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Robot Driving: Module Overview

In this module students will:

  • Learn how to make the robot drive at different speeds
  • Understand the relationship between the wheel speeds and the robot's motion
  • Be introduced to motor encoders and how to use them to measure the robot's movements
  • Learn about the built in driving functions which help make complicated motions easy

At the end of this module, students will be able to...

  • Make the robot drive in straight lines, turn corners, and turn in place
  • Write and use basic functions in the Python programming language
  • Use different types of loops in Python
  • Break down a large, repetitive movement sequence into components and then convert into code

Understanding Your Robot's Drivetrain


The main body of your Rosmo is called the drivetrain. We call it this because it holds the two wheels which drive your robot around. Specifically, the Rosmo has a differential drivetrain. This is the same kind of drivetrain that you would see on a skid-steer loader.

.. image:: ![](![]( :width: 300

.. image:: ![]( :width: 300

The Rosmo robot turns using skid-steering which means that while the robot is turning some of the wheels, sometimes the front casters, will be skidding. This requires more energy to complete the turns and depends on the friction of the front casters and the particular driving surface.

Each wheel of your Rosmo's drivetrain has a motor attached to it. We can use code to tell this motor what we'd like it to do. Getting the robot to move in a desired path is done by setting the speeds of the two drive motors. There are a lot of variations in how these motors can be set. Here are some basic examples:

Driving straight

The most fundamental common driving that the robot will do is traveling straight. To do this, both wheels move forward at the same speed so that the robot moves straight.

.. image:: :width: 300

Turning in an arc

Robots can turn in an arc-shaped turn, where one wheel drives faster than the other, causing the robot to turn away from the faster wheel. As the difference in speed between the two wheels increases, the turn tightens. If the turn continues, the robot will drive in a complete circle. In this case, the radius of the circle decreases as the wheel speed differences increase.

.. image:: :width: 300

Turning in place

One advantage the Rosmo has over a car steering system is that it can turn in place where the robot turns on a point roughly between the two wheels. This allows the robot to easily get out of tight spaces without having to make a wide arc turn. The point turn is often used for navigating the robot between two places since it follows an easily predictable path.

.. image:: :width: 300

Turning on one wheel

If one wheel drives forward or backward, and the other wheel remains stopped, the robot will turn in place, with the turning center being the stationary wheel. This is often called a swing turn because the robot swings around the non-moving wheel. With a swing turn, the diameter of the circle traced by the outside wheel is double the wheel track.

.. image:: ![]( :width: 300


There are several ways we can tell the motors what to do. The most basic thing we can control is the effort the motor should be applying.

Imagine you are riding a bike on a flat surface, pedalling at a normal speed. Now imagine you encounter a hill. If you keep pedalling at the same speed, you won't slow down when you go up the hill. However, this is not easy! You'd need to pedal harder to go the same speed up the hill.

Now instead imagine that when you get to the hill, you keep pedalling as hard as you were on the flat section. You'll go up the hill slower, but you won't be as tired. This is what we mean by the effort of the motor. You're not telling the motor how fast it should move, but rather how hard it should work. If you tell your robot's motors to work at a constant effort, your robot's speed will change depending on whether it is driving on a flat surface or an inclined one.

.. youtube:: z6aIVpf3qN0

.. youtube:: Zcr83kcO_Pk

In both videos, the robot is using the same effort. In the first video, the robot is slowly moving uphill because gravity is fighting against its effort. In the second video, the robot is moving quickly downhill because gravity is working in the same direction as the effort. The force output from the motors is the same, but the speed will depend on resistance to the force.

.. tip::

Effort is also like the throttle in a car. If you're going up a hill, you 
need to push the throttle more to maintain the same speed on the hill. If 
you don't push the throttle more, you'll slow down.

First movements

.. note::

Elevate your Rosmo on top of a box or other object so that the wheels aren't touching anything and can spin freely.

Before driving the robot around, let's write some simple code to spin one of the wheels. This will help you get familiar with the Rosmo programming environment and check that your Rosmo itself is working properly.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Create a new file in the IDE called :code:``. Add the 
following code to it:

.. code-block:: python

    from RosmoLib.defaults import *


Run the code and see what happens.

Let's break down the code line by line:

:code:from RosmoLib.defaults import * tells your robot to load code from RosmoLib. Don't worry too much about what all the commands in this line mean right now, just know that you'll put this line at the top of most of your Rosmo programs.

