diff --git a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
index 863c2f3..05c99bd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml
@@ -41,9 +41,14 @@ jobs:
- uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
- extra-packages: any::rcmdcheck
+ extra-packages: |
+ any::rcmdcheck
+ any::devtools
needs: check
+ - run: devtools::install(build_vignettes = FALSE)
+ shell: Rscript {0}
- uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
upload-snapshots: true
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 565f2b6..9b35bd0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
diff --git a/.lintr b/.lintr
index bfcb9a4..ea2d34e 100644
--- a/.lintr
+++ b/.lintr
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ encoding: "UTF-8"
exclusions: list(
# excluded from all lints:
- )
+ )
index d46e6ac..aff448e 100644
@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ Suggests:
URL: https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/babelquarto
BugReports: https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/babelquarto/issues
Config/testthat/edition: 3
+ quarto
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d093a4..0000000
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-output: github_document
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>",
- fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
- out.width = "100%"
-# babelquarto
-The goal of babelquarto is to render a Quarto multilingual project, book or website.
-## Installation
-You can install the development version of babelquarto from rOpenSci R-universe:
-install.packages('babelquarto', repos = c('https://ropensci.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))
-Or from [GitHub](https://github.com/) with:
-``` r
-# install.packages("pak")
-Once using babelquarto, you cannot render your book or website using Quarto CLI (or the RStudio IDE render button) directly.
-You need to use `babelquarto::render_book()` or `babelquarto::render_website()`, respectively.
-## Example book
-Create a starter/example book.
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "blop"
-babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_book(parent_dir = parent_dir, project_dir = project_dir)
-readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml"))
-fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-```{r, results='hide'}
-babelquarto::render_book(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-We end up with three books, that cross-link to each other from the left sidebar.
-## Example website
-Create a starter/example website.
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "blop"
-babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_website(parent_dir = parent_dir, project_dir = project_dir)
-readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml"))
-fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-```{r, results='hide'}
-babelquarto::render_website(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-[Example](https://maelle.github.io/babelsite), [source](https://github.com/maelle/babelsite)
-## Configure the base URL
-Use the [usual Quarto field](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html), or use the `site_url` argument of `babelquarto::render_book()`.
- site-url: https://example.com
-## Configure the version text
-If you want the choice to be between, say "English" and "Español" rather than "Version in EN" and "Version in ES", add these fields under the babelquarto YAML key, in `_quarto.yml`:
- languagecodes:
- - name: es
- text: "Español"
- - name: en
- text: "English"
-Using `babelquarto::register_main_language()` and `babelquarto::register_further_languages()` will create the boilertemplate for these fields.
-## Configure the language link placement
-The language link menu can be placed in the *sidebar* or in the *navbar*.
-To change the placement, use the `languagelinks` field in the babelquarto YAML key, in `_quarto.yml`:
- languagelinks: sidebar
-Beware: depending on the value of `languagelinks`, the corresponding menu needs to be configured.
-Books always have a *sidebar*, but websites can have either *navbar* or *sidebar*. See [Quarto documentation](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-navigation.html#side-navigation) for more information.
-## Distinct configuration per language
-There are two complementary/overlapping solutions for making the different language versions distinct (different banner, different navbar for instance):
-### Configuration file per language
-For a book with French ("fr") and English ("en") versions you could have three Quarto configuration files:
-- `_quarto.yml` with the general configuration including the chapters list;
-- `_quarto-fr.yml` with an [announcement bar](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html#announcement-bar) in French;
-- `_quarto-en.yml` with an [announcement bar](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html#announcement-bar) in English.
-You could use the same strategy for having different navbars in the different language versions of a multilingual website.
-This uses [Quarto profiles](https://quarto.org/docs/projects/profiles.html) under the hood.
-You can still use other profiles such as development and production, by passing them as the `profile` argument of `render_book()` and `render_website()`.
-### Configure templates
-If you want, say, a banner with different content in the different languages, you can create a [partial template](https://quarto.org/docs/journals/templates.html#html-partials) and in it use the variables `lang-fr` and `lang-en` for instance for content in French and English.
-The Quarto configuration file `_quarto.yml` would include:
- html:
- template-partials:
- - metadata.html
-The end of the `metadata.html` template would be:
-## Content translation
-From a book whose main language is English...
