a thread, use each hashtag only once so as not to pollute the timel
 ### Using emojis 
-In tweets, emojis are optional. 
+In post, emojis are optional. 
 When using emojis, [do not use too many of them](
 ### Using gifs
-In tweets, gifs are optional.
+In post, gifs are optional.
 * One can include a gif that was created for the post (e.g. an animated plot).
 * But generally not a Giphy gif since it might be interpreted differently by people who know more/less context about the gif in question (e.g. a TV show).
-* When using a gif we should [add its description]( by typing `[Gif alt: descriptive phrase]` at the bottom of the tweet.
-* When tweeting from, as of Feb 2020, if you have the _compose image descriptions_ setting turned on in your accessibility settings, you can add alt descriptions for gifs as you do for images.
+* When using a gif we should [add its description]( by typing `[Gif alt: descriptive phrase]` at the bottom of the post.
-### Example 2-tweet thread:
+### Example 2-post thread:
 [blog] “rmangal: making ecological networks easily accessible” 

From 429bf827caa5e6c1c9f3704ccb22fe87fd17988b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:36:03 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 04/25] Adding multilingual details.

 editor.Rmd | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index 58a7364..e2cbe84 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ It's best to draft social media post in advance (e.g. while reviewing the post)
 For community posts, draft social media text are posted in the comments of the pull request so the author can comment.
+If the post is multilingual, we post in social media in all languages the post is available in. We use the same message translate in all languages.
 ### Content
 The first post of a thread or only post _must_ include

From 9f1b472b8988d8192ec2129bd1f1cdde077fa2bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:37:43 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 05/25] Remove section because post are listed by language (not
 all together)

 editor.Rmd | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index e2cbe84..d7397d3 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -96,10 +96,6 @@ Therefore it is important to check the social media metadata if it is present.
 Perfecting metadata for social media is optional for authors, so decide how critical any changes are before requesting them in your review.
-### Post in more than one language
-If a blog post has versions in more than one language, in order to sort how they are listed on our website we must use date and time. Check that the date and time in each of the files has the datetime to appear in the desired order.
 ## Publish a post {#publish}
 Publish a post by merging its pull request.
 For a post dated e.g. 2020-02-28, you can merge it any time after ~5pm Pacific on 2020-02-27 i.e. when it's Feb 28th somewhere in the world.

From 27cf99f214249f2398bb3279388b10dd406daab5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 16:45:59 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 06/25] Removing twitter mention from Author content

 authorcontent.Rmd | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authorcontent.Rmd b/authorcontent.Rmd
index 4da7480..ce61349 100644
--- a/authorcontent.Rmd
+++ b/authorcontent.Rmd
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Use short headings to guide the reader.
 Did others who are not authors of the post make significant contributions to the package or its inspiration?
-Thank reviewers using their first and last names linked to their [rOpenSci author page]( if they have one, or to their relevant online presence (e.g. website, Twitter, GitHub) and link to the software review thread.
+Thank reviewers using their first and last names linked to their [rOpenSci author page]( if they have one, or to their relevant online presence (e.g. website, social media, GitHub) and link to the software review thread.
 There is no obligation to do this, but you could note something specific that you improved in your package or in your coding or documentation practice as a direct result of reviewers’ comments.
 ### Consider including a call to action {#action}
@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ Consider opening issues to illustrate your thinking.
 If you’re willing to consider code or documentation contributions from others, label those issues “[help wanted](” (no hyphen, no emojis) and “[good first issue](” or “[beginner](” if those apply. People who want to contribute to rOpenSci can find these by searching GitHub (example: [org:ropensci label:"help wanted" state:open](, and we occasionally feature these in our [newsletter](
 If you want people to tell you how they have used your package, tell them how you want them to do that. Encourage them to submit their use case to our [public forum](
-There’s a template to help. We tweet these to help others see applications and we tag both the package author and use case submitter to give credit.
+There’s a template to help. We share these on social media to help others see applications and we tag both the package author and use case submitter to give credit.
 For longer form use cases, they could submit a vignette to include as an article in your package documentation ([example](
 If you want people to give you general feedback, tell them how you’d like to receive that.
 ### Conclusion or summary {#conclusion}
-Will readers understand your take-home message clearly enough to tweet about your post?
+Will readers understand your take-home message clearly enough to share on their social media about your post?
 You might need to remind them of your main points.
 Now **[review the Technical Guidelines](#technical)** for submitting your draft post, and you’re ready to go.