:code:left_motor.set_effort(0.5) uses a function provided for you in RosmoLib called :code:set_effort that is applied to the left motor. The :code:0.5 is a parameter to this function which tells it that we'd like the motor to apply 50% effort. On the Rosmo, we write percentages as decimal numbers between 0 and 1, with 1 being 100%.

.. Explain functions in greater depth later on (pinwheel activity?) .. A function is a block of code that can be used multiple times in your program .. to make complicated tasks easier. For example, the .. :code:left_motor.set_effort() function tells the left motor to apply an effort .. you as the programmer specify.

.. :code:left_motor.set_effort is a function that we provide for you in .. RosmoLib. Later in the course you will see how you can write your own .. functions to make it easy to make the robot do complicated sequences of actions.

.. When you want to use a function, you call it by writing its name in your code. .. This causes the function's code to start running.

.. The number you put between the parenthesis is a parameter (sometimes also .. called called an argument) of the function. These allow you to tell the .. function how it should do its job. As the programmer, you must provide a value .. for each parameter. If we wanted to make the robot drive forwards at full .. speed, we would call the function like this:

Now that we've tested the left motor, let's test the right one! How do you think you would modify the code to spin the right motor? Simply replace :code:left_motor with :code:right_motor.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Modify your code and run it on the robot. Make sure the right wheel spins.

Push an object like a pencil against the wheel to add some resistance.
Notice how the wheel slows down when you do this, since it would need more
effort to keep going the same speed.

Going backwards

We've gotten the wheels spinning forwards, but what if we want to go backwards? To do this, we simply have to pass in a negative number for the effort parameter. This means that we can use any number between -1 and 1 for the effort value. -1 will be full effort backwards, 1 will be full effort forwards, and 0 will stop the motor.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Try to write code that makes both wheels spin backwards.

This table shows some different effort values and what the wheel would do:

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

    • Speed value
    • Wheel action
    • 1
    • Wheel spins forwards at 100% effort
    • 0.5
    • Wheel spins forwards at 50% effort
    • 0
    • Wheel stops spinning
    • -0.5
    • Wheel spins backwards at 50% effort
    • -1
    • Wheel spins backwards at 100% effort

Getting the Robot Moving

Basic driving

In the last lesson we learned how to set the effort of each of your robot's motors individually. Since both of the motors make up the robot's drivetrain, there's an easier way to write code to move the robot.

.. note::

For this lesson, put your Rosmo on a flat surface like a table or the floor.

Getting your Rosmo robot to move is simple! Here is some code you can use to drive both the left and right motors at 50% effort:

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        drivetrain.set_effort(0.5, 0.5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

:code:0.5 and :code:0.5 are the parameters of the function. The functions you used before only had one parameter, but functions can have as few or as many parameters as you want, or even none at all.

.. hint::

Parameters are inputs to a function that can dictate attributes like distance or angle to vary its behavior.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Add the code to your program to see your robot drive.

Try using different values to make the robot move at different speeds. What 
happens if you use different values for the left and right wheels?

Afterward, place the robot on a ramp and run it again. Take notice of how
the robot moves slower when on the ramp. Why does this happen?

You may notice that your Rosmo does not drive perfectly straight even though you used the same effort value for both motors. This is because the motors on the Rosmo aren't perfect. Every motor is a little bit different. Some of them have more friction inside them than others. In the next module we'll learn some ways to solve this problem so your robot goes straight every time.

Driving a Distance

Controlling your speed

In addition to setting the effort of the drivetrain's motors, we can also set their speed. Remember, effort is not the same as speed. We can also ask the Rosmo's motors to go a certain speed. When using this function, the Rosmo will actively measure the speed of the wheels using the motor's encoder. If the speed falls too low, the motor will automatically increase the effort it applies to speed back up.

.. tip::

Don't worry if you've never heard of an *encoder*. We'll talk more about 
them later in the lesson.

To set the speed of the drivetrain motors, we use a new function:

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

This tells the drivetrain to set the speed of each drivetrain wheel to travel at 5 centimeters per second. This means if you put the robot down and let both motors drive at this speed, the robot would move 5 centimeters forwards each second.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Add the code to your program and run it. Try the same exercise of pushing 
something up against the wheels of your Rosmo. Notice how as you add 
resistance, the motor will increase its effort to keep the speed constant.
When you remove the resistance, the effort will go back down.