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "babelbook"
-quarto_bin <- quarto::quarto_path()
-withr::with_dir(parent_dir, {
- sys::exec_wait(
- quarto_bin,
- args = c("create-project", project_dir, "--type", "book")
- )
-- Register languages in the Quarto configuration, for instance
-project_path <- file.path(parent_dir, project_dir)
-babelquarto::register_main_language(main_language = "en", project_path = project_path)
-babelquarto::register_further_languages(further_languages = "es", project_path = project_path)
-This is how the config file now looks like:
-````{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE}
- "```yaml",
- readLines(file.path(project_path, "_quarto.yml")),
- "```"
-) |>
- paste(collapse = "\n") |>
- cat()
-- qmd/Rmd files. `bla.qmd` translation in Spanish would live in `bla.es.qmd`. See [babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown) for getting an automated translation.
-- parts. The part title translation can be stored in `_quarto.yml` like so:
- - part: Building Your Package
- part-es: Construyendo tu paquete
- chapters:
- - pkg_building.Rmd
- - pkg_ci.Rmd
- - pkg_security.Rmd
-If it does not exist, babelquarto falls back to the part title in the main language.
-- title, author, description. Their translation can be stored in `_quarto.yml` like so (NOT in the `book` list):
- title: Cool book
- author: Myself
-title-es: Libro genial
-author-es: Yo misma
-If these fields do not exist, babelquarto falls back to their text in the main language.
-Note that babelquarto does not _translate_ the content!
-Translation tooling lives in [babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown).
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3a588bb..edefa0a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# babelquarto
@@ -8,12 +6,15 @@
-The goal of babelquarto is to render a Quarto multilingual project, book
+The goal of {babelquarto} is to render a Quarto multilingual project, book
or website.
+Note that babelquarto does not *translate* the content! Translation
+tooling lives in {[babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown)}.
## Installation
-You can install the development version of babelquarto from rOpenSci
+You can install the development version of {babelquarto} from rOpenSci
``` r
@@ -27,315 +28,19 @@ Or from [GitHub](https://github.com/) with:
-Once using babelquarto, you cannot render your book or website using
-Quarto CLI (or the RStudio IDE render button) directly. You need to use
-`babelquarto::render_book()` or `babelquarto::render_website()`,
-## Example book
-Create a starter/example book.
-``` r
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "blop"
-babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_book(parent_dir = parent_dir, project_dir = project_dir)
-#> [1] "/var/folders/gd/rrsyq__147x_8y_3zcpymj_40000gn/T//Rtmpr3nsvT/filed2be237749e5/blop"
-readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml"))
-#> [1] "project:" " type: book"
-#> [3] "" "book:"
-#> [5] " site-url: https://example.com" " title: \"blop\""
-#> [7] " author: \"Pascal Burkhard\"" " date: \"11.09.2024\""
-#> [9] " chapters:" " - index.qmd"
-#> [11] " - intro.qmd" " - summary.qmd"
-#> [13] " - references.qmd" ""
-#> [15] "bibliography: references.bib" ""
-#> [17] "format:" " html:"
-#> [19] " theme: cosmo" ""
-#> [21] "babelquarto:" " languagelinks: sidebar"
-#> [23] " languagecodes:" " - name: es"
-#> [25] " text: \"Version in es\"" " - name: fr"
-#> [27] " text: \"Version in fr\"" " - name: en"
-#> [29] " text: \"Version in en\"" " mainlanguage: 'en'"
-#> [31] " languages: ['es', 'fr']" "title-es: title in es"
-#> [33] "title-fr: title in fr" "description-es: description in es"
-#> [35] "description-fr: description in fr" "author-es: author in es"
-#> [37] "author-fr: author in fr" "lang: en"
-fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-#> /var/folders/gd/rrsyq__147x_8y_3zcpymj_40000gn/T//Rtmpr3nsvT/filed2be237749e5/blop
-#> ├── _quarto.yml
-#> ├── cover.png
-#> ├── index.es.qmd
-#> ├── index.fr.qmd
-#> ├── index.qmd
-#> ├── intro.es.qmd
-#> ├── intro.fr.qmd
-#> ├── intro.qmd
-#> ├── references.bib
-#> ├── references.es.qmd
-#> ├── references.fr.qmd
-#> ├── references.qmd
-#> ├── summary.es.qmd
-#> ├── summary.fr.qmd
-#> └── summary.qmd
-``` r
-babelquarto::render_book(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-We end up with three books, that cross-link to each other from the left
-sidebar. [Example](https://devdevguide.netlify.app).