From 6a84e495e74e6131e687a3662bc1c3685f95a65a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:05:07 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 07/25] Removing Twitter mentions, adding Rogue Scholar, and
 updating follower numbers for rOpenSci accounts.

 authorpromote.Rmd | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authorpromote.Rmd b/authorpromote.Rmd
index f0f7533..f0344c9 100644
--- a/authorpromote.Rmd
+++ b/authorpromote.Rmd
@@ -10,14 +10,15 @@ Blog posts then live a life of their own: some people will still access them, e.
 When your post is published, here is what we do to promote it.
-- Tweet from [rOpenSci]( with a link to your post, tagging post author(s) and package reviewers with a link to the software peer review thread where relevant.
-rOpenSci has more than 25,000 followers on Twitter.
+- Post from [rOpenSci Mastodon account]( and [LinkedIn page]( with a link to your post, tagging post author(s) and package reviewers with a link to the software peer review thread where relevant.
+rOpenSci has more than 2,000 followers on Mastodon and more than 1,000 on LinkedIn.
-- List your post, with author names, in our [biweekly newsletter]( 
-Our newsletter has more than 2,000 email subscribers and additional readers through RSS & JSON feeds.
+- List your post, with author names, in our [monthly newsletter](
-- Our blog and tech notes are syndicated to and tweeted by [R-bloggers]( and [R Weekly]( R-Bloggers _cross-posts_ posts so it adds page views we can't measure, whereas R Weekly drives traffic to blog posts on our website. R-Bloggers had nearly 80,000 Twitter followers in February 2020.
+Our newsletter has more than 2,500 email subscribers and additional readers through RSS & JSON feeds.
-Consult [Understanding Twitter cards](#twittercards) if you would like to learn about using the YAML metadata in your post to influence the appearance when someone shares a link to your post on Twitter, or Slack for example.
+- Our blog and tech notes are syndicated to and shared by [R-bloggers]( and [R Weekly]( R-Bloggers _cross-posts_ posts so it adds page views we can't measure, whereas R Weekly drives traffic to blog posts on our website. R-Bloggers had nearly 80,000 Twitter followers in February 2020. R Weekly podcast also highlight some of our posts.
+- Our blog is also syndicated to [Rogue Scholar](, an archive for scholarly blog posts that provide full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata. Your blog post will be assigned a DOI and archived in the Internet Archive. If you have an integration with your ORCID, your blog post will be added to your ORCID profile when we published.
 You are welcome to cross-post to your own website as long as you also link to the rOpenSci website version. [Example](

From 00090484e5c8209a624c46c5e31590e4c1a2c620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:45:06 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 08/25] Removing twitter mention. Adding some details on the
 author profile.

 authortechnical.Rmd | 9 +++++----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 9af027e..221e0bd 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ```{block, type='summaryblock', echo=TRUE}
 This chapter explains the technical details of submitting a blog post or tech note (referred to collectively as "posts") for publication on the rOpenSci website - from drafting in an (R) Markdown template, to submitting for review using GitHub Pull Request infrastructure.
-We include advice on commonly used elements like adding [an image](#addimage), [a citation](#addcitation), or [embedding a tweet](#addtweet) in case you need them.
+We include advice on commonly used elements like adding [an image](#addimage), [a citation](#addcitation), or [embedding a social media post](#addsocialpost) in case you need them.
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ Create or update your author file.
 ### Why?
-The rOpenSci website has a page listing [all authors]( who have contributed to a blog post, tech note, or presented in a Community Call.
+The rOpenSci website has a page listing [all authors]( who have contributed to a blog post, tech note, presented in a Community Call, host a co-working session, deliverd a talk about rOpenSci's activities or contribute to some of our projects like the [Champions Program](
 A click on your by-line in a post takes the reader to your author page that has links to your online home, possibly your social media or GitHub profile(s), and a list of all the content you’ve authored on our site.
-For staff and leadership team members, editors for software peer review, or members of our Code of Conduct Committee, their rOpenSci title is also listed on their author page.
+For staff and leadership team members, editors for software peer review, members of our Code of Conduct Committee, and participants of our Champions Program, their rOpenSci title is also listed on their author page.
 ### How?
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ blogguidance::show_template("",
-At minimum, provide your name and a link or your Twitter, GitHub, or GitLab username.
+At minimum, provide your name and a link or your Social Media, GitHub, or GitLab username.
 Add your usernames or ID's without the "@" or the "https:...". The link field can be your personal website URL, for example.
 ### Example
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ The folder name must include accents, initials with periods, and hyphens for spa
 Look at [other people's folder names]( for examples. 
+Your author page will show the picture you have on your GitHub profile.
 ## Post template {#templates}