Since both wheels are now going the same speed, your robot should now also drive straight, unlike when using the :code:set_effort function.

.. tip::

If you want the robot to go backwards, use a negative speed value just like
you did with the effort value.

Driving a distance

We know that we can ask the wheels to spin at a certain speed using a function, but what if we want to make the robot drive a certain distance?

We could ask the robot to move at some speed, and if we know how far it will move each second (for this example we are using a speed of 5 cm/s), we can calculate how many seconds we should drive for to reach that distance.

Let's use :math:d to represent the distance we want to drive in cm. But, we want a number in seconds, so we need to convert by the means of dimensional analysis.

To do this, write an expression for the known value with units included:

.. math:: (d \text{ cm})

Dimensional analysis involves multiplying this expression by special representations of "1" to convert units. In this case, our speed is 5 cm per second, so we can equate :math:5 \text{ cm} = 1 \text{ second}. Rearranging, we have our special representation of 1:

.. math::

\frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \text{ cm}} = 1

We can now multiply our expression with this special representation of 1:

.. math:: (d \text{ cm}) \cdot \frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \text{ cm}}

Cancelling out units and simplifying, we obtain:

.. math:: (d \cancel{\text{ cm}}) \cdot \frac{1 \text{ second}}{5 \cancel{\text{ cm}}} = \frac{d}{5} \text{ seconds}

This resultant expression makes sense! If we want to go 5 cm, we plug in d = 5, and :math:\frac{5}{5} = 1, so we drive for one second. If we want to go 2.5 cm, we plug in d = 2.5, and :math:\frac{2.5}{5} = 0.5, so we drive for half a second.

Keep in mind that this equation is only valid if the robot is moving at 5 cm per second. If you change that speed to be faster or slower, you'll need to change the denominator of the fraction to that speed to fix the equation.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Calculate how many seconds you need to drive for to go one meter if your 
robot is moving at 5 cm per second. Remember, there are 100 cm in a meter.

To put the above theory into practice, we need to learn about a new function in Python: :code:sleep, which makes the Rosmo wait for some number of seconds before continuing to the next instruction in the code.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *
        from time import sleep # We need to import the speed function to use it.

        drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
        sleep(x) # replace x with the time you calculated to go one meter.
        drivetrain.stop() # This is another function which makes it easy to stop the robot

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

.. tip::

The :code:`#` symbol in Python creates a *comment*. If you add one to a line
of code, anything that comes after it on that line will be ignored by the 
robot. You can use it to leave notes for yourself, or to quickly disable a 
line of code while debugging problems.

We use comments in our examples to give you hints about how to write your
code. You don't need to copy our comments into your code, but you should
write your own so that you can easily remember what your code does.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Add the code to your program and try it out. Remember to replace :code:`x` 
with the value you calculated. Try running your robot next to a meter stick
to see how accurately your robot drives!

This code you wrote is pretty useful, but what if you wanted to drive other distances?

Let's say that we want to drive three distances in a row: 25, 50, and 75 cm. How could we program the robot to do this? The easy solution is to copy and paste the code you wrote before three times, and modify it each time:

.. add blockly tab once math can be inputted into "sleep" block .. code-block:: python

from RosmoLib.defaults import *
from time import sleep

# Drive 25 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(25 / 5) # Notice how we can write math directly in our program!

# Drive 50 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(50 / 5)

# Drive 75 cm
drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)
sleep(75 / 5)

This looks pretty repetitive. Most of this code is exactly the same. In fact, the only change between each block is the parameter we are passing to the :code:sleep function. This is a perfect example of why we have functions. Let's write our own function to drive the robot a certain distance.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    Python uses the keyword :code:`def` to let you, the programmer, tell it that you
    would like to *define* a new function. A full function definition looks like 

    .. code-block:: python

        def function_name(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3):
            # put your code here
            # code in your function can use the parameters by name like this:
            print(parameter1 / 5)

    In this example function, there are three parameters. Functions can have as 
    many or as few parameters as you want, or even have no parameters at all.

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    In Blockly, you create functions by dragging a block that looks like the picture
    below. The interface allows you to specify the function name, and pass *parameters*
    to the function body. Here, we have a function called some_task (which you should rename
    based on what your function does) that takes in a parameter called :code:`text`, and uses
    prints the :code:`text` value. Functions can have as  many or as few parameters as you want,
    or even have no parameters at all.