-## Example website
-Create a starter/example website.
-``` r
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "blop"
-babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_website(parent_dir = parent_dir, project_dir = project_dir)
-#> [1] "/var/folders/gd/rrsyq__147x_8y_3zcpymj_40000gn/T//Rtmpr3nsvT/filed2be4d2b3e3/blop"
-readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml"))
-#> [1] "project:" " type: website"
-#> [3] "" "website:"
-#> [5] " site-url: https://example.com" " title: \"blop\""
-#> [7] " navbar:" " left:"
-#> [9] " - href: index.qmd" " text: Home"
-#> [11] " - about.qmd" ""
-#> [13] "format:" " html:"
-#> [15] " theme: cosmo" " css: styles.css"
-#> [17] " toc: true" ""
-#> [19] "" ""
-#> [21] "" "babelquarto:"
-#> [23] " languagelinks: navbar" " languagecodes:"
-#> [25] " - name: es" " text: \"Version in es\""
-#> [27] " - name: fr" " text: \"Version in fr\""
-#> [29] " - name: en" " text: \"Version in en\""
-#> [31] " mainlanguage: 'en'" " languages: ['es', 'fr']"
-#> [33] "title-es: title in es" "title-fr: title in fr"
-#> [35] "description-es: description in es" "description-fr: description in fr"
-#> [37] "author-es: author in es" "author-fr: author in fr"
-#> [39] "lang: en"
-fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-#> /var/folders/gd/rrsyq__147x_8y_3zcpymj_40000gn/T//Rtmpr3nsvT/filed2be4d2b3e3/blop
-#> ├── _quarto.yml
-#> ├── about.es.qmd
-#> ├── about.fr.qmd
-#> ├── about.qmd
-#> ├── index.es.qmd
-#> ├── index.fr.qmd
-#> ├── index.qmd
-#> └── styles.css
-``` r
-babelquarto::render_website(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
-## Configure the base URL
-Use the [usual Quarto
-field](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html), or use the
-`site_url` argument of `babelquarto::render_book()`.
- book:
- site-url: https://example.com
-## Configure the version text
-If you want the choice to be between, say “English” and “Español” rather
-than “Version in EN” and “Version in ES”, add these fields under the
-babelquarto YAML key, in `_quarto.yml`:
-``` yaml
- languagecodes:
- - name: es
- text: "Español"
- - name: en
- text: "English"
-Using `babelquarto::register_main_language()` and
-`babelquarto::register_further_languages()` will create the
-boilertemplate for these fields.
-## Configure the language link placement
-The language link menu can be placed in the *sidebar* or in the
-*navbar*. To change the placement, use the `languagelinks` field in the
-babelquarto YAML key, in `_quarto.yml`:
-``` yaml
- languagelinks: sidebar
-Beware: depending on the value of `languagelinks`, the corresponding
-menu needs to be configured. Books always have a *sidebar*, but websites
-can have either *navbar* or *sidebar*. See [Quarto
-for more information.
-## Distinct configuration per language
-There are two complementary/overlapping solutions for making the
-different language versions distinct (different banner, different navbar
-for instance):
-### Configuration file per language
+## Getting Started
-For a book with French (“fr”) and English (“en”) versions you could have
-three Quarto configuration files:
+The {babelquarto} package allows you to create and render a multilingual Quarto project, book or website.
+A multilingual project is based on a main language and can feature any number of additional languages.
+The languages are registered once and are then present in your `_quarto.yml` configuration file under the `babelquarto` key.
+Each Quarto Markdown file in your project can then be translated into these further languages and these will be used to generate the project in each language.
-- `_quarto.yml` with the general configuration including the chapters
- list;
-- `_quarto-fr.yml` with an [announcement
- bar](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html#announcement-bar)
- in French;
-- `_quarto-en.yml` with an [announcement
- bar](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html#announcement-bar)
- in English.
+If you start from scratch, you might want to look at `babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_book()` or `babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_website()` and read `vignette("babelquarto")`.
