- add: Image.copy() method
- change: draw_image() add width/height parameters ( can copy image with scale)
- change: only create direct image buffer view when using floodfill()
- add: Image.scaled() method
- add: put_image()
- change: capture_screen()'s 3rd and 4th parameter to width and height
- add: more FillStyle consts
- fix: dialogs dosen't work in normal pyqt program
- change: contains_control() -> contains_ctrl()
- add: load_image() throw value error if the image file is not exist
- fix: get_mouse_msg() / get_char() / get_key() not quit correctly when the graphics window is closed
- add: set_antialiasing()
- add: contains_control()/contains_alt()/contains_shit()/contains_meta()
- change: get_mouse_message() now return a MouseMessage object
- change: get_key() now return a KeyMessage object
- change: use queue to store keyboard/mouse message
- remove: set_message_outdate_duration()
- change: now get_message() return 5 results instead of 4
- add: clear_mouse_msg(), clear_key_msg(), clear_char_msg()
- add: create_image_from_file()
- fix: processing not working
- fix: get_key() and has_kb_msg() not working
- add: set_message_outdate_duration()
- add: bezier_point and bezier_tangent functions
- add: curve_point and curve_tanget functions
- add more documents and examples
- fix: immediate mode not work
- fix: set_flip_y() dosen't work when reused after reset_transform()
- add easy_run mode
- now the easy_run mode is the preferred mode to run easygraphics. It can work under Linux, macOS and windows.
- fix: the drawing is not stopped immediately after the turtle window is closed()
- fix: dialog get_username_password() hangs.
- fix: dialog get_color() not work
- fix: dialog show_html()/show_code()/show_text() not work
- add: show_objects() now can show a DataFrame.
- add: enable_sorting parameter in show_objects()
- fix: crash when show_objects() called successively.
- dialogs will close the auto-started qapplication instance when exception raised.
- fix: show_objects() don't show non-primitive-type properties correctly
- change: get_open_file_name()/get_file_names()/get_save_file_name() now use native dialogs, to avoid crash on pyqt >= 5.11.3
- add: FileFilter const class, and filter parameter in get_open_file_name()/get_file_names()/get_save_file_name()
- add: get_open_file_name() to dialog package.
- fix: get_open_file_name()/get_file_names()/get_save_file_name() not work
- change: get_open_file_name()/get_file_names()/get_save_file_name() return filename(s), instead of tuple
- remove the y-flip setting in ortho_look_at(). If you want to flip y, use set_flip_y() instead
- add: ortho_look_at() function to map 3d point to 2d
- add: isometric_projection() function to map 3d point to 2d from 45degree view port
- add: press ctrl+shift+alt+F10 will create a snapshot of the graphics window.
- The snapshot is saved in the running folder.
- change: close turtle window will automatically close the animation of turtle moving.
- add: fps settings in easygraphics.processing module
- update: translations
- change: easygraphics.processing module now use functions in easygraphics modules to draw. (Remove duplication defines.)
- fix: hangs in inactive shell when init_graph again after close_graph()
- add: color_gray() function.
- change: change lines/polylines/polygon functions parameters
- add: curve() / draw_curve() to draw Catmull-Rom splines.
- add: curve_vertex() to define curve vertices.
- fix: crash when close_graph() and init_graph() again
- change: reimplement close_graph(), simplifies graphics window close event processing.
- add: add begin_shape()/vertex()/bezier_vertex()/quadratic_vertex()/end_shape() functions to easygraphics.
- add begin_recording()/add_record()/save_recording()/end_recording() to create animated png files.
- add ShapeMode consts
- add set_ellipse_mode() and set_rect_mode() to Image class
- add easygraphics.processing module
- fix: Image's save_settings()/restore_settings() now save most settings.
- update: ellipse_mode apply to arc/chord/pie shape drawings.
