- No functionality updates
- documentation update to fix CRAN check notes
- added support to download_netLogo() for up to NetLogo version 6.3.0
- adjusted test_nlrx() to work with new NetLogo directory structure (6.3.0)
- added writeRDS parameter to run_nl_all() for storing intermediate results
- updating Java Version Requirement in DESCRIPTION
- refactoring download_netlogo function
- Fix readr problems with util_runnl() (deprecated in path argument in write_lines)
- Fix path problems
- Fix to allow for list output in agent variables (metrics.turtles, metrics.patches, metrics.links)
- added test_nlrx() function to check functionality of the package
- added support to download_netLogo() for NetLogo version 6.2.0
- changed timestamp for nldoc function from lubridate to base date
- fixed an error in the function parser of the nldoc procedure
- fixed bug in calculation of number of computed runs in print_nl()
- added option to run_nl_one that allows to store results as rds files
- added eval_simoutput option to check for missing combinations of siminputrow and random-seeds
- added support for progressr progress bars for run_nl_all function (details see further notes vignette) and removed the silent parameter of the run_nl_all function
- hotfix for another dependency on external files in nldoc roxygen examples
- small bugfix in analyze_morris: A warning is now thrown if NA are present in the simulation data
- bugfix in random seed generator
- bugfix for sobol simulation design when sobolorder is higher than the available number of variables
- analyze_nl now prints a warning if missing combinations were detected in the simulation output
- updated testdata
- user rights for temporary sh scripts are now set correctly
- fixed dependency on external file source in nldoc automated tests
- these files are now included in the package
- added link to documentation website in description
- Added new simdesigns simdesign_ABCmcmc_Marjoram, simdesign_ABCmcmc_Marjoram_original and simdesign_ABCmcmc_Wegmann to perform approximate bayesian computation
- Added print function for nl objects
- Added dependencies: crayon, EasyABC
- Added pandoc to system requirements
- Added additional pandoc_available() check for nldoc function
- Added support to download_netLogo() for NetLogo version 6.1.1
- Added new vignette showing an example for approximate bayesian computation with nlrx
- Updated "Sensitivity Analyses with nlrx"" vignette
- Updated "Advanced Configuration" vignette
- Updated package tests
- Added support for self-defined evaluation functions to optimization functions simdesign_GenAlg and simdesign_GenSA.
- Added support to simdesign_simple() for models without any GUI parameters
- Added support to download_netLogo() for NetLogo version 6.1.0
- Added new vignette showing an example for Sensitivity Analysis with nlrx.
- Added new vignette showing an example for Optimization with nlrx.
- Updated "Advanced Configuration" vignette.
- Updated citation information of the package.
- Hotfix for unnest_simoutput(). In the previous package version, under some circumstances an error occured due to NA data.
- Corrected spelling errors in some vignettes and documentation files.
- nl_to_raster() hotfix
- First release to CRAN.