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

    The below blocks *calls* the function we defined above to run it. The value "Hello" is passed
    to the :code:`text` parameter, which results in "Hello" being printed to the console.

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

.. admonition:: Try it out

Define a function called :code:`drive_distance` that takes in one parameter: 
:code:`distance_to_drive`. Use the parameter in your function as the 
numerator of your fraction.

Use your function to make the robot drive 3 distances in a row.

.. tip::

Define your functions towards the top of your file, underneath the 
:code:`import` statements. This way, code later in the file will be able to 
use them.

The Encoders


In the last lesson we mentioned encoders. What are they and what do they do?

Encoders are sensors which measure how far each motor (and thus each wheel) has rotated. We mentioned that our motors aren't perfect, so when we tell them to go a certain effort we don't know how fast it is actually rotating. Encoders measure exactly what the motor is doing and report this information back to the Rosmo.

.. image:: ![](

An encoder uses a disk like the one above with alternating clear and black squares. The disk is attached to the output shaft of the motor. A small light is shined through the edge of the disk, and a sensor on the other side sees the light. When a black part of the disk is in front of the light, the sensor sees nothing. When a clear part of the disk is in front of the light, the sensor can see the light. As the disk rotates, the sensor constantly switches from seeing and not seeing the light. The Rosmo can automatically count how many times it has switched between seeing and not seeing the light, and can use this to calculate how far the wheel has moved.

The size of the black and clear squares determines how precise the encoder is. As the squares get smaller, the light switches more times for the same amount of rotations of the wheel, and thus we can more precisely measure the distance. The downside of having really tiny squares is that the Rosmo's processor needs to work harder to keep up with counting all the switches. In the image above you can see some disks with different levels of precision.

.. tip::

The disk and sensor in the Rosmo is hidden inside the motor's plastic case, so
you won't be able to see them.

The Rosmo handles doing all the math to convert these switches into a real distance measurement for you, so you don't have to worry about it. We can use some new :code:drivetrain functions to see what the encoders are measuring:

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *
        from time import sleep

        while True:

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

This code uses something new: a :code:while loop. A :code:while loop will run the code underneath it until a condition is no longer equal to :code:True. In this case, the condition is the keyword :code:True, which means that this code will run until :code:True doesn't equal :code:True. Since this will never happen, the code will run forever unless you stop it manually on your computer.

.. tip::

You will learn more about loops and conditions later in the course.

The code should run forever, display the drivetrain's left encoder position, and then wait for one second. Then, it repeats and does this forever. If we didn't wait for one second, the Rosmo would read and send the encoder position to your computer as fast as it could (very fast!) which would be too much data for your computer to display at once on the screen.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Try running this code to see what happens. Spin the left wheel of the Rosmo
by hand and notice how the number changes.

Calculating distance

Let's learn a bit about how the Rosmo uses the encoder to calculate how far the robot has moved.

The Rosmo knows the diameter of the robot's wheels; every Rosmo has the same wheels!

If a car's wheel rolls on the ground one full revolution, how far does the car move? The car moves by one circumference of the circle:

.. image:: ![](

.. tip::

Reminder that the circumference of a circle is the distance around it.

The circumference is calculated as :math:`C = \pi \cdot d`, where :math:`d`
is the *diameter* of the circle.

If a car wheel (which is a circle with a circumference of 100 inches) rotates 5 times, how far does the car go? How would you find that?

.. image:: ![](

You would rotate the wheel once, and find that it has traveled 100 inches, because the wheel would trace out it's circumference on the ground. Then, you would rotate it a second time, and see it move another 100 inches. Then a third, a fourth and a fifth time, and see the wheel has traced out it's circumference on the ground 5 times.

The amount it has traveled is 5 times the circumference. This can be used for any number of rotations. If you rotate the wheel 3 times, you would move forward 3 times the circumference (300 inches), if you rotated it 1 and a half times, you would move forward one and a half times the circumference (150 inches).

.. math::

d\text{ cm} = (\text{number of rotations}) \cdot (\text{circumference})

The Rosmo uses this equation to automatically calculate how far the wheels have moved in centimeters using the encoders.