From e641eeccfebff7bb728963a2379a54a94472053b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:51:23 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 09/25] Changing "Twitter" for "social media" and using new
 YAML fields.

 authortechnical.Rmd | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 221e0bd..3a3b86c 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ If not, refer to [the instructions to create your draft manually](#manually).
 The blogdown New Post RStudio addin creates the post draft in the correct location and fills the post YAML based on metadata you'll have entered.[^2]
 * Install `whoami` and `blogdown` (`install.packages(c("whoami", "blogdown"))`) (blogdown version should be at least 1.6.0).
-* Install Hugo (to preview the post): `blogdown::install_hugo("0.89.0")` (version recorded in netlify.toml of the roweb3 repository).
+* Install Hugo (to preview the post): `blogdown::install_hugo("0.133.0")` (version recorded in netlify.toml of the roweb3 repository).
 * Re-start R.
 * In RStudio, open the forked `roweb3` project.
 * Create a new post by running Addins > New Post or `blogdown:::new_post_addin()`.
@@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ Add tags to the YAML of your post to make it more findable. Browse [our page tha
 For a post about your peer-reviewed package, use 'Software Peer Review', 'community', 'packages', the package name, and any others you see fit.
-#### Twitter cards metadata (optional)
+#### Social media metadata (optional)
-If you're curious about the `description`, `twitterImg`, `twitterAlt` YAML fields in the post metadata and how they can help draw readers to your post, refer to [our explanation of Twitter cards](#twittercards).
+If you're curious about the `description`, `socialImg`, `socialAlt` YAML fields in the post metadata and how they can help draw readers to your post, refer to [our explanation of social media cards](#twittercards).
-Delete `description`, `twitterImg` and `twitterAlt` YAML fields if you don't use them. 
+Delete `description`, `socialImg` and `socialAlt` YAML fields if you don't use them. 
-#### Default Twitter text (optional)
-Provide default text for tweets when a reader clicks the "Share on Twitter" button by
-replacing the value of `tweet: "A post about blabla by @username!"`.
-Consider including your (and your coauthors) Twitter handle(s) (`@username`) in the tweet
+#### Default social media text (optional)
+Provide default text for social media post (Mastodon and LinkedIn) when a reader clicks the "Share on Mastodon" button by
+replacing the value of `social: "A post about blabla by @username!"`.
+Consider including your (and your coauthors) Mastodon handle(s) (`@username`) in the post
 text to ensure you get notified when someone shares your post.

From b80c9eb2c754fca3b7d1df8b32f5041064e85078 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:54:00 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 10/25] Adding more details for alt-text

 authortechnical.Rmd | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 3a3b86c..6bea8a3 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -172,11 +172,13 @@ Regardless of how images are included, they should all contain **alt** text
 and consider the following features.
 **Alt text**  
-Every image should be accompanied by alternative text to make it more accessible to people with disabilities and provide a better user experience for everyone.
+Every image should be accompanied by alternative text to make it more accessible and provide a better user experience.
 The alternative text should convey the meaning or content that is displayed in the image.
 Refer [to this tutorial for details on what should go in alternative text](, 
 and see the following sections for how to include alt text.
+If your include a picture because of some text (like a comment in a post or a phrase in a wall), you have to write the text you want to highlight from that image in the alt-tex. 
 **Image features**  