- add quadratic()/draw_quadratic() function to Image class and easygraphics.processing subpackage
- add begin_shape()/vertex()/bezier_vertex()/quadratic_vertex()/end_shape() function to Image class and easygraphics.processing subpackage
- change: bezier()/draw_bezier now use seperate coordinate values as paramter instead of list.
- add VertexType consts
- add: begin_shape() 's type parameter
- add: end_shape()'s close parameter
- fix: succesive dialog calls may crash the program
- add: fill_image() function to Image class
- fix: frame jumping because of errors in delay_jfps()
- fix: turtle icon position error when translated.
- fix: hangs when running in qtconsole and spyder
- add: show_lists_table() to display data lists in table
- add: get_transform()/set_transform()/push_transform()/pop_transform()
- change to BSD license
- fix: close graphics window when drawing in is_run() and delay_fps()/delay_jfps() loops not throw exception
- fix: successive dialog calls may crash program.
- fix: license description in readme
- fix: license description in setup.py
- change to MIT License
- add ImageWidget and TurtleWidget classes, to embed easygraphics in Qt Applications
- add: is_out_of_window() to check if the turtle is out of the graphics window
- redefine pause() in turtle
- redefine is_run() in turtle
- fix: default turtle speed
- change: meaning of the turtle's move_arc() function's parameters
- add: move_ellipse() function in easygraphics.turtle package
- fix package error in setup.py
- change turtle's default speed to 10
- add: move_arc() function to move turtle in arc
- add: set_fill_rule() / get_fill_rule() function, to control how the polygons are filled.
- add: FillRule consts
- Finish chinese translations for apis.
- fix: filling glitches in end_fill()
- Revert 0.9.11 's angle system change. Keep arc/pie/chord compatible with BGI.
- add show_image() function, to display drawings in the jupyter qtconsole or notebook.
- add show_image_dialog() function, to display a qimage in the dialog.
- fix: now arc/pie/chord drawing functions has the same angle system with rotate()
- add: easygraphics.turtle package which implements the turtle graphics.
- change: now rotate()/skew() can transform around any point
- change: now reflect() can using lines not passing the origin as the reflecting axis.
- add set_flip_y() to make y-axis grows bottom-up. (use reflect() will make texts get reflected too.)
- fix: legacy and music subpackage not packed in the binary distributions.
- fix: delay_fps() now work properly in Manual render mode
- finish chinese translations for tutorials
- add: load_image() to load image from files
- add: to_alpha() to make a transparently color
- change: use Source Over as the default composition mode (the same with Qt)
- more tutorials
- add: show_table() to display table infomation in a dialog
- change: rename mouse_msg() to has_mouse_msg()
- change: rename kb_hit() to has_kb_hit()
- change: rename get_mouse() to get_mouse_msg()
- change: rename kb_msg() to has_kb_msg()
- finish the tutorials.
- add: reflection (mirror/flip) and shear (skew) operations.
- add: headless mode support (no graphics window mode, use it to draw pictures)
- add: easygraphics.legacy package to better compatible with old BGI programs.
- add: get_click() function to get mouse click event
- change: background implementation to make set_background_color() work correctly
- add: now can use name ("red"), color string ("#ff0000), integer color rgb value (0xff0000)
- in set_color(), set_fill_color(), set_background_color() functions
- add: cymk() and hsv() to get CYMK and HSV format color
- more tutorials
- fix : Readme
- add: easygraphics functions can run in the interactive mode (eg. IPython) correctly
- add: dialogs (in easygraphics.dialog package, adopted from
- easygui_qt )
- add: create and save to/from file
- add image transforms (translate/rotate/scale)
- add view port support
- add sphinx docs
- upload docs to readthedocs.org
- add readme text
- add delay_fps() and rgb() functions
- add keyboard and mouse message check and handle
- add simple dialogs ( from EasyGUI-Qt (https://github.com/aroberge/easygui_qt) and qtutils (https://bitbucket.org/philipstarkey/qtutils))
- First release on github