- Fix error when subscribing / unsubscribing to email
- Clearer error message when adding a website
- Add User, Project and Group static classes to front end (refactor)
- Add checks for website owner update
- Fix error in 'projects' tab from user page
- increase size of input field in users page
- add a readonly input field under email for showing the email domain*
- Add "custom_users" key to config file, to be used with various scripts
- Add "project managers" that can request admins to add/remove project members
- Check that user being removed is not owner or last member of a project
- Add email sent to a project owner when their project is activated
- Separate global overview from individual group view in admin group management
- Allow accents in user's first and last names
- Fix 'Admin' button in 'My projects' page for administrators
- Set expiration_notif = 0 when manually expiring a user
- Restrict '/user' route results when passing 'short=true' as a get param
- Add list of user DBs back to user page
- Remove mel from abims templates
Password enhancement
- Add an eye for visible/hidden on the password field in login/profile page
- Disable "update password" button until both fields are entered on profile page
- Centered input fields
- Added dynamic rules requirements in order for user to know what to add to his password
- Password rules is 12 char, with 1 spec char, 1 digit and no spaces
- Updated generated password via generate-password to 12 when account activated
- Updated also db user password generated to 12
- Added a red cross/green tick in the input for passwork and password confirmation
Added a
setting in the config: If true: "Ask Admin" button to submit project creation form became available after 'project name' and 'expiration date' are filled, 'project description' is at least 30 char and a checkbox appears and 'terms and conditions hds' should also be checked If false: "Ask Admin" button to submit project creation form became available after 'project name' and 'expiration date' are filled, 'project description' is at least 30 char, no consent checkbox -
Add 'End date' to the project request page
Set 'description' as a required field in the project request page and set a minimal length of 30 char
Add a link to user profile on admin panels -> projects pending table
Add 'Extend' button for admins to extend active TPs
Add checks to user registration form, the user information update form and the TP reservation form
Add back button from single project view
Updated TP calendar to increase readability
Fix newly created group selection bug
Update admin project creation UI: disappearing buttons and add "undo selection" button
Actually show angular errors in web console when not in production and sentry is not set
Fix owner change for databases and websites
- Various security PR merged
- Add ordering to most admin tables
- Add user registration date to the 'Pending admin approval' and 'Pending email approval' table, and remove user ID
- Updated buttons to make them more visible
- Allow group creation on the user page
- Set group owner as 'optional'
- Allow otp removal for users and admins
- Allow user expiration without sending a mail for gomail
- Allow admin 'unlock' of a locked (3 time wrong login) account
- Fix tag creation crash
- Allow a pending project edition without validating it.
- Add optional description to group
- Fix security check for user identity when making API calls
- Fix ldap sync
- Use genouest quay.io repo as base images
- Fix case where user is not found when uploading ssh key
- Allow optional feedback for user creation options (see PR #406)
- fix user removal for gomail
- prefix training groups with tp_ and use config mail_template to define training accounts email
- user lock:
- if config.general.bansec===0 then skip lock
- manage login lock via redis and add bin/my-accounts.js unlock userid command
- set min len for database name length
- [docker] change order of commands
- on renew by admin or user, reset expiration_notif
- add listmonk mailer support
- upgrade jsonwebtoken to v9 to fix CVE https://cve.report/CVE-2022-23540