-You could use the same strategy for having different navbars in the
-different language versions of a multilingual website.
+If you already have and existing Quarto project and want to convert it to a multilingual project, you can use `babelquarto::register_main_language()` and `babelquarto::register_further_languages()` to get started. For more information you can read `vignette("convert)`.
-This uses [Quarto
-profiles](https://quarto.org/docs/projects/profiles.html) under the
-hood. You can still use other profiles such as development and
-production, by passing them as the `profile` argument of `render_book()`
-and `render_website()`.
+## Examples
-### Configure templates
+To get a feel of what a multilingual book can look like, you can have a look at this book: [*rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review*](https://devguide.ropensci.org/).
-If you want, say, a banner with different content in the different
-languages, you can create a [partial
-and in it use the variables `lang-fr` and `lang-en` for instance for
-content in French and English.
-The Quarto configuration file `_quarto.yml` would include:
-``` yaml
- html:
- template-partials:
- - metadata.html
-The end of the `metadata.html` template would be:
-``` html
-## Content translation
-From a book whose main language is English…
-``` r
-parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
-project_dir <- "babelbook"
-quarto_bin <- quarto::quarto_path()
-withr::with_dir(parent_dir, {
- sys::exec_wait(
- quarto_bin,
- args = c("create-project", project_dir, "--type", "book")
- )
-#> [1] 0
-- Register languages in the Quarto configuration, for instance
-``` r
-project_path <- file.path(parent_dir, project_dir)
-babelquarto::register_main_language(main_language = "en", project_path = project_path)
-babelquarto::register_further_languages(further_languages = "es", project_path = project_path)
-This is how the config file now looks like:
-``` yaml
- type: book
- title: "babelbook"
- author: "Norah Jones"
- date: "11.09.2024"
- chapters:
- - index.qmd
- - intro.qmd
- - summary.qmd
- - references.qmd
-bibliography: references.bib
- html:
- theme: cosmo
- pdf:
- documentclass: scrreprt
- languagecodes:
- - name: es
- text: "Version in es"
- - name: en
- text: "Version in en"
- mainlanguage: 'en'
- languages: ['es']
-title-es: title in es
-description-es: description in es
-author-es: author in es
-lang: en
-- qmd/Rmd files. `bla.qmd` translation in Spanish would live in
- `bla.es.qmd`. See [babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown) for
- getting an automated translation.
-- parts. The part title translation can be stored in `_quarto.yml` like
- so:
-``` yml
- - part: Building Your Package
- part-es: Construyendo tu paquete
- chapters:
- - pkg_building.Rmd
- - pkg_ci.Rmd
- - pkg_security.Rmd
-If it does not exist, babelquarto falls back to the part title in the
-main language.
-- title, author, description. Their translation can be stored in
- `_quarto.yml` like so (NOT in the `book` list):
-``` yml
- title: Cool book
- author: Myself
-title-es: Libro genial
-author-es: Yo misma
-If these fields do not exist, babelquarto falls back to their text in
-the main language.
-Note that babelquarto does not *translate* the content! Translation
-tooling lives in [babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown).
+For a multilingual website, you can check out [Joel Nitta's website](https://www.joelnitta.com/).
diff --git a/_pkdown.yml b/_pkdown.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0a740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_pkdown.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ bootstrap: 5
diff --git a/man/figures/logo.png b/man/figures/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de60c8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/man/figures/logo.png differ
diff --git a/vignettes/.gitignore b/vignettes/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075b254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/vignettes/babelquarto.qmd b/vignettes/babelquarto.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6ae68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/babelquarto.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+title: "Get started"
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Get started}
+ %\VignetteEngine{quarto::html}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+The goal of this vignette is to show how you can start and maintain a new multilingual Quarto project using {babelquarto}.
+There are two types of projects: a book or a website. We will look at each type separately below.
+If you want to turn an existing project into a multilingual project, have a look at `vignette("convert")`.
+## Installing babelquarto
+Before you can start a new multilingual project, you need to install {babelquarto}.
+install.packages('babelquarto', repos = c('https://ropensci.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))
+Or from [GitHub](https://github.com/) with:
+``` r
+# install.packages("pak")
+## Starting a multilingual book
+To start a multilingual book, use `quarto_multilingual_book()` with the `parent_dir` argument to specify where you want to create the project and the `project_dir` argument to specify the name of the project.