From 94e3f1b4b91b80a289b71fbf138a37341cebff80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 19:00:51 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 11/25] Changing the content for embedded social media post

 authortechnical.Rmd | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 6bea8a3..c30fa7b 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ To get the citation for an article in [Google Scholar](
-### Embedded tweets {#addtweet}
+### Embedded social media post {#addsocialpost}
-Use a [Hugo shortcode]( to embed a tweet using its username and its ID e.g. `{{{< tweet user="SanDiegoZoo" id="1453110110599868418" >}}}`. In R Markdown, shortcodes need to be html escaped, refer to [the template]( for an example.
+You can get the code to embed a social media post by clicking on the post's timestamp and then on **"Embed"** for most of the social media platforms.  The social media platform will provide a code snippet that you can copy and paste into your post.
-If you want to quote a tweet and make it look more subdued, you can use a [block quote](#blockquotes) linking the tweet.
+If you want to quote a social media post and make it look more subdued, you can use a [block quote](#blockquotes) linking the post.
  [Example](, [source](
 ### Block quotes {#blockquotes}

From b9e01fddea9e98b3bd9dfdc0598cdb18085d02d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 19:08:45 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 12/25] Update Drake docs like to Target.

 authortechnical.Rmd | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index c30fa7b..60359c7 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ Compare [raw markdown](
   - 'rOpenSci' not 'ROpenSci'
 - **Links and images**
   - When adding rOpenSci links to your post, use relative instead of absolute URLs e.g. `/blog/` instead of ``.
-  - When linking to [rOpenSci packages]( use their URL, e.g.
-  - Use [Hugo shortcodes]( (not html) to add images, tweets, gists etc. 
+  - When linking to [rOpenSci packages]( use their URL, e.g.
+  - Use [Hugo shortcodes]( (not html) to add images, gists etc. 
   - In R Markdown wrap Hugo shortcodes between html preserve tags as shown in the [template](
   - Instead of using html widgets (`DT`, `leaflet`, etc.), include a screenshot and use the `link` option of the [Hugo `figure` shortcode]( to direct readers to an online version of the widget.
   - Use informative [alternative text](#addimage) for all images.

From 95bd90127aad8199df8873a74006ea04f71e4221 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:24:42 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 13/25] Apply suggestions from code review
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Co-authored-by: Maëlle Salmon <>
 authorpromote.Rmd | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authorpromote.Rmd b/authorpromote.Rmd
index f0344c9..9fb5617 100644
--- a/authorpromote.Rmd
+++ b/authorpromote.Rmd
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ rOpenSci has more than 2,000 followers on Mastodon and more than 1,000 on Linked
 Our newsletter has more than 2,500 email subscribers and additional readers through RSS & JSON feeds.
-- Our blog and tech notes are syndicated to and shared by [R-bloggers]( and [R Weekly]( R-Bloggers _cross-posts_ posts so it adds page views we can't measure, whereas R Weekly drives traffic to blog posts on our website. R-Bloggers had nearly 80,000 Twitter followers in February 2020. R Weekly podcast also highlight some of our posts.
+- Our blog and tech notes are syndicated to and shared by [R-bloggers]( and [R Weekly]( R-Bloggers _cross-posts_ posts so it adds page views we can't measure, whereas R Weekly drives traffic to blog posts on our website. R-Bloggers had nearly 80,000 Twitter followers in February 2020. The R Weekly Highlights podcast also regularly features some of our posts.
-- Our blog is also syndicated to [Rogue Scholar](, an archive for scholarly blog posts that provide full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata. Your blog post will be assigned a DOI and archived in the Internet Archive. If you have an integration with your ORCID, your blog post will be added to your ORCID profile when we published.
+- Our blog is also syndicated to [Rogue Scholar](, an archive for scholarly blog posts that provide full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata. Your blog post will be assigned a DOI and archived in the Internet Archive. If you have an integration with your ORCID, your blog post will be added to your ORCID profile when we publish.
 You are welcome to cross-post to your own website as long as you also link to the rOpenSci website version. [Example](