Driving a distance (again)

In the last lesson you used a constant speed and a time to drive a distance. Now that you know that the encoders actually measure the distance, it would be better to use them for your :code:drive_distance function. We can modify your function to use a :code:While loop:

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        def drive_distance(distance_to_drive):
            while drivetrain.get_left_encoder_position() < distance_to_drive:
                drivetrain.set_speed(5, 5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

This code block uses a loop to constantly check if the left encoder position is less than the distance you want the robot to go. Once it is no longer less than this distance, the loop stops running and the code moves on to the next line. In this case, the next line tells the robot to stop.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Replace your :code:`drive_distance` function with this new one. Try it out
next to a meter stick. Is it more or less accurate than before?

.. admonition:: Challenge

This code only checks the left encoder. Since both wheels are moving the
same speed, this *should* be fine, but as we said, the motors aren't
perfect. Can you think of a way to combine both encoder values together?

To read the right encoder, you use

Turning to a heading

Once you know how to drive a certain distance with the Rosmo, it is easy to turn to a certain heading with it. First, you need to calculate the distance that a wheel must travel so that you are facing the correct heading, and then simply rotate the Rosmo until the encoders have traveled that distance.

Calculating the necessary distance is complicated, but we can break down this problem into steps.

first, lets make a fraction that represents from 0.0 to 1.0 how far around the robot's circumference the wheels need to travel. In this case 0.0 is 0 degrees and 1.0 is 360 degrees.

Now to get the distance the wheel travels, we need to multiply this fraction by the total distance the wheel travels to rotate 360 degrees, this number is the circumference of a circle with the diameter same diameter as the robot. We can calculare this by multiplying the wheel track distance by pi.

finally, to get the number of wheel rotations, we need to divide this distance by the circumference of the wheel, or pi times the wheel diameter. We can cancel pi from both sides of this division and that leaves us with.

.. math::

\frac{\text{target degrees} \cdot \text{robot wheel track}} {360 \cdot \text{wheel diameter}}

Now that we have the number of wheel rotations, the rest of the program is easy. just turn the robot in the direction of the turn, and stop once the number of rotations has exceeded the calculated rotation goal.

.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Python .. code-block:: python def turn(target): global rotations differentialDrive.reset_encoder_position() rotations = (target * 15.5) / (360 * 6) if target > 0: differentialDrive.set_effort((-0.3), 0.3) else: differentialDrive.set_effort(0.3, (-0.3)) while not math.fabs(motor1.get_position()) >= math.fabs(rotations):


.. tab-item:: Blockly
    .. image:: ![](

        Helpful Drivetrain Functions


Throughout this module, we've explored different ways to drive forwards and turn, through setting efforts, speeds, and reading the encoders. However, RosmoLib also provides some handy functions to make it easy for the user. These functions use more complicated calculations to ensure that the Rosmo drives smoothly and exactly to the right distance every time.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        drivetrain.straight(20, max_effort = 0.5, timeout = None)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

This function will drive the robot straight forward for a distance in centimeters that you specify. The other two parameters are optional. You can provide a value for them, but if you don't, the default value will be used.

Calling the function like this: :code:drivetrain.straight(20) will make the robot go straight 20 centimeters, and use the default values for everything else, meaning a maximum effort applied of 50% and no timeout.

You can also use a negative value for distance to drive backwards.

The :code:max_effort parameter specifies how much effort the robot is allowed to apply while driving. By default it is 50%, which is a good effort for normal driving on a flat surface.

The :code:timeout parameter specifies a time, in seconds, that the robot should try to drive before giving up. For example, what if your robot runs into something while driving, and the wheels get stuck? The robot will use the encoders to measure the wheels and notice that it never arrived at the distance you set, so it will try forever and none of your code will run afterwards. The timeout lets you set a maximum time that the Rosmo should try for before giving up. Usually, you won't need to use this, but it is there if you need it.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        drivetrain.turn(90, max_effort = 0.5, timeout = None)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300

This function is similar to the :code:straight function, except that it rotates the robot instead of driving it forwards.

The :code:turn_degrees parameter lets you tell the robot how many degrees it should turn. Positive values will turn counterclockwise, and negative values turn clockwise.

.. admonition:: Try it out

Write code to drive the robot straight for 20 centimeters and then turn 90
degrees clockwise. Don't forget to add the 
:code:`from RosmoLib.defaults import *` statement at the top of your program.

Driving With Geometry


The Rosmo's driving and turning functions can also be used to draw geometric patterns! By driving a set distance and turning by a certain angle several times, you can draw a shape with as many sides as you want.

