All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
7 changes
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.6.2 @renovate (#266)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.5.0 @renovate (#267)
- chore(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v19.5.0 @renovate (#268)
- chore(deps): bump dset from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 @dependabot (#269)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.30.0 @renovate (#264)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.4.0 @renovate (#265)
- chore(deps): update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v19.4.1 @renovate (#263)
**Full Changelog**:
12 changes
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.94.0 @renovate (#254)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 @renovate (#262)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v5.2.1 @renovate (#255)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.18.0 @renovate (#252)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.5.4 @renovate (#250)
- fix(deps): update dependency @graphql-tools/utils to v10.5.4 @renovate (#253)
- fix(deps): update dependency graphql to v16.9.0 @renovate (#251)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.16.1 @renovate (#260)
- chore(deps): bump micromatch from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8 @dependabot (#259)
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v9.1.5 @renovate (#256)
- chore(deps): update dependency html-loader to v5.1.0 @renovate (#257)
- chore(deps): update dependency @commitlint/cli to v19.4.0 @renovate (#258)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.27]( - 2024-06-21
7 changes
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.13.1 @renovate (#243)
- chore(deps): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 @dependabot (#249)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.14.7 @renovate (#244)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.3.2 @renovate (#245)
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.92.1 @renovate (#246)
- fix(deps): update dependency fastify to v4.28.0 @renovate (#247)
- chore(deps): bump ws from 8.16.0 to 8.17.1 @dependabot (#248)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.26]( - 2024-05-17
### What Changed 👀
- chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6.2.0 @renovate (#242)
- fix(deps): update dependency fastify to v4.27.0 @renovate (#239)
- fix(deps): update dependency mqemitter to v6 @renovate (#238)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.9.0 @renovate (#241)
Full Changelog:
8 changes
- fix(deps): update dependency @graphql-tools/utils to v10.2.0 @renovate (#236)
- chore(deps): update dependency @commitlint/cli to v19.3.0 @renovate (#235)
- fix(deps): update dependency ioredis to v5.4.1 @renovate (#234)
- chore(deps): update dependency dts-bundle-generator to v9.5.1 - autoclosed @renovate (#233)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.8.0 @renovate (#232)
- chore(deps): update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v19.2.2 @renovate (#231)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.6.0 @renovate (#230)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.5.0 @renovate (#228)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.24]( - 2024-04-04
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.12.2 @renovate (#227)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to ^0.25.0 @renovate (#226)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.4.0 @renovate (#225)
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.91.0 @renovate (#224)
Full Changelog:
- chore(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v19 @renovate (#215)
- fix(deps): update dependency @fastify/websocket to v10 @renovate (#223)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (major) @renovate (#222)
Full Changelog:
21 changes
- chore(deps): update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v6 @renovate (#221)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/readable-stream to v4 @renovate (#216)
- chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v22 - autoclosed @renovate (#220)
- chore(deps): update dependency html-loader to v5 @renovate (#217)
- chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6 @renovate (#219)
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v9 @renovate (#218)
- fix(deps): update dependency readable-stream to v4.5.2 @renovate (#214)
- fix(deps): update dependency @fastify/websocket to v8.3.1 @renovate (#211)
- fix(deps): update dependency @graphql-tools/utils to v10.1.2 @renovate (#212)
- fix(deps): update dependency fastify to v4.26.2 @renovate (#213)
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.90.3 @renovate (#210)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.57.0 @renovate (#204)
- chore(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v18.6.1 @renovate (#201)
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.11.30 @renovate (#202)
- chore(deps): update dependency dts-bundle-generator to v9.3.1 @renovate (#203)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v5.1.3 @renovate (#205)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to ^0.24.0 @renovate (#206)
- chore(deps): update dependency nodemon to v3.1.0 @renovate (#207)
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.2.5 @renovate (#208)
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.4.2 @renovate (#209)
- chore(deps): replace dependency npm-run-all with npm-run-all2 ^5.0.0 @renovate (#200)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.20]( - 2023-10-30
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 18.0.0 to 18.2.0 @dependabot (#185)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 18.0.0 to 18.1.0 @dependabot (#184)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.19]( - 2023-10-23
### What Changed 👀
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.8.0 to 18.0.0 @dependabot (#183)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.8.0 to 18.0.0 @dependabot (#182)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.51.0 to 8.52.0 @dependabot (#181)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0 @dependabot (#180)
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#179)
Full Changelog:
8 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.7.0 to 17.8.0 @dependabot (#175)
- chore(deps-dev): bump dts-bundle-generator from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 @dependabot (#177)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.23.0 to 4.24.2 @dependabot (#178)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.7.1 to 17.8.0 @dependabot (#176)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.88.0 to 5.89.0 @dependabot (#174)
- chore(deps-dev): bump ts-loader from 9.4.2 to 9.5.0 @dependabot (#173)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.50.0 to 8.51.0 @dependabot (#172)