From a511e25fd7a11c044ba19e1e22de00925fd19063 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:32:43 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 14/25] Update authorpromote.Rmd

 authorpromote.Rmd | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/authorpromote.Rmd b/authorpromote.Rmd
index 9fb5617..c961812 100644
--- a/authorpromote.Rmd
+++ b/authorpromote.Rmd
@@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ Our newsletter has more than 2,500 email subscribers and additional readers thro
 - Our blog is also syndicated to [Rogue Scholar](, an archive for scholarly blog posts that provide full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata. Your blog post will be assigned a DOI and archived in the Internet Archive. If you have an integration with your ORCID, your blog post will be added to your ORCID profile when we publish.
+[This is Yani's ORCID profile as an example](; if you scroll down until the "Works" session, all the rOpenSci blog posts are listed there.
 You are welcome to cross-post to your own website as long as you also link to the rOpenSci website version. [Example](

From dd42c2faa3aa0f61f3a43d9f4f5f64eda6cbd441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:47:48 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 15/25] Update authorpromote.Rmd

 authorpromote.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/authorpromote.Rmd b/authorpromote.Rmd
index c961812..5915879 100644
--- a/authorpromote.Rmd
+++ b/authorpromote.Rmd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ rOpenSci has more than 2,000 followers on Mastodon and more than 1,000 on Linked
 - List your post, with author names, in our [monthly newsletter](
-Our newsletter has more than 2,500 email subscribers and additional readers through RSS & JSON feeds.
+Our newsletter is opened by more than 1,000 readers each month and additional readers through RSS & JSON feeds.
 - Our blog and tech notes are syndicated to and shared by [R-bloggers]( and [R Weekly]( R-Bloggers _cross-posts_ posts so it adds page views we can't measure, whereas R Weekly drives traffic to blog posts on our website. R-Bloggers had nearly 80,000 Twitter followers in February 2020. The R Weekly Highlights podcast also regularly features some of our posts.

From bf619500468530c802e80bfb4823743d5cc78e6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffi LaZerte <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:13:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 16/25] Updating the editor checklist to avoid Twitter (#220)

 inst/checklists/editor-checklist.csv | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/inst/checklists/editor-checklist.csv b/inst/checklists/editor-checklist.csv
index af1345c..ab1e990 100644
--- a/inst/checklists/editor-checklist.csv
+++ b/inst/checklists/editor-checklist.csv
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ post follows Style Guide
 title is in Title Case
 publication date is ok
 alternative text of images is informative
-Twitter metadata looks ok (paste post preview link in [Twitter card validator](; might have to click twice on "Preview card")
 author metadata is provided with correct folder name
 html not included in pull request of Rmd post
 I ran `roblog::ro_lint_md()` on

From abd84b92986acdf806225e9aca79cc67eae16706 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffi LaZerte <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:15:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 17/25] Removing some more references to twitter

 authortechnical.Rmd |  8 +++-----
 editor.Rmd          | 10 +++++-----
 index.Rmd           |  1 -
 twittercards.Rmd    | 32 --------------------------------
 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 twittercards.Rmd