.. tip::

To see the path your Rosmo has driven, you can place a dry-erase marker between the
robot's wheels and trace your pattern on a whiteboard.

To draw any polygon, you just need to know the size of the shape's exterior angles, and you need to decide how long the sides should be. Then, you just have to drive straight with the distance of a side length and turn the number of degrees of the corresponding exterior angle. Repeat this until the shape is finished.

.. image:: ![](


For a triangle, the interior angles measure 60 degrees and the exterior angles measure 120 degrees. We can trace a triangle with side lengths of 30 cm by having our robot drive straight for 30 cm three times and turn 120 degrees in between each drive straight.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        differentialDrive.straight(30, 0.5)
        differentialDrive.turn(120, 0.5)
        differentialDrive.straight(30, 0.5)
        differentialDrive.turn(120, 0.5)
        differentialDrive.straight(30, 0.5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300


The process for tracing a square is similar to tracing a triangle. The interior angles are 90 degrees so the exterior angles are also 90 degrees. Keeping a side length of 30 cm, we can trace a square by programming our robot to drive straight for 30 cm four times and turn 90 degrees between each drive straight.

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        drivetrain.straight(30, 0.5)
        drivetrain.turn(90, 0.5)
        drivetrain.straight(30, 0.5)
        drivetrain.turn(90, 0.5)
        drivetrain.straight(30, 0.5)
        drivetrain.turn(90, 0.5)
        drivetrain.straight(30, 0.5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 300


We can generalize the procedure used to make a triangle and square to make any regular polygon; you just have to determine the exterior angle and choose a side length. However, for polygons with many sides, this process can get very tedious. Instead of repeating the same code multiple times, we can use a function to simplify the process.

First, lets determine what information the function needs. To trace a polygon, you need to determine the number of sides and the length of each side. We can create a function that takes these two values as an input. The function will drive the distance we give it, turn by the exterior angle, and then repeat that process as many times as there are sides in the shape. We can use a loop for this. The one problem is: how do we know the measure of the exterior angles? Fortunately, this can be easily calculated with this equation:

.. math:: 360/n

With the variable n representing the number of sides of your polygon, this equation determines the number of degrees of your polgyon's exterior angles. With this information, you can now write a function to trace any regular polygon!

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python
        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        def polygon(sideLength, numSides):
            for i in range(int(numSides)):
                differentialDrive.turn((360 / numSides), 0.5)
                differentialDrive.straight(sideLength, 0.5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![](
        :width: 450


Now we know how to easily draw any polygon, but we can take it one step further and draw a polygon pinwheel. This pattern consists of several polygons extending out from a center point. Your Rosmo can execute this by tracing several polygons consecutively and turning slightly between each new polygon. A pinwheel of 3 squares should look something like this:

.. image:: ![]( :width: 240

Programming this may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite simple. Every time you want to trace a piece of the pinwheel, you just need to call your polygon function from before and then turn your robot slightly. We can calculate the measure of this turn by dividing 360 degrees by the number of polygons we are tracing in order to keep even spacing between each polygon. Repeat this process as many times as there are polygons in the pinwheel, and your pattern will be finished!

.. tab-set::

.. tab-item:: Python

    .. code-block:: python

        from RosmoLib.defaults import *

        def pinwheel(sideLength, numSides, numShapes):
            for i in range(numShapes):
                polygon(sideLength, numSides)
                drivetrain.turn(360 / numShapes, 0.5)

.. tab-item:: Blockly

    .. image:: ![]( 
        :width: 450

Parking Challenge


Challenge Description

This challenge features a sequence of turns that the robot must perform in order to get to the “end” of the Labyrinth. The robot must first begin at the starting point, and get to the goal area by completing turning and forward movement behaviors.

Materials needed

  • White board or six 8.5”x11” sheets of paper (use scotch tape to tape the six sheets of paper together to form a 25.5”x22” rectangle. Turn it over and tape outside border to floor with blue masking tape.
  • Black electrical tape (you can substitute blue masking tape for this exercise)
  • Red electrical tape or red marker
  • Scissors (or cutting tool)
  • Ruler (or straightedge)

Project specifications

.. figure:: ![]( :width: 300 :align: center

Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy, Labyrinth Challenge 

The robot should do the following:

  • Begin fully contained in position 1 and then maneuver to goal area.
  • Reach and be fully contained within position 2 without crossing any black lines.