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File metadata and controls

98 lines (75 loc) · 7.07 KB


The software architecture identifies the components of the program system and states the general rules to provide uniform use, collaboration and implementation of the components.

Typing Conventions

  • Any rules, conventions and decisons are assigned explicit unique references in the format [<letter>+.<digit>+]. They are referred in the source code and the other documents, using that reference. The letters indicate the document in which the referred statement is, like:

Overall Rules

[A1] modelant is implemented as a set interface components and their implementation components, published in the Maven Central repository, usable through Maven-compatible dependency management tools.

[A1.1] modelant provides a set of Maven plugins to generate the specific artifacts of another (target) project like:

  • a plugin to generate the domain classes
  • a plugin to generate POJO
  • a plugin to generate the persistence tier
  • a plugin to generate modelant JMI API component for a new metamodel

Then a script to generate the artifacts for a specific project should be a combination of plugins running in a common environment, provided by the common modelant core, utils, repository, API and loaded metamodel and model(s).

[A2] The Maven project for modelant sets dependencies between the project's modules. If the execution environment would be Maven through Maven plugins, they would use the same dependencies. Then, organize modelant as a set of plugins to call the contents of the dependencies behind the scenes, assuming that the separate Maven plugins will share the classpath and the dependent components in it.

[A3] In the long run the migration of modelant to Maven would be just a migration for itself. It does not bring better knowledge of the platforms - it is just another experience with IoC (Plexus) and dependency tracking and spending time in Maven's internals.

Note: Reading the documentation of Nexus I see that the OSGi platform is started as a separate process, so that any communication with it would require developing web services in OSGi and their client(s) in Maven. This seems to be a big leap to make. Thus, in order to have quickly the needed result, migrate modelant to Maven as plugins [A3].

[A4] Organize every module of modelant as Maven projects/modules with unified module names:

  • <module name> - the Maven project containing the module's artifacts, namely:
    • api (API) module only with:
      • api package, containing public API of the module:
        • the interfaces the actual module to implement
        • a Factory class:
          • named <Service Name>Factory
          • providing construct method(s), that use the idiom to load (and probably make Singleton or cache) an instance of the implementation (see below)
      • spi package, containing the interfaces of the services this module uses
        • a <Service Name>Setup interface:
          • any implementation of the module's service should implement it in order the <Service Name>Factory class to locate, instantiate and set up that service using the Java standard Service Loader mechanism.
          • The impl module provides the default implementation of the module's service(s), still allowing their lookup (as these implemengtations are an another .jar) and their replacement with external implementations
    • impl (implementation) module that:
      • implements the API interfaces
      • publishes the default implementations of the module's services, as of Java standard Service Loader mechanism:
        • for each implemented service interface
        • define a file src\resources\META-INF\services\<Service name>Setup
          • the contents of the file is the qualified name of the implementation class
          • this allows the ServiceLoader class (and the API's factory class) instantiate the concrete implementation
      • defines unit tests in test\java directory
    • maven (Maven implementation) module with sub-modules:
      • plugin - a general module that contains the MOJOs of the plugin
      • <explicit plugin name> - in case the general module plugin is not enough or special plugin setup is needed
      • archetype - a module defining a Maven archetype
    • test module that:
      • does black-box, integration testing of the module, its sub-modules and the other required modules (dependencies) through module's public interfaces
      • actually specifies the API and any of its implementations through executable tests NOTE: As the test suite for Maven plugins is a set of Maven projects and Maven provides specific means for that, the plugin integration tests are organized within the plugin project, following [C4.1].

[A5] Unit tests:

  • The module's unit tests are included in the module's project itself in test directory

[A6] The modules of modelant are either common or metamodel-specific ones. The metamodel-specific modules are named after the language they contain metamodel of.

[A7] <withdrawn>

[A8] The following is the structure of modelant 3.1.0 as tiers:

  • repository
  • core
  • template
  • mof14
  • uml13
  • uml14
  • conversion

[A9] modelant provides a common logic to the UML 1.4 metamodel + DI 1.0 (TODO: check!), as these are completed standards. Any other model for processing in modelant must pass a <metamodel>-to-UML 1.4 transformation.

[A10] The core module of modelant provides the model- and metamodel transformation mechanism.

[A11] Every metamodel supported in modelant:

  • employs the core module to set up a transformation from it to UML 1.4, as of [A9]
  • publishes the transformation as a Maven plugin, which could be employed to transform the model to UML 1.4 in a phase
    • after the model load and
    • before the model's processing

[A12] The root pom.xml uses:

  • <dependencyManagement> element to define the components' versions, so that the projects refer the dependencies just with group and artifact id
  • <pluginManagement> element to define the plugins' versions and setup parameters, so that the projects refer the locally used plugins just with group and artifact id and possibly override some parameters.