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 60359c7..c16bd8c 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -154,14 +154,12 @@ For a post about your peer-reviewed package, use 'Software Peer Review', 'commun
 #### Social media metadata (optional)
-If you're curious about the `description`, `socialImg`, `socialAlt` YAML fields in the post metadata and how they can help draw readers to your post, refer to [our explanation of social media cards](#twittercards).
 Delete `description`, `socialImg` and `socialAlt` YAML fields if you don't use them. 
 #### Default social media text (optional)
 Provide default text for social media post (Mastodon and LinkedIn) when a reader clicks the "Share on Mastodon" button by
-replacing the value of `social: "A post about blabla by @username!"`.
-Consider including your (and your coauthors) Mastodon handle(s) (`@username`) in the post
+replacing the value of `social: "A post about blabla by @username@server.extension!"`.
+Consider including your (and your coauthors) Mastodon handle(s) (`@username@server.extension`) in the post
 text to ensure you get notified when someone shares your post.
@@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ If using the R Markdown template, knitting `index.Rmd` (RStudio knit button, or
 You can use functions in the [roblog package to do some automated checks]( on your post. 
-- `ro_lint_md()` to check and enforce use of complete alternative descriptions for image, of relative links to rOpenSci website, of [Hugo shortcodes]( for tweets.
+- `ro_lint_md()` to check and enforce use of complete alternative descriptions for image, of relative links to rOpenSci website, of [Hugo shortcodes](
 - `ro_check_urls()` to check for URLs that might be broken 
 ### Author Checklist {#checklists}
diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index d7397d3..0c84e58 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -163,18 +163,18 @@ Hashtags are very relevant in Mastodon and LinkedIn.  Because there is not algor
 #### Selecting relevant hashtags
-For a post about a post related to a package or any R thing, use the `#rStats` hashtag. If the post is in another language than Englis, add the `#rStats + language two letters`, for example for Spanish is `#rStatsES`
+For a post about a post related to a package or any R thing, use the `#rStats` hashtag. If the post is in another language than English, add the `#rStats + language two letters`, for example for Spanish is `#rStatsES`
-For a post about a package post, make the package name a hashtag.  You can also add the package category, as we use it for social media campaigns. For example, for a post about the `rredlist` package, you could use `#rredlist` and `#biodiversity`.
+For a post about a package, make the package name a hashtag.  You can also add the package category, as we use it for social media campaigns. For example, for a post about the `rredlist` package, you could use `#rredlist` and `#biodiversity`.
 Check the last post using any hashtag except the `#rStats` hashtag to see whether it is used as you expect.
-E.g. using `httr` wouldn't be a good idea. It is a package name but on Twitter it is the hashtag of [a team with a name controversy]( and even has its own emoji automatically attached to it by Twitter. 
+E.g. using `httr` wouldn't be a good idea. It is a package name but on social media it is the hashtag of [a team with a name controversy]( 
 #### Adding hashtags
 Do not use too many hashtags in any post so as not to make the account look like a spam account / greedy for attention.
-Post hashtags at the bottom of each tweet, to make the rest of the content of the tweet easier to read.
+Post hashtags at the bottom of each post, to make the rest of the content of the post easier to read.
 [Capitalize letters of each word]( for hashtags including several words i.e. use lower or upper camelCase (e.g. `#RLadies` not `#rladies`). 
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ New post by @KCazelles & @SVissault in our Software Peer Review series
-#rstats #rmangal #SoftwarePeerReview
+#rStats #rmangal #SoftwarePeerReview
diff --git a/index.Rmd b/index.Rmd
index bc88c09..0fa96b8 100644
--- a/index.Rmd
+++ b/index.Rmd
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ bibliography: [book.bib]
 biblio-style: apalike
 link-citations: true
 github-repo: ropensci-org/blog-guidance
-twitter: ropensci
 url: 'https\://'
 description: "Blog post guidance"
 apple-touch-icon: "favicon/apple-touch-icon.png"
diff --git a/twittercards.Rmd b/twittercards.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a26a6b..0000000
--- a/twittercards.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Twitter cards {#twittercards}
-A [Twitter card]( means than when a URL is included in a tweet, what other Twitter users see is not the URL but instead a "card", i.e. the metadata from the URL rendered in a nice preview.
-The Twitter metadata in a [post's YAML](whatgoesinyaml) helps it "look good" when an account like R Weekly Live or other readers link to the post in a tweet. 
-The relevant YAML tags for rOpenSci posts are `title`, `description`, `twitterImg`, `twitterAlt`.
-These same metadata tags might be picked up by other platforms such as Slack.
-If a specific `description` is not specified, the first sentences of the post (~100 characters) are used.
-If a specific `twitterImg` is not specified, a thumbnail of the rOpenSci logo is used. 
-If you use `twitterImg` also use `twitterAlt` to provide alternative text for screenreader users.
-This is what a tweet about an rOpenSci post looks like by default.
-```{r twitter_default, echo = FALSE, fig.alt = "Example of tweet without twitterImg specified"}
-This is what a tweet about an rOpenSci post looks like with YAML `twitterImg` specified.
-```{r twitterImg, echo = FALSE, fig.alt = "Example of tweet with twitterImg specified"}
-If you specify a `twitterImg`, ensure that its dimensions are appropriate. 
-(Search for those in a search engine for current recommendation.) 
-These may be different from the dimensions of an image featured in your post. 
-You could save a separate copy of an image for the purpose of `twitterImg` only if you think it will draw people to read your post.
-How do you know what it will look like?
-You can check the Twitter metadata by pasting a post's preview link in the [Twitter card validator]( 
-You might have to click the validator twice.