- chore(deps): bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 4 to 5 @dependabot (#171)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.17]( - 2023-10-08
### What Changed 👀
- fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities @rpvsilva (#167)
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
6 changes
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 11.1.2 to 11.2.0 @dependabot (#170)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.49.0 to 8.50.0 @dependabot (#169)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 11.0.1 to 11.1.2 @dependabot (#168)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.22.0 to 4.23.0 @dependabot (#166)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.48.0 to 8.49.0 @dependabot (#165)
- chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#164)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.16]( - 2023-08-29
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
7 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.46.0 to 8.48.0 @dependabot (#161)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0 @dependabot (#163)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.21.0 to 4.22.0 @dependabot (#162)
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.1.3 to 5.2.2 @dependabot (#160)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.6.1 to 17.7.1 @dependabot (#159)
- chore(deps): bump graphql from 16.7.1 to 16.8.0 @dependabot (#158)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.6.1 to 17.7.0 @dependabot (#157)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.15]( - 2023-08-14
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.9.0 to 9.0.0 @dependabot (#155)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 @dependabot (#154)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.14]( - 2023-07-31
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
6 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.8.0 to 8.9.0 @dependabot (#153)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.27.5 to 2.28.0 @dependabot (#150)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.45.0 to 8.46.0 @dependabot (#152)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.20.0 to 4.21.0 @dependabot (#151)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.44.0 to 8.45.0 @dependabot (#149)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.19.2 to 4.20.0 @dependabot (#148)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.13]( - 2023-07-13
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
6 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump prettier from 2.8.4 to 3.0.0 @dependabot (#142)
- chore(deps): bump @fastify/websocket from 8.1.0 to 8.2.0 @dependabot (#147)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.61.0 to 5.62.0 @dependabot (#144)
- chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 @dependabot (#146)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.61.0 to 5.62.0 @dependabot (#143)
- chore(deps-dev): bump nodemon from 2.0.21 to 3.0.1 @dependabot (#145)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.12]( - 2023-07-03
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.60.1 to 5.61.0 @dependabot (#137)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.18.0 to 4.19.2 @dependabot (#136)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.60.1 to 5.61.0 @dependabot (#135)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.43.0 to 8.44.0 @dependabot (#138)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.11]( - 2023-06-26
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
10 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.1 to 5.60.1 @dependabot (#131)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.1 to 5.60.1 @dependabot (#132)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.86.0 to 5.88.0 @dependabot (#133)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.42.0 to 8.43.0 @dependabot (#130)
- chore(deps): bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.7.1 @dependabot (#134)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.17.0 to 4.18.0 @dependabot (#125)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.85.1 to 5.86.0 @dependabot (#126)
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.0.3 to 5.1.3 @dependabot (#124)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.41.0 to 8.42.0 @dependabot (#123)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.84.1 to 5.85.1 @dependabot (#122)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.10]( - 2023-05-30
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.83.0 to 5.84.1 @dependabot (#121)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.9]( - 2023-05-23
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
9 changes
- chore(deps): bump @graphql-tools/utils from 9.2.1 to 10.0.0 @dependabot (#120)
- chore(deps): bump @graphql-tools/schema from 9.0.17 to 10.0.0 @dependabot (#119)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.40.0 to 8.41.0 @dependabot (#118)
- chore(deps): bump @fastify/websocket from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 @dependabot (#117)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.82.0 to 5.83.0 @dependabot (#116)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.81.0 to 5.82.0 @dependabot (#115)
- chore(deps): bump readable-stream from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 @dependabot (#114)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.39.0 to 8.40.0 @dependabot (#113)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-cli from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0 @dependabot (#112)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.8]( - 2023-05-03
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps): bump @fastify/websocket from 7.2.0 to 8.0.0 @dependabot (#108)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.38.0 to 8.39.0 @dependabot (#109)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.80.0 to 5.81.0 @dependabot (#110)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.15.0 to 4.17.0 @dependabot (#111)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.7]( - 2023-04-26
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
10 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.58.0 to 5.59.1 @dependabot (#105)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.78.0 to 5.80.0 @dependabot (#107)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.4.4 to 17.6.1 @dependabot (#102)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.58.0 to 5.59.1 @dependabot (#106)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.5.0 to 17.6.1 @dependabot (#103)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.37.0 to 8.38.0 @dependabot (#98)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.57.0 to 5.58.0 @dependabot (#96)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.77.0 to 5.78.0 @dependabot (#99)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.57.0 to 5.58.0 @dependabot (#97)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 10.4.1 to 11.0.0 @dependabot (#95)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.6]( - 2023-04-03