+The argument `main_language` is used to specify the main language of the project and `further_languages` lists all additional languages.
+#| label: setup_book
+#| results: 'hide'
+parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
+project_dir <- "multilingual_book"
+ parent_dir = parent_dir,
+ project_dir = project_dir,
+ main_language = "en",
+ further_languages = c("es", "fr")
+Look at the `_quarto.yml` file in the project directory.
+To get familiar with the configuration, take a look at the example below:
+#| label: display_book_config
+#| echo: false
+#| results: 'asis'
+readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml")) |>
+ cat(sep = "\n")
+The file structure of the project looks like this:
+#| label: book_dir_structure
+fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
+Each Quarto file has a Spanish and a French version.
+These files aren't automatically translated and are just copies of the original English version.
+You will have to provide the translations yourself, or look at {[babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown/)} for automatic translation.
+If you look at the `index.qmd` file, you'll see that the French file is called `index.fr.qmd` and the Spanish file is called `index.es.qmd`.
+When you're ready to render your book, use `render_book()`:
+#| label: render_book
+#| eval: false
+babelquarto::render_book(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
+We end up with three books, that cross-link to each other from the left sidebar.
+## Starting a multilingual website
+To start a multilingual website, use `quarto_multilingual_website()` with the `parent_dir` argument to specify where you want to create the project and the `project_dir` argument to specify the name of the project.
+The argument `main_language` is used to specify the main language of the project and `further_languages` lists all additional languages.
+#| label: setup_website
+#| results: 'hide'
+parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
+project_dir <- "multilingual_website"
+ parent_dir = parent_dir,
+ project_dir = project_dir,
+ main_language = "en",
+ further_languages = c("es", "fr")
+Look at the `_quarto.yml` file in the project directory. To get familiar with the configuration, take a look at the example below:
+#| label: display_website_config
+#| echo: false
+#| results: 'asis'
+readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml")) |>
+ cat(sep = "\n")
+The file structure of the project looks like this:
+#| label: website_dir_structure
+fs::dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
+Each Quarto file has a Spanish and a French version.
+These files aren't automatically translated and are just copies of the original English version.
+You will have to provide the translations yourself, or look at {[babeldown](https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown/)} for automatic translation.
+If you look at the `index.qmd` file, you'll see that the French file is called `index.fr.qmd` and the Spanish file is called `index.es.qmd`.
+When you're ready to render your website, use `babelquarto::render_website()`:
+#| label: render_website
+#| eval: false
+babelquarto::render_website(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir))
+We end up with a multilingual website. [Example](https://maelle.github.io/babelsite), [source](https://github.com/maelle/babelsite)
+## Previewing your multilingual project
+Once you have rendered your project, you will have a `_site` or `_book` folder in your project.
+In Quarto you would use `quarto preview` to be able to get a look at what you project looks like.
+Because of the way {babelquarto} operates, this isn't possible.
+You can however preview your files using the [{servr} package](https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/servr/index.html).
+You can use `servr::httw()` to preview your project.
+#| eval: false
+# For a multilingual website
+# For a multilingual book
+This will show an URL that you can open in your IDE or browser to see your project.
+## Next steps
+Take a deeper dive into the configuration options available in {babelquarto} you can have a look at `vignette("configuration")`.
+If you want to translate your multilingual project using automatic translation with DeepL, you should have a look at [babeldown](http://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown/articles/quarto.html).
+If you want to setup your own CI and deploy your website, have a look at `vignette("render-with-ci")`.
+If you need to personalize the Quarto templates, have a look at `vignette("custom-templates")`.
diff --git a/vignettes/configuration.qmd b/vignettes/configuration.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7e735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/configuration.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+title: "Configuration"
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Configuration}
+ %\VignetteEngine{quarto::html}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+The goal of this vignette is to show the configuration options that are available in {babelquarto}.
+## Basic configuration
+When you start a {babelquarto} project, from scratch or from an existing project, your `_quarto.yml` file will contain a number of new options:
+#| echo: false
+#| message: false
+#| results: 'asis'
+parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
+project_dir <- "multilingual_book"
+book <- babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_book(
+ parent_dir = parent_dir,
+ project_dir = project_dir
+config_path <- file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml")
+config_lines <- brio::read_lines(config_path)
+where_babelquarto <- grep("babelquarto:", config_lines, fixed = TRUE)
+config_lines[where_babelquarto:length(config_lines)] |>
+ cat(sep = "\n")
+By default, {babelquarto} will have the following options under the `babelquarto` key:
+| | |
+| `languagelinks` | Where the menu with the links to other languages will be placed. Can be either `sidebar` or `navbar`. |
+| `languagecodes` | A list with each language defined. Each entry has a `name` with the language abbreviation (for example *en* or *es*. The `text` key changes the text used for the links to this language. |
+| `mainlanguage` | The main language of the project. |
+| `languages` | An array of the additional languages (not including the main language). |
+In addition to the `babelquarto` key, you will see language specific keys for `title`, `description` and `author`. These keys allow you to have a specific title, description or author in for each additional language.
+### Customizing the language menu labels
+If you want the choice to be between, say "English" and "Español" rather than "Version in EN" and "Version in ES", add these fields under the `babelquarto/languagecodes` key, in `_quarto.yml`:
+ languagecodes:
+ - name: es
+ text: "Español"
+ - name: en
+ text: "English"
+Using `register_main_language()` and `register_further_languages()` will create the boilertemplate for these fields.
+## Configure the base URL
+If you need to configure a base URL, you can use the [usual Quarto field](https://quarto.org/docs/websites/website-tools.html), or use the `site_url` argument of `render_book()`.
+ site-url: https://example.com
+ site-url: https://example.com
+If you render your multilingual book or website in a CI context, you need will need to set the `BABELQUARTO_CI_URL` environment variable. See `vignette("render-with-ci")` for more information.
+## Translate parts in multilingual books
+In multilingual books, if you use parts to structure your book, you can translate the part titles like so:
+ chapters:
+ - index.qmd
+ - part: Foreword
+ part-fr: Préface
+ chapters:
+ - foreword.qmd
+ - part: Explore
+ part-fr: Explorer
+ chapters:
+ - intro-explore.qmd
+ - data-visualisation.qmd
+For each additional language, you can use a `part-xx` key to translate the part title.
+## Using profiles for advanced configuration
+For more advanced customization, you can use [Quarto project profiles](https://quarto.org/docs/projects/profiles.html).
+In {babelquarto} we will automatically load a language profile if it exists in the project directory and follows our naming convention.
+Profile configuration are **merged** with the main `_quarto.yml` file.
+For example, let's say you have a project with English as the main language and French as an additional language.
+When rendering the main English language, {babelquarto} will load the *en* profile and the *fr* profile when rendering the French version.
+You could for example have different navigation menus for each language:
+```{.yaml filename="_quarto-en.yml"}
+ navbar:
+ title: "My Website"
+ left:
+ - label: "Home"
+ href: "index.qmd"
+ right:
+ - label: "About"
+ href: "about.qmd"
+ navbar:
+ title: "Mon site web"
+ left:
+ - label: "Accueil"
+ href: "index.qmd"
+ right:
+ - label: "À propos"
+ href: "about.qmd"
+Profiles allow for advanced configuration, but a careful read of the [profiles documentation](https://quarto.org/docs/projects/profiles.html) is recommended.
+The main `_quarto.yml` file will be merged with the profile options and this often needs a careful planning of what keys are put in the different configuration files.
+### Additional profiles
+For complex project, you might want to use additional profiles. When you render a project, you can pass a `profile` argument to `render_book()` and `render_website()` to use additional profiles. The profile will be merged with the main `_quarto.yml` and the language profile.
diff --git a/vignettes/convert.qmd b/vignettes/convert.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423958e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/convert.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: "Convert an existing project"
+description: >
+ How to convert an existing project to a multilingual Quarto project
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Convert an existing project}
+ %\VignetteEngine{quarto::html}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+If you want to turn an existing project into a multilingual project, you can use {babelquarto}'s `register_main_language()` and `register_further_languages()` functions.
+Let's start with a book whose main language is English.
+#| results: 'hide'
+parent_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
+project_dir <- "babelbook"
+quarto_bin <- quarto::quarto_path()
+withr::with_dir(parent_dir, {
+ sys::exec_wait(
+ quarto_bin,
+ args = c("create-project", project_dir, "--type", "book")
+ )
+First you'll need to register the main language in the Quarto configuration:
+project_path <- file.path(parent_dir, project_dir)
+ main_language = "en",
+ project_path = project_path
+Then you can add further languages, say Spanish and French:
+ further_languages = c("es", "fr"),
+ project_path = project_path
+We end up with a multilingual book in English and Spanish. If you look at the `_quarto.yml` file in the project directory, you'll see that the `main_language` key is `en` and the `languages` key contains `es` and `fr`.
+#| echo: false
+#| results: 'asis'
+readLines(file.path(parent_dir, project_dir, "_quarto.yml")) |>
+ cat(sep = "\n")
+You can now start translating your book into Spanish and French. Each file of you project can be translated by adding a suffix to the file name.
+For example, the Spanish version of `index.md` will be in `index.es.md` and the French version in `index.fr.md`.
+You will have to provide the translations yourself.
+If you want to translate your multilingual project using automatic translation with DeepL, you should have a look at [babeldown](http://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown/articles/quarto.html).
+## Next steps
+Take a deeper dive into the configuration options available in {babelquarto} you can have a look at `vignette("configuration")`.
+If you want to deploy your website on continuous integration, have a look at `vignette("render-with-ci")`.
+If you need to personalize the quarto templates, have a look at `vignette("custom-templates")`.
diff --git a/vignettes/custom-templates.qmd b/vignettes/custom-templates.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e5f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/custom-templates.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+title: "Custom templates"
+description: >
+ How to have multilingual parts in your custom templates
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Convert an existing project}
+ %\VignetteEngine{quarto::html}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+The goal of this vignette is to show how you can have multilingual parts in your custom templates.
+If you need a more advanced way of customizing you project, you can use [Quarto's custom templates](https://quarto.org/docs/journals/templates.html).
+This allows you to have a more fine-grained control over the render of your pages.
+In order to use the multilingual features of {babelquarto} in your custom templates, we provide a variable for each language rendered in the project.
+The variable is named `lang-en` for an English render, `lang-fr` for a French render and so on.
+This allows you to have different content for each language in your custom templates.
+You can use [pandoc's `$if(lang-en)$` syntax](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#conditionals) to conditionally include content based on the language.
+## Example
+If you want to have a specific metadata block on your webpage, you might want to use the [`medadata.html` partial from Quarto](https://quarto.org/docs/journals/templates.html#html-partials).
+You would configure your `_quarto.yml` file like this:
+``` yaml
+ html:
+ template-partials:
+ - metadata.html
+In your `metadata.html` file, you can use the `lang-en` variable to have a specific metadata block for the English render and the `lang-fr` variable for the French render. The end of the metadata.html template would be:
+``` html
diff --git a/vignettes/render-with-ci.qmd b/vignettes/render-with-ci.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf367bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/render-with-ci.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+title: "Render with continuous integration (CI)"
+description: >
+ How to render with continuous integration
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Render with CI}
+ %\VignetteEngine{quarto::html}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+If you want to render and publish your multilingual book or website with CI, you must render your project with `render_book()` or `render_website()`, respectively.
+Don't use Quarto's own render and publish steps.
+You can find more information about publishing with CI in the [Quarto documentation](https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/ci.html).
+### Site URL
+When you render a project in a CI context, you need to set the URL of the publishing website in an environement variable.
+You can do that with the `BABELQUARTO_CI_URL` environment variable.
+### Steps for rendering
+To render your project with CI, you need to follow these general steps:
+* Install the necessary dependencies including Quarto and R dependencies
+* Render you project using {babelquarto}'s `render_book()` or `render_website()` functions
+* Publish the rendered HTML (_site or _book folder) where you deploy your project (a GitHub pages branch, Netlify, etc.)
+## Example
+Here are two examplee of how you could render a multilingual book with CI using GitHub Actions:
+* A demo [Babelbook](https://nenuial.github.io/babelbook/) with its [workflow file](https://github.com/Nenuial/babelbook/blob/main/.github/workflows/publish.yml)
+* The [rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review](https://devguide.ropensci.org/index.html) book with its [workflow file](https://github.com/ropensci/dev_guide/blob/main/.github/workflows/scheduled-manual-main.yml)