From 0b081e5e12f58ed7236bd439647ac77bf6d8adad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffi LaZerte <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:29:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 18/25] Tweaks

 authortechnical.Rmd | 2 +-
 editor.Rmd          | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index c16bd8c..e2ba5ac 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ The alternative text should convey the meaning or content that is displayed in t
 Refer [to this tutorial for details on what should go in alternative text](, 
 and see the following sections for how to include alt text.
-If your include a picture because of some text (like a comment in a post or a phrase in a wall), you have to write the text you want to highlight from that image in the alt-tex. 
+If you include a picture with text (like a comment on a post or a phrase on a wall), include the text you want to highlight from that image in the alt-text. 
 **Image features**  
diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index 0c84e58..5af7124 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ It's best to draft social media post in advance (e.g. while reviewing the post)
 For community posts, draft social media text are posted in the comments of the pull request so the author can comment.
-If the post is multilingual, we post in social media in all languages the post is available in. We use the same message translate in all languages.
+If the post is multilingual, we post in social media in all languages the post is available in. We use the same message translated into all languages.
 ### Content
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ The first post of a thread or only post _must_ include
 * the post title,
 * a link to the post,
 * tag the author's account, or their IRL name
-* the hashtag `#rstats` and 
-* the tag @rstats group.
+* the hashtag `#RStats` and 
+* the tag group.
 Any post _must_ provide an alternative description of any included image.

From f53204be842945106de21161c1903742a4873227 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffi LaZerte <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 10:58:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 19/25] Recommend using blockquotes rather than embedding
 social media content.

 authortechnical.Rmd | 9 +++++----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index e2ba5ac..46c341a 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -308,11 +308,12 @@ To get the citation for an article in [Google Scholar](
-### Embedded social media post {#addsocialpost}
+### Referencing social media posts {#addsocialpost}
-You can get the code to embed a social media post by clicking on the post's timestamp and then on **"Embed"** for most of the social media platforms.  The social media platform will provide a code snippet that you can copy and paste into your post.
-If you want to quote a social media post and make it look more subdued, you can use a [block quote](#blockquotes) linking the post.
+We no longer recommend embedding social media posts directly, as posts can always 
+be deleted and the context in the blog post is lost when that happens.
+Instead, we recommend using a [block quote](#blockquotes) linking the post.
  [Example](, [source](
 ### Block quotes {#blockquotes}

From 914dc0f8f49f38a0d12a021c7c1f511b25d8b199 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steffi LaZerte <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:01:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 20/25] Remove reference to manually creating discussion forum
 topics for posts

 editor-meta.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/editor-meta.Rmd b/editor-meta.Rmd
index 1732124..cdc8e7a 100644
--- a/editor-meta.Rmd
+++ b/editor-meta.Rmd
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ The blog editors don't necessarily have write access to the blog-guidance repo b
 * Staff members can bypass review for tech notes but they can choose to request a review by blog editors.
 * Staff members' blog posts should be scheduled together with the Community Manager.
-* Staff members are responsible for creating the [discussion forum entry](#publish) for their own post and must [promote from their personal account on Mastodon and/or LinkedIn tagging rOpenSci's accounts.
+* Staff members are responsible promoting their own posts from their personal account on Mastodon and/or LinkedIn tagging rOpenSci's accounts.

From a7941cabe89e7e665463d1d2daf25ded6c6e5187 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:52:01 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 21/25] Update authortechnical.Rmd
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Co-authored-by: Maëlle Salmon <>
 authortechnical.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 46c341a..a275585 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Create or update your author file.
 ### Why?
-The rOpenSci website has a page listing [all authors]( who have contributed to a blog post, tech note, presented in a Community Call, host a co-working session, deliverd a talk about rOpenSci's activities or contribute to some of our projects like the [Champions Program](
+The rOpenSci website has a page listing [all authors]( who have contributed to a blog post, tech note, presented in a Community Call, host a co-working session, delivered a talk about rOpenSci's activities or contribute to some of our projects like the [Champions Program](
 A click on your by-line in a post takes the reader to your author page that has links to your online home, possibly your social media or GitHub profile(s), and a list of all the content you’ve authored on our site.
 For staff and leadership team members, editors for software peer review, members of our Code of Conduct Committee, and participants of our Champions Program, their rOpenSci title is also listed on their author page.

From f64bf88653d41a21c5e5dfc3f064a5295de849d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:53:05 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 22/25] Update editor.Rmd
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Co-authored-by: Maëlle Salmon <>
 editor.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index 5af7124..6ae33a3 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ When in doubt, use the person's name, or time permitting, contact the person who
 For a package wrapping a service present on the social media you can tag that account (e.g. for a Mastodon post about `rredlist` that accesses IUCN Red List you might tag IUCN Mastodon account).
 When tagging accounts include them in a sentence e.g. "Thanks to `@account1`"/ "As told by `@account2`". 
-We do not use tagging in post to ask for attention (i.e. no account names used like hashtags at the bottom of a post) because it could be viewed as spamming mentioned accounts, and because it creates visual clutter in the post.
+We do not use tagging in posts to ask for attention (i.e. no account names used like hashtags at the bottom of a post) because it could be viewed as spamming mentioned accounts, and because it creates visual clutter in the post.
 ### Using hashtags

From 5bd2aa2e93317c4a53eef93b38a68c7bf9380e3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:54:46 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 23/25] Apply suggestions from code review
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Co-authored-by: Maëlle Salmon <>
 editor.Rmd | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index 6ae33a3..a2e8e97 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ When posting a thread, use each hashtag only once so as not to pollute the timel
 ### Using emojis 
-In post, emojis are optional. 
+In posts, emojis are optional. 
 When using emojis, [do not use too many of them](
 ### Using gifs
-In post, gifs are optional.
+In posts, gifs are optional.
 * One can include a gif that was created for the post (e.g. an animated plot).
 * But generally not a Giphy gif since it might be interpreted differently by people who know more/less context about the gif in question (e.g. a TV show).

From 94119b8ed5898f7bf8bf89093c8708d0942c08b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:01:46 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 24/25] Apply suggestions from code review

 editor.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/editor.Rmd b/editor.Rmd
index a2e8e97..4a37b22 100644
--- a/editor.Rmd
+++ b/editor.Rmd
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Hashtags are very relevant in Mastodon and LinkedIn.  Because there is not algor
 For a post about a post related to a package or any R thing, use the `#rStats` hashtag. If the post is in another language than English, add the `#rStats + language two letters`, for example for Spanish is `#rStatsES`
-For a post about a package, make the package name a hashtag.  You can also add the package category, as we use it for social media campaigns. For example, for a post about the `rredlist` package, you could use `#rredlist` and `#biodiversity`.
+For a post about a package, make the package name a hashtag.  You can also add the package category, as we use it for social media campaigns. For example, for a post about the `rredlist` package, you could use `#rredlist` and `#biodiversity`. Use CamelCase for hashtags, as it improves accessibility by making them more accessible for screen reader users.
 Check the last post using any hashtag except the `#rStats` hashtag to see whether it is used as you expect.
 E.g. using `httr` wouldn't be a good idea. It is a package name but on social media it is the hashtag of [a team with a name controversy]( 

From e7bfb7f69ce917aa8e1c0e43695818dd7c8f5d33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yanina Bellini Saibene <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:04:31 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 25/25] Update editor-meta.Rmd
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Co-authored-by: Maëlle Salmon <>
 editor-meta.Rmd | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/editor-meta.Rmd b/editor-meta.Rmd
index cdc8e7a..8331bf2 100644
--- a/editor-meta.Rmd
+++ b/editor-meta.Rmd
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ The blog editors don't necessarily have write access to the blog-guidance repo b
 * Staff members can bypass review for tech notes but they can choose to request a review by blog editors.
 * Staff members' blog posts should be scheduled together with the Community Manager.
-* Staff members are responsible promoting their own posts from their personal account on Mastodon and/or LinkedIn tagging rOpenSci's accounts.
+* Staff members are responsible for promoting their own posts from their personal account on Mastodon and/or LinkedIn tagging rOpenSci's accounts.