### What Changed 👀
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.14.1 to 4.15.0 @dependabot (#79)
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
14 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.36.0 to 8.37.0 @dependabot (#89)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 10.3.0 to 10.4.1 @dependabot (#93)
- chore(deps-dev): bump dts-bundle-generator from 7.2.0 to 8.0.0 @dependabot (#90)
- chore(deps): bump @fastify/websocket from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#91)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.76.1 to 5.77.0 @dependabot (#94)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.56.0 to 5.57.0 @dependabot (#86)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.4.4 to 17.5.0 @dependabot (#88)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 10.2.2 to 10.3.0 @dependabot (#87)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.56.0 to 5.57.0 @dependabot (#85)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.55.0 to 5.56.0 @dependabot (#83)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.7.0 to 8.8.0 @dependabot (#84)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.55.0 to 5.56.0 @dependabot (#81)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 @dependabot (#80)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 10.1.0 to 10.2.2 @dependabot (#78)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.5]( - 2023-03-13
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
10 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.54.1 to 5.55.0 @dependabot (#77)
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.1 @dependabot (#76)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.54.1 to 5.55.0 @dependabot (#75)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.35.0 to 8.36.0 @dependabot (#74)
- chore(deps): bump tiny-lru from 10.0.1 to 10.1.0 @dependabot (#73)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.34.0 to 8.35.0 @dependabot (#71)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.53.0 to 5.54.1 @dependabot (#69)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.6.0 to 8.7.0 @dependabot (#72)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.53.0 to 5.54.1 @dependabot (#70)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.13.0 to 4.14.1 @dependabot (#68)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.4]( - 2023-03-02
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
6 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.52.0 to 5.53.0 @dependabot (#67)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.52.0 to 5.53.0 @dependabot (#66)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.51.0 to 5.52.0 @dependabot (#64)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.51.0 to 5.52.0 @dependabot (#63)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.33.0 to 8.34.0 @dependabot (#62)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 @dependabot (#65)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.3]( - 2023-02-09
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
7 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.49.0 to 5.51.0 @dependabot (#61)
- chore(deps): bump @graphql-tools/utils from 9.1.1 to 9.2.1 @dependabot (#60)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.49.0 to 5.51.0 @dependabot (#59)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.32.0 to 8.33.0 @dependabot (#58)
- chore(deps): bump graphql-jit from 0.7.4 to 0.8.0 @dependabot (#57)
- chore(deps-dev): bump dts-bundle-generator from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 @dependabot (#56)
- chore(deps): bump ioredis from 5.2.4 to 5.3.0 @dependabot (#55)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.2]( - 2023-01-29
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
9 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.48.0 to 5.49.0 @dependabot (#54)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.11.0 to 4.12.0 @dependabot (#53)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.48.0 to 5.49.0 @dependabot (#52)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 @dependabot (#51)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.26.0 to 2.27.5 @dependabot (#50)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.31.0 to 8.32.0 @dependabot (#49)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/config-conventional from 17.3.0 to 17.4.0 @dependabot (#46)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 17.3.0 to 17.4.1 @dependabot (#47)
- chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 @dependabot (#48)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.1]( - 2023-01-02
### What Changed 👀
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
9 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.47.0 to 5.48.0 @dependabot (#43)
- chore(deps): bump readable-stream from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 @dependabot (#41)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.30.0 to 8.31.0 @dependabot (#40)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.47.0 to 5.48.0 @dependabot (#42)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.5.0 to 8.6.0 @dependabot (#44)
- chore(deps): bump fastify from 4.10.2 to 4.11.0 @dependabot (#45)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.45.1 to 5.47.0 @dependabot (#37)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.29.0 to 8.30.0 @dependabot (#38)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.45.1 to 5.47.0 @dependabot (#39)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.4.0]( - 2022-12-13
### What Changed 👀
### 🚀 Features
- feat: implement subscriptions @rpvsilva (#35)
### ⚠️ Changes
- chore(ci): migrate npm to yarn @rpvsilva (#36)
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.45.0 to 5.46.1 @dependabot (#33)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.45.0 to 5.46.1 @dependabot (#34)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint from 8.28.0 to 8.29.0 @dependabot (#32)
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 @dependabot (#31)
**Full Changelog**:
## [v1.3.3]( - 2022-12-02
### What Changed 👀
- chore(ci): add token to on release workflow @rpvsilva (#30)
- chore: add changelog file @rpvsilva (#28)
- refactor: unnecessary reply usage @pkulcsarnr (#18)
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix(cache): added operationName to cacheKey @rpvsilva (#27)
### 🧩 Dependency Updates
6 changes
- chore(deps): bump amannn/action-semantic-pull-request from 4 to 5 @dependabot (#21)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.44.0 to 5.45.0 @dependabot (#23)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @types/ioredis from 4.28.10 to 5.0.0 @dependabot (#25)
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.44.0 to 5.45.0 @dependabot (#24)
- chore(deps-dev): bump prettier from 2.7.1 to 2.8.0 @dependabot (#22)
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#20)
**Full Changelog**: