- New Address Similarity endpoint
- New Address Similarity example.
- New Similar Terms endpoint
- New Similar Terms example
endpoint changed to/semantics/vector
example changed to/semantics/vector
- New multilingual language example
- User Agent now includes runtime version
- New topics endpoint
- New name_deduplication endpoint
- New name_deduplication example
- New transliteration endpoint
- New transliteration example
- Refactor of internal code
- Modified api response to be a list(content, header)
- Changed from rjson to jsonlite
- Cleaned up examples
- parameter argument is now a list and does not need to be converted to JSON
- Removed deprecated entities linked
- New syntax/dependencies endpoint
- New syntax_dependencies example
- New text_embedding example
- New entities example
- Removed entities linked example
- Deprecated entites linked
- Parameters serialized correctly
- Fixed small bug with NAMESPACE file and